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P. 191
yt! = that which; AÖEtm! = non-duality; ïutm! = declared in Shruti; s&òe> àakœ = before creation;
tt! = that; @v = alone; A* = today; c %pir = and in future; mu´aE = in liberation; Aip = also;
v&wa = in vain; maya = Maya; æamyit = deludes; Aiolan! = all; jnan! = people.
238. That non-duality which is declared in Shruti, that alone existed before creation, exists today,
and will continue to exist in future and in liberation also. Maya deludes all the people in vain.
Chāndogya Up. 6.2.1 – 6.2.2
ye vdNtITwmete=ip æaMyNte iv*yaÇ ikm!,
n ywa pUvRmete;amÇ æaNterdzRnat!. 239.
ye vadantétthamete'pi bhrämyante vidyayätra kim |
na yathä pürvameteñämatra bhränteradarçanät || 239||
ye = those who; vdiNt = say; #Twm! = so; @te = they; Aip = also; æaMyNte = get deluded; iv*ya
= of knowledge; AÇ ikm! = then what (is the use); n = not; ywa pUvRm! = as before; @te;am! = of
these; AÇ = here; æaNte> = (in) delusion; AdzRnat! = not seen.
239. (Doubt): Those who know so and say so they also seem to get deluded here, then what is the
use of studying this knowledge? (Reply): No, they are not seen in delusion as before.
@eihkamui:mk> svR> s<sarae vaStvStt>,
n Éait naiSt caÖEtimTy}ainiviníy>. 240.
aihikämuñmikaù sarvaù saàsäro västavastataù |
na bhäti nästi cädvaitamityajïäniviniçcayaù || 240||
@eihk-Amui:mk> = worldly and heavenly; svR> = all; s<sar> = experience of happiness and grief;
vaStv> = real; tt> = therefore; n Éait = not seen; n AiSt c = and does not exist; AÖEtm! = non-
duality; #it = thus (that); A}ain-iviníy> = ignorant's conviction.
240. The ignorant think that the worldly and heavenly experience of happiness and grief is real.
Therefore, the ignorant's conviction is that neither non-duality is seen nor it exists.
}ainna< ivprItae=SmaiÚíy> sMygIúyte,
Sandeepany Sadhanalaya 96