Page 83 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 83

c02demandandsupplyanalysis.qxd  6/14/10  1:39 PM  Page 57

                                                      2.5 BACK-OF-THE-ENVELOPE CALCULATIONS                      57

                          Price (milions of dollars per airplane)  1.25       FIGURE 2.19   Short-Run and Long-Run

                                                                              Demand Curves for Commercial Aircraft
                                                                              An increase in the price of a commercial
                                                                              aircraft from $1 million to $1.25 million per
                                                                              airplane is likely to reduce the long-run rate
                                                                              of demand only modestly, from 400 to 360
                                                                              aircraft per year, as illustrated by the long-run
                                                                              demand curve. However, in the short run
                                                                              (e.g., the first year after the price increase),
                                                                              the rate of demand will fall more dramatically,
                                                                              from 400 aircraft per year to just 180 aircraft
                                                                              per year, as shown by the short-run demand
                                                  Long-run      Short-run     curve. Eventually, though, as existing aircraft
                                                  demand curve  demand curve  wear out, the rate of demand will rise to the
                               0    180 360  400                              long-run level (360 aircraft per year), corre-
                                             Quantity (airplanes per year)    sponding to the new price of $1.25 million
                                                                              per airplane.

                      while demand for new commercial aircraft in the long run might be relatively price
                      inelastic, in the short run (within 2 or 3 years of the price change), demand would be
                      relatively more elastic. Figure 2.19 shows this possibility. The steeper demand curve
                      corresponds to the long-run effect of the price increase in the total size of aircraft
                      fleets worldwide; the flatter demand curve shows the effect of the price increase on
                      orders for new aircraft in the first year after the price increase.
                         For some goods, long-run market supply can be less elastic than short-run market
                      supply. This is especially likely to be the case for goods that can be recycled and resold
                      in the secondary market (i.e., the market for used or recycled goods). For example, in
                      the short run an increase in the price of aluminum would elicit an increased supply
                      from two sources: additional new aluminum and recycled aluminum made from scrap.
                      However, in the long run, the stock of scrap aluminum will diminish, and the increase
                      in quantity supplied induced by the increased price will mainly come from the produc-
                      tion of new aluminum.

                      So where do demand curves come from, and how do you derive the equation of a  2.5
                      demand function for a real product in a real market? One approach to determining  BACK-OF-THE-
                      demand curves  involves collecting data on the quantity of a good purchased in a
                      market, the prices of that good, and other possible determinants of that good’s demand  ENVELOPE
                      and then applying statistical methods to estimate an equation for the demand function  CALCULATIONS
                      that best fits the data. This broad approach is data-intensive: the analyst has to collect
                      enough data on quantities, prices, and other demand drivers, so that the resulting sta-
                      tistical estimates are sensible. However, analysts often lack the resources to collect
                      enough data for a sophisticated statistical analysis, so they need some techniques that
                      allow them, in a conceptually correct way, to infer the shape or the equation of a de-
                      mand curve from fragmentary information about prices, quantities, and elasticities.
                      These techniques are called  back-of-the-envelope calculations because they are simple
                      enough to do on the back of an envelope.
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