Page 106 - ISCI’2017
P. 106

               In accordance with the  law of  large  numbers, when increases, the probability of  finding the
            displaced points outside the sphere with the radius  r +ε  n   tends to zero (ε – an arbitrary small
            value). Spheres of uncertainty become more delineated. Shannon compares them with regular billiard

            balls [2,6,8]. Since the signals of codewords and noise do not depend on each other, the total radius
            of hyper spherical space, which contains  m  spheres of uncertainty, is characterized by the radius and


                                                r SN+  ≈  ( nS N+  ,  )                                  (28)

                                                     π                  n
                                         V SN+  ≈  Γ  (n2 1+  ) (  ( nS N+  ))  .                        (29)

            With  n → ∞    and  ε  n →  0    we can determine the  maximum amount of non-overlapping spheres,

            which can be packed in the volume  V  SN+  , in such a way that there is practically no empty space

            between them:

                                                     SN    n    SN    2FT
                                  m =   V SN  V =      N     =    N      .                               (30)
            Let’s recall that, if codewords are constructed in accordance with the rules (24) or (25), 2FT = n – the
            dimension of geometrical code space. Finding the logarithm (30) and averaging over the time T gives
            the maximum achievable code rate,  or (according to the modern information theory)  –  channel

                                                     1                 SN   +
                                                C =    log m =  F log        .                         (31)
                                                     T                 N 
               The results of (20) and (31) are the same apparently; allegedly it confirms the definition of  C as

            the maximum achievable information rate in a channel with an additive noise and arbitrarily small

            unreliability. However, it should be noted, that according to the logic of the formulae derivation (31),
            (and of the quote discussed above as well), the value C is the limit rate of the best code, when the

            Maximum Likelihood Rule is used in decoding. If this was not true, and the receiver would not need
            to store samples of the signal realization segments in its memory in order to use them in the MLR

            comparisons (as it is described in the above quote from [2]) and when NS>  , it would be sufficient

            to switch to the noise receiving (would there be any difference which of these two processes could be
            reliably distinguished from their mix?), in order to compensate the noise in the output mixture of the

            channel. We can refer to [8] or other works, which consider the physical and mathematical meaning

            of capacity, and see, that the value C, in the theorems proved by the author, is strictly an upper limit
            of rates for the codes in the Gaussian channel when the MLR is used, but not for the Gaussian channel

            itself, transmission and signal processing  method notwithstanding. In the prevailing views on
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