Page 107 - ISCI’2017
P. 107
information theory there is no difference between these two concepts, because in the scheme of ITS,
introduced by Shannon [2], the channel’s encoder and decoder are present by default. The possibility
to build an effective ITS, which does not use coding, is not considered at all! This contradicts the
practical observation, noted in the introduction, that the error-correction codes are hardly used in the
systems where mistakes are not allowed. To answer the question: what the value C denotes: just the
upper limit rate of information transmission over a channel with additive noise or the upper limit
data transmission rate over the channel when the MLR is used for encoding and decoding
(unreliability is arbitrarily low in any case), let’s turn to the analysis of mathematical and logical
correctness of the reasoning used in the derivation of the formulas (20) and (31). For an objective
analysis we need to change the conditions for which the formulas (20) and (31) have been obtained,
i.e. consider the channel models different from the Gaussian one.