Page 112 - ISCI’2017
P. 112

discontinuous (piecewise-linear) function. Therefore, these characteristics have been calculated by a

            statistical  model. The results of the analytical  and statistical research of the characteristics of
            uncertainty spheres for a normal and uniform distribution of the noise coordinates are illustrated in

            Fig. 4-6. The results are expectable due to the law of large numbers. Fig. 4 shows the "virtual" cross-
            sections by the plane of the multidimensional picture of the displacement points for a normal (left)

            and uniform (right) distribution of noise coordinates, and calculated for three different values of space
            dimension at the number of tests equal 10 . The  images of the cross-sections of the spheres are
            obtained under the even noise power (equals 1) and are normalized per space dimension  for

            convenient comparison.

                           Fig. 4 – The projections of the normalized distributions of the vectors of

                                          Gaussian and uniform noise on the plane

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