Page 46 - ISCI’2017
P. 46

1 General provisions of the algebraic theory of block codes used to describe the theoretical

            and code schemes

            Let us introduce new terms and definitions of the algebraic coding theory [38-40] used in further at a
            consideration of the asymmetric code cryptosystems (theoretical-code schemes),  includes the

            algorithms of formation and checking of the electronic digital signature (EDS).
               Will  fix the  finite field  GF(q)  and will consider a vector space  Vn  as a set  n-sequences with

            elements from GF(q) with a component wise addition and multiplication to a scalar.

               Linear (n, k, d)-code Vk over the field GF(q) is a subspace into Vn, i.e. non-empty set of n-sequences
            (code words) with elements from GF(q), where k is a dimension of the linear space, d is the minimal

            Hamming weight (number of nonzero elements) wh(c) of a random non-zero code word c of the code

                                                    d =  min w    (c ) .
                                                        ∀ c∈ V k  ,c≠ 0  h
               Based on a linearity of subspace Vk a set of weights of different non-zero code words matches with
            a set of Hamming distances  among different code words, i.e. a value  d  also calls the  minimal

            Hamming code distances of the code Vk. The value R = k / n calls the relative code rate, and the value

            δ = d / n calls the relative minimal code distance.
               The main problem of the redundant coding theory has been formulated firstly in K. Shannon’s

            publication [41]: will find codes with the with a high relative rate R and with a high minimal distance
            d. This problem follows from the follow theorem.

               Theorem  1  [41].  Let  С(P0)  is a bandwidth of the discrete symmetric  channel with the error

            probability P0. Then for any ε > 0, if R < С(P0) and n is sufficiently large, (n, k, d)-code exists with

            relative rate k / n ≥ R, the error probability of which is equal to Perror < ε.
               This theorem is proved by the probabilistic methods and doesn’t give to us any mechanism to

            building of codes with the high R and δ. The following evaluation (the Gilbert–Varshamov bound) is

            valid for linear block codes.
               Theorem 2 [40]. If the following equality is performed

                                                         d −2
                                                  q n −k  ≥  ∑ C n i −1 ( −1 ,                                                          (1)
                                                         i =0
            then the linear (n, k, d)-code on the field GF(q) exists.
            In practice, the asymptotic boundaries often use that give a representation about the limited code
            characteristics at the indefinitely high code length. Logarithm of the expression (1), then we obtain

                                               n − k  ≥ log q   ∑ C i n −1 ( −1q  )  .
                                                           =0i          
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