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- code polynomial  (xc  ) = c 0 x 0  + xc 1  1  + ...+ c n − 1 x n − 1   (corresponds to the vector c);

            - error polynomial  (xe  ) = e 0 x 0  + xe 1  1  + ...+ e n − 1 x n − 1  (corresponds to the vector e);

                                                                  ... c
            - code polynomial with errors  *( )c  x =  c * x + c * x ++  * n− 1  x n− 1  (corresponds to the vector c );
            - syndrome polynomial  (xs  ) = s 0 x 0  + xs 1  1  + ...+ s n −k − 1 x n −k  − 1  (corresponds to the vector s).
               We define, for example, with the help of the radicals  X X 1 ,..., X nk  1 ∈ GF (q m ) , reduced non-
            zero polynomial  (x  ) = ( − Xx  0 )( − Xx  1 )...( − Xx  n −k  1 −  )  of a degree r = n – k and the coding rule
                                                   c (x ) i=  (x )g (x ),                                                                 (8)
            which is an analog of polynomial expressions (3).

               Polynomial g(x) by analogy with the matrix G call generative, and the corresponding to its matrix
            G can be cyclically obtained by interlaced shifted record of coefficients of the polynomial g(x) [38-

            40]. Linear block codes defined so call cyclical, because a utensil of any cyclically shifted sequence

            (that interpreted as a polynomial  x c ()x , i∈ 0,1,...,nk  1 with the operations in a ring in modulus
            binomial x  – 1) also follows from a utensil to the space Vk of a sequence c (and the corresponding
            polynomial c(x)).

               Polynomial g(x) in a general case defined over the GF(q ) and then the code polynomials c(x) also
            will  be to define over  the  extended field  GF(q ). However, in a case, when all  radicals
             X 0 , X 1 ,..., X  nk−− 1 ∈ GF (q m ) are all radicals of some  set of  minimal polynomials of the elements

            GF(q ), then the generating polynomial g(x) always will be to have the coefficients from the subfield
            GF(q), at that:

                                                                       
                                                         . . .
                                                gx     Н ОК       f i () x ,
                                                  () =
                                                                i      
            where the variable i runs through all classes of conjugate elements of the field GF(q ),  ()fx  is a
            minimal polynomial of the element α ∈   GF (q m ), α is a primitive element,  Н .. .ОК is least common
               The value of the polynomial in its radical is equal to zero, i.e. for all  X  ∈ {X  , X  ,..., X  } we
                                                                                     j     0  1     n −k − 1
            have the equality

                                           c (X  j ) = c 0 X  0 j  + Xc 1  1 j  + ...+ c n − 1 X  n j  − 1 ,

            which corresponds to recording in matrix form:

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