Page 55 - ISCI’2017
P. 55

increase by 2 symbols with the help of modification code procedures). With the help of a restriction

            to the subfield GF(q) can obtain a large length n-code at the fixed q, but the (n, k, d)-code parameters
            are lying significantly below code borders (1) and (2), and this tendency increases at an increasing of

            n- length. Nevertheless, some algebraic code classes are exist, which are lying above code borders
            (1) and (2).

                  Definition 1 [38-40]. Let Х = (Х0, Х1, …, Хn-1) vector over the field GF(q ), at that all Хi –
            different elements  GF(q ). Let  also  B = (B0, B1, …,  Bn-1)  is  a  vector over the  field  GF(q ) with
            optional and different Bi elements of the field GF(q ). Then (n, k, d) generalized Reed-Solomon code
            ОРСk(Х, h) consists from all vectors of kind
                                           (B0∙F(Х0), B1∙F(Х1), …, Bn-1∙F(Хn-1)),

            where F(x) is any polynomial with the coefficients from the field GF(q ), a degree of which does not
            exceed k. ОРС-code is MDS-code, its validation matrix ОРСk(Х, h) is equal:

                                              Y 0         Y 1    ...     Y n− 1  
                                                                 ...            
                                             XY ⋅  1  0  X Y ⋅  2  1  X n−  1  Y ⋅  n−  1  
                                      H =    X ⋅  2  Y  X ⋅  2  Y  ...  X  2  Y ⋅    =
                                              1   0       2  1          n−  1  n−  1  
                                              ...         ...    ...      ...   
                                             nk  1      nk  1          nk  1    
                                             X 1  Y ⋅  0  X  2  Y ⋅  1  ... X n−  1  Y ⋅  n−  1                                (15)
                                         1       1     ...    1    Y 0  0 ...   0 
                                         X       X     ...  X      0   Y   ...  0  
                                          1        2          n− 1      1         
                                     =   X  2    X  2  ...  X  2   ⋅  0  0 ...  0  ,
                                          1       2           n− 1                
                                         ...     ...   ...   ...   ... ... ...  ...  
                                         nk  1   nk  1       nk  1                
                                         X 1   X 2     ... X n− 1   0  0 ... Y  n− 1 
            where a  vector  Y = (Y0, Y1, …, Yn-1)  such that  ∀Yi ∈ GF(q ),  Yi ≠ 0  and  ОРСn-k(Х, Y)  is dual to
            ОРСk(Х, B).
                  Via definition ОРС let us introduce an extensive class the so-called alternantive codes [38-40].

                  Definition  2  [38-40].  Alternantive  (n, k, d)-code  A(X, B)  consists of all the code words
            ОРСk(Х, B) such that their components are lying if the field GF(q). In other words, A(X, B) equals a

            restriction of the code ОРСk(Х, B) to the subfield GF(q), i.e. its consists of all vectors c over GF(q),

            for which the expression  сH T  =  0 is executed, where H is the validation matrix ОРСk(Х, B), defined
            by the equation (15). Generating matrix A(X, B) can be obtained by replacing of each element of the

            matrix H in (15) by the corresponding column-vector of length m over GF(q).

                  Code parameters A(X, B) related by the  formula: n – mr ≤ k ≤ n – r; d ≥ r + 1, at that it was
            proved [38-40], that among a large number of alternantive possible codes at fixed n and k be found

            such codes, parameters of which are lying above code boundaries (1) and (2). One of the special cases

            A(X, B) are Goppa codes [42, 43].

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