Page 60 - ISCI’2017
P. 60

Among universal decoding  methods  of the  linear block codes, which specified by  random

            generating matrix, special place is occupied the permutation algorithms [38-40]. The main idea of
            this decoding is using of different sets of the information multiplicities. Let the generating matrix (19)

            represents as canonical kind (4). Single vector-columns in the expression (4) can be selected randomly
            with a corresponding formation of single submatrices and systematic placement of k symbols of the

            information set. The last (n – k) symbols uniquely calculated by the elements of the information set.
            Positions of these (n – k) symbols set of a placement for single vector-columns corresponding to the

            validation matrix H  (6). If will select a placement (n – k) single vector-columns in the expression (6)
            such that they covered all t positions non-zero elements of the error vector e, then the code word
            calculating by k symbols of the information set, does not consists errors, i.e. the word (19) can be

            decoded even without knowledge about special algebraic scheme of the generating (validation) matrix
            of used algebraic code.

                  Thus,  particular combination of errors will  be corrected  when implementing  of resettable
            decoding, only if the information set, which wholly contains this combination, can be founded. This

            set, which is an errors roofing combination, and a validation set, which cover all sets of this type of

            error, is called a coating [38]. Decoding task is a task of searching of the validation set, which cover
            unknown errors combination. Let us consider boundaries for the number of sets of roofing. Assume

            that by means of (n, k, d)-code, all combinations from t or a smaller number errors can be corrected.

            Let us consider a combination only from t multiple errors, because all errors of smaller multiplicity
                                                                                             ! n
            will be covered. Common number of errors in all n positions is equal to С =  t  ( ! n − t )! . Because a
            volume of the roofing set is equal to (n – k), then the max number of error combinations, which can

                                                      (n − k )!
            be covered by this set, is equal toС t  =           . The lowest number of sets, which cam correct
                                              n− k  t  ( ! n − k − t )!

            all combinations from t errors, is limited by the following expression [38]:

                                                          ! n
                                              C t     t  ( ! n − t )!  n  ( ! n − k  t −  )!
                                         N ≥    n  =             =               .                                       (20)
                                             C n− k    (n −  k )!  (n − t )! (n − k )!
                                                    t  ( ! n − k  t −  )!
                  Dependences of the  lowest number of roofing sets, which  is needed  for a correction of all

            combinations from t errors of random linear block code, is shown in Fig. 1. Estimations N is presented

            by logarithmic scale  depending on the relative  speed encoding  R = k / n  and its  calculated for
            parameters of the separable the binary Goppa codes: n = 2 , k ≥ n – mr, r = deg G(x), d ≥ 2r + 1.

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