Page 58 - ISCI’2017
P. 58

2 Asymmetric cryptosystems based on the algebraic block codes (theoretical and code


            Let us consider the schemes of asymmetric cryptographic transformation, the construction of which
            is based on the use of the algebraic codes disguised as general position code (random code, full code)

            [15-22]. Let us consider current state of the existing contradictions and prospects of their practical
            usage including in the postquantum period.

                  McEliece cryptosystem. The first and the most studied asymmetric encryption scheme, based

            on the use of algebraic  block codes  is  proposed in  1978  the  McEliece cryptosystem  [15].  It has
            undeniable advantages: a high-speed cryptographic transformation, as well as the ability to combine

            error checking with protection against unauthorized familiarization [15-22]. In  addition,  similar
            (crypto code) transformations remain steadfast, even in the case of using of quantum computing [28].

                  Open key in the McEliece scheme is a matrix

                                                     G =   XGPD ,                                                               (18)
            where  G  is generating matrix of algebraic (n, k, d)-code over GF(q) (in original manuscript [15]
            proposed to use considered above the binary Goppa code),  X  is non-degenerate (k × k)-matrix with

            the elements from GF(q), P and D are permutation and diagonal (n × n)-matrices (matrix P is used

            only for binary codes).
                  Matrices X, P and D are a secret key, which masks used algebraic block code under the random

            code (general position code), i.e. the open key GX will represent to an attacker as a randomly formed
            generating matrix of a linear code for which an algorithm of fast decoding  is not known. On the

            contrary, the authorized user who knows the secret key (matrices X, P and D), can remove the masking
            effect of matrices and take advantage a fast algorithm  for decoding of the algebraic  code with a

            generating matrix G.

                  The cryptogram is a vector of length  n , which is calculated according to the rule

                                                     с =   IG +  e ,                                                               (19)
            where a vector
                                                        с =  IG
            is a code word of masked code, i.e. cx belongs to (n, k, d)-code with the generating matrix GX, I is k-
            ary information vector over GF(q), vector e is a secret vector of an error weight

                                                               −1  
                                                   w h (e )  ≤ t  =    2    .

                  Vector  e  should be considered as  a one-time session secret key,  its weight  determines the
            complexity of decoding  of the distorted code word (cryptogram)  c x.  An attacker would  need to
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