Page 54 - ISCI’2017
P. 54

                  After error’s localization – finding of the error locators Хj, error values in j  symbol will need
            to calculate, i.e. will calculate the elements of a vector e and will restore the code word c = c* – e.
            To find the error values use the equation (11). Let us substitute the values found locators Хj and

            variables (unknowns) ej in an equations system. The last ei at i ≠ j are equal to zero. Consequently,
            the equations system (11) will write as:

                                                      s 0  =  ∑ i X ,
                                                           i ∈J
                                                       s 1  =  ∑ i X ,
                                                           i ∈J

                                                   s n −k −1  =  ∑ i X n i −k −1  ,
                                                           i ∈J
            where J is a set of indexes of non-zero elements of the error vector, i.e. a set of error locator numbers,

            at the same J = u ≤ t. Obtained system from n – k linear equations has J = u ≤ t unknown error
            volumes ei, at the same t < n – k. Consequently, this system is solvable; its solution gives the unknown

            non-zero error volumes of the vector e. To solve the equations system from u variables (unknowns)
            by the Gaussian elimination, will  need to execute  u   arithmetic operations (additions and
            multiplications over the elements of the field GF(q )). To restore the code word of n-code symbols
            length is enough to remove the effect of the found error vector: c = c* – e, i.e. to execute u arithmetic

                  Thus, decoding problem of the algebraic (n, k, d)-block code (finding the error vector e = (e0,

                                                                                        −1d  
            e1, …, en-1)) reduces to solving two systems of linear equations from  ≤ tu  =     unknowns and
                                                                                        2
            to calculating n-variables of the polynomial Λ(x) of a degree u. u  arithmetic operations will be to
            need for the treatment of matrices and solving systems of linear equations that for large u may require

            significant  computational expenditures. In practice,  the Berlekamp–Massey  algorithm uses  for a
            algebraic codes decoding, an essence of which is finding the shortest linear feedback shift register

            (LFSR) for a given binary output sequence. It also is generating the known sequence of the syndromes

            s = (s0, s1, …, sn-k-1). The complexity this algorithm  is u  arithmetic operations. The Berlekamp–
            Massey recurrent algorithm [38-40] is even more effective in terms of computational complexity. The

            asymptotic complexity of decoding Reed-Solomon codes in this case does not exceed the volume
            O(nlog n), and very close to the value O(nlogn).
                  Reed-Solomon codes have  small length  –  a number of radicals  X X   1 ,..., X nk  1 ∈ GF (q m )
            cannot be than a elements number of the field GF(q ) and, hence, n ≤ q  – 1 (a code length can
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