Page 47 - Cannabis News Florida May 2022
P. 47

Four Ways to Reduce the Impact
                When It Comes to                                                      of High Administrative Expenses

                     Patient Care,

                                                                                                                               3. Evaluate your M&A
                                                                                    Providers nationwide
                Perform a Culture                                                 are greatly impacted by                     opportunities.
                                                                                  the nursing shortage.                        For   smaller  independent
                        Check-Up                                                  Administrative expens-                      providers, like standalone hospi-
                                                                                  es for staffing — such as                   tals in rural areas, high adminis-
                                                                                                                              trative costs can be debilitating
                Funny, we see it everywhere. So many differ-                      retention bonuses, hir-                     and threaten the organization’s
              ent companies stuck somewhere between        BY JAY JUFFRE          ing bonuses and head-                       future. The best solution to this
              COVID and post-COVID protocols. Don’t                               hunter fees — are soar-                     problem may be to join a larger
              know what I am referring to? Go to any hotel,                       ing. At the same time,                      system that can afford to take on
              restaurant, bank or grocery store. You can see these businesses trying to   many nurses are leaving             the administrative burden. For
              find the balance between what they were doing at the height of the pan-  the  profession  as                    providers that are seeking to
              demic and what to do now. The interactions are sometimes awkward as   burnout reaches new   BY STEVEN SHILL     acquire organizations this year,
              both the customer and the staff try to navigate the appropriate social   heights. As a result,                  it’s important that they try to
              norms. Slowly but surely, things will get back to normal.           81% of healthcare                           keep the overall number of ven-
                Here is a gut check for everyone. How did all these COVID-19 proce-  CFOs – based on the 2022 BDO     dors they work with low so they can
              dures for your team and clients negatively impact your culture. It’s hard   Healthcare CFO Outlook Survey – say the   access group purchasing discounts and
              for many of us to think back two plus years, but how did it feel to be part   talent shortage poses a risk to their busi-  possibly negotiate better acquisition
              of your organization back then? What was it like to be part of your team?   ness in 2022. With reimbursement rates   terms.
              What was it like for patients and their families?                   remaining static, providers need a way to   4. Review your insurance coverage
                For all the right reasons, many in the health care world had to sacrifice   manage the increasing administrative   strategy.
              certain aspects of the culture they had built in the name of safety, infec-  expenses.                    While it often feels daunting to
              tion prevention, patient load, staffing shortages and a host of other very   Fortunately, providers have options for   providers, now is the time to review insur-
              good reasons. The question is, how do you quickly and responsibly get   reducing the financial burden of these   ance plans. One possible consideration is
              back to pre-COVID levels of patient care, staff engagement and core val-  increasing costs, including:   self-insurance. By offering employees self-
              ues. We must also consider that many of the folks on your current team,   1. Switch to defined-contribution   insurance plans, providers can save money
              joined during COVID and have no idea what the organization’s culture   plans.                           on premiums. To determine whether this
              may really be like because they have never actually seen it. Get a small   In the past, many healthcare providers   is the right move, providers need to use an
              team who knows what your pre-COVID culture was actually like. Then   offered a defined-benefit plan, which is a   actuarial calculation of covered lives to
              develop a game plan to reengage the team and the culture. The companies   type of pension plan that offers a pension   determine what their collective costs will
              that do this quickly will win as we emerge from the pandemic.       payment or lump sum upon an employee’s   be. From there, providers can determine if
                                                                                  retirement. By contrast, in a defined-con-  they have the funding to offer self-insur-
                  Jay Juffre is Executive Vice President, ImageFIRST. For more information on   tribution plan, the employee and the   ance. Self-insurance isn’t the right move
                           ImageFIRST, call 1-800-932-7472 or visit   employer both regularly contribute to the   for every organization, but it’s worth

                                                                                  employee’s retirement fund over time.   exploring, especially for providers whose
                                                                                  Many providers have already switched to a   insurance premiums are a significant
                                                                                  defined-contribution plan, but those who   financial burden right now.
                                                                                  have not should consider doing so now, as   Nearly all providers are struggling under
                                                                                  these plans can rein in the upfront admin-  the weight of high administrative costs.
                                                                                  istrative costs associated with employ-  Finding creative solutions to mitigate their
                                                                                  ment.                               impact on the financial viability of your
                                                                                    2. Re-evaluate discretionary invest-  organization will set you apart from the
                                                                                  ments.                              competition and allow you to maintain
                                                                                    Recently, we’ve seen significant invest-  continuity of care.
                                                                                  ment in innovation and research and
                                                                                  development, particularly in larger health   Steven Shill, Partner and National Leader,
                                                                                  systems. While these investments are cru-  The BDO Center for Healthcare Excellence
                                                                                  cial to the development of more durable       & Innovation, can be reached at
                                                                                  medical equipment, new pharmaceuticals or (714) 668-7370.
                                                                                  and more, it may be necessary to tem-
                                                                                  porarily reduce such investments to make   Contact:
                                                                                  up for increased administrative costs.   Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner
                                                                                  Once hiring and staffing returns to a more   305-420-8006 /
                                                                                  stable state, these investments can be
                                                                                  increased once again.                 Angelo Pirozzi, Partner
                                                                                                                        646-520-2870 /

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