Page 49 - Cannabis News Florida May 2022
P. 49

ACO and MIPS Practices Get Extra

                                                                                          Benefit from Next Gen CCM

                                                                                   Medical practices have an
                                                                                  opportunity to significantly
                                                                                  increase income by participat-
                                                                                  ing in Medicare Chronic Care
                                                                                  Management (CCM), especial-
                                                                                  ly given the large 2022 increase
                                                                                  in payments (up to 52%) for
                                                                                  these services.
                                                                                   Additionally, Your Doctor In
                                                                                  Touch (YDIT) provides a Next
                                                                                  Gen CCM program offering an
                                                                                  innovative value-added service
                                                                                  to help ensure practices partici-  BY RICHARD GROSSO, CEO, AND SCOTT RICE,
                                                                                  pating in a Medicare value-             MD, PHD, MBA, MS
                                                                                  based payment program, such
                                                                                  as an Accountable Care
                                                                                  Organization (ACO) or the Merit-Based   must therefore outsource CCM services.

                                                                                  Payment System (MIPS), to receive maxi-  Next Gen CCM Innovation
                                                                                  mum incentive payments.
                                                                                   Although the financial success of most   The YDIT Next Gen CCM program
                                                                                  ACOs makes a compelling case for prac-  not only delivers traditional CCM servic-
                                                                                  tices to participate in one of these pro-  es, but also tracks and monitors required
                                                                                  grams, many primary care practices in an   QMs for both ACO-affiliated and MIPS-
                                                                                  ACO are challenged by the burden to meet   participating practices. This value-added
                                                                                  required quality measures (QMs).    service therefore mitigates the challenges
                                                                                  Similarly, many primary care practices par-  related to meeting required quality meas-
                                                                                  ticipating in the Medicare Incentive   ures, one of the greatest barriers to par-
                                                                                  Payment System (MIPS) program are chal-  ticipation and retention of practices in a
                                                                                  lenged to meet and report quality meas-  Medicare value-based payment program
                                                                                  ures that earn sufficient points to receive   intended to help practices provide high
                                                                                  incentive payments.                 value care.

                                                                                  Medicare CCM Value                  Summary
                                                                                   Participation in Medicare Chronic Care   Medical practices participating in both
                                                                                  Management (CCM) provides a golden   a Medicare value-based payment pro-
                                                                                  opportunity for all medical practices to   gram and Next Gen CCM will increase
                                                                                  generate greater income, improve patient   income through reimbursement for
                                                                                  outcomes, and increase patient engage-  delivered CCM and enhanced incentive
                                                                                  ment. These positive results will in turn   payments, while reducing physician
                                                                                  enhance the patient care experience,   challenges. More importantly, enrolled
                                                                                  improve the enrolled population’s health,   patients receive significant health and
                                                                                  increase physician satisfaction, and reduce   financial benefits, and increase engage-
                                                                                  utilization of expensive health care servic-  ment in their care.
                                                                                  es, thereby meeting the Quadruple Aim.
                                                                                  However, most medical practices lack the   For more information, please contact
                                                                                  resources and capabilities required to    Richard Grosso at
                                                                                  deliver Medicare CCM on their own and                  or (561) 935-9300.

                                                                                                   Visit us on the web at


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