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          Volume 18 • Issue 11• $5.00                 May 2022

                                             OUR 18TH YEAR SERVING THE HEALTHCARE COMMUNITY!

                                                                   Salute to Nursing

                                                   Nursing Consortium of Florida:

                                              Bringing Nursing’s Future into Focus

                                                BY DANIEL CASCIATO

                                              Even through the height of
                                             the pandemic, the Nursing
                                             Consortium of Florida has been
                                             busy convening its growing
                                             membership to assess the effects
                                             of the COVID pandemic on
                                             nursing and develop strategies
                                             for moving the nurse workforce
                   Maggie Hansen                                                                                                 David Zambrana
                                              “The COVID experience and
              Growth and                     the sharp rise in the cost of      Jean Seaver         Maria A. Suarez        UM School of
                                             housing accelerated a genera-
        Development Are                      tional shift that was already underway,” says Maria A.                         Nursing and
                                             Suarez, DNP, MSN, APRN, ACNP-BC, Assistant Vice
               the Keys to                   President, Nursing Administration at Baptist Health Miami                    Health Studies
                                             Cancer Institute and President of the Nursing Consortium
                                             of Florida. “During the last two years, many nurses moved
                Retaining                    up retirement plans, and others have chosen to work less or                      Celebrates
                                             work differently. The result is that hospital nursing in the
               Specialized                   next decade will look very different than the nursing we’ve                 Alumnus David
                                             been familiar with.”
                                              Jean Seaver, MSN, RN, Associate Vice President, Learning
                   Nurses                    & Development for Broward Health and President-elect of                          Zambrana
                                                                            Continued on page 37    Ralph Egües, Jr.
         BY MAGGIE HANSEN, RN, MHSC, BSN                                                                                        BY ROBIN SHEAR

          COVID-19 didn’t cause one of the                     South University:                                        David Zambrana, Ph.D., D.N.P.,
        largest nursing shortages in our indus-                                                                       M.B.A., R.N., started his career as a staff
        try’s history, but it certainly made it sig-  A Look at Flourishing Nursing                                   nurse at Jackson Memorial Hospital.
        nificantly worse.                                                                                             Today, he is executive vice president and
          More than two years of arduous and          Education from Both Sides                                       chief operating officer for Jackson Health
        high-volume patient care in previously                                                                        System, one of the nation’s largest public
        unimaginable circumstances has result-                                                                        health systems. Recently, over 100 of
        ed in a generation of nurses taking earli-  BY BARBARA R. FALLON                                              Zambrana’s peers gathered to celebrate
        er retirement or transitioning into other                                                                     his recognition as the University of
        careers. That’s made what was already a   Pre-pandemic approximately                                          Miami School of Nursing and Health
        challenging situation for healthcare lead-  two thousand students and                                         Studies 2022 Alumnus of Distinction.
        ers into a critical fight to continue to   their faculty took advantage of                                      In her opening remarks, the School’s
        deliver safe and effective care. Nothing   the South University, Florida                                      Dean, Cindy L. Munro, called Zambrana
        less than the current and future health of   campus academic portfolio - a                                    “a true leader in nursing and health care,”
        our patients hangs in the balance.    full range of on-site, online, and                                      adding, “I am so proud that you are one
          We must get creative to respond to the   remote learning undergraduate                                      of our own, with two doctoral degrees
        challenges of the workforce and that   and postgraduate degree class-                                         from us.”
        begins with narrowing the knowledge   es. So, when COVID-19 obsta-                                              Zambrana, who earned doctor of nurs-
        gap, the chasm between the increasingly   cles threatened campus life and                                     ing practice and Ph.D. degrees from the
        complex patient care needs and the   learning, South was prepared to   Susan Hamley     Dr. Sharon Ramjohn    School of Nursing and Health Studies,
        shrinking number of nurses who possess   adapt their methods of teach-                                        and teaches a health management course
        the necessary knowledge and ability to   ing and not only survived but flourished.                            there each Fall, exemplifies the potential
        provide such care. In this journey, we   Most importantly however, administrators and faculty recognized - before, during and   for nurses to be transformational leaders
        must embrace innovation – not only in   after the pandemic - that it takes more than books and simulation labs and virtual pro-  in their communities.
        technology, but also improvements in   grams to instill the ‘art and science’ of nursing in students. Faculty with clinical excel-  “As a leader and influencer, I don’t see
                         Continued on page 34                                                    Continued on page 36                  Continued on page 32

            INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Health Care Heroes 2022 Official Program
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