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Annual Fire Door Inspections                                                    Malpractice Insurance

            Answers to Some of  Facility Managers                                                          EXPERT ADVICE

                Most Frequently Asked Questions
                                                                                         Recent Court Decision Results
          Why do we have to have                        What does it take to be an
        our fire doors inspected?                     Inspector? Can we inspect our
          Because it is part of the                   doors?                             in Chilling Effect on Reporting
        Fire Prevention Codes                           Yes, keep in mind the AHJ
        and is a requirement of                       and the Fire and Life Safety                 of Medical Mistakes
        AHCA, CMS, TJC, and                           Codes require Inspectors to
        the LAW                                       know about the construction
                                                      of fire, smoke and egress      BY VANESSA ORR                             case about patient safety—
          Isn't checking fire doors                   doors. Inspectors must be                                                 specific to this one nurse’s
        included in the Annual                        familiar with fire-rated door   When a mistake is made                    actions—and she should not
        Fire Prevention Inspection                    hardware, Fire Code require-  in a healthcare setting,                    be practicing medicine
        by the Fire Department?                       ments, materials, installation,   doctors and nurses are                  because she allowed this to
          It was in the past before   BY DAN ARCE     locking, and latching capabili-  encouraged to report it                  happen,” said Murphy.
        the Fire Prevention Code                      ties. They also must be capable   immediately as a way to                   Part of the outcry in this
        was changed, making                           of compiling the ITM report.    mitigate the problem and                  case is that Vanderbilt
        Annual Inspections the responsibility of                                 to ensure that it doesn’t                      University Medical System
        the building operators.                Who is responsible for inspecting the   happen again. Unfor -                    was not brought up on crim-
                                             building's fire doors?              tunately, a recent court                       inal charges, despite the fact
          That doesn't seem fair. Aren’t fire inspec-  Owners, property managers, Assoc -  case is showing that shar-           that its dispensing system
        tions (including doors) why we pay our   iation board members, etc. Anyone, if they   ing  this  information  Tom Murphy   was    malfunctioning.
        taxes and assessments for Fire Protection?   are responsible for operating or managing   might not always be in         Vanderbilt settled with the
        Why should the burden of fire door inspec-  a building.                  healthcare providers’ best interests.   family early in the process yet took no
        tions and maintenance be on us?                                            In 2017, Vanderbilt University Medical   responsibility to defend Vaught from her
          It has always been the obligation of the   How much does the inspection cost?    Center nurse RaDonda Vaught mistaken-  charges.
        people responsible for the operation of the   To determine the exact cost, National   ly injected patient Charlene Murphey   “This is why we tell our clients to
        building to maintain the building's fire,   FireDoor (NFD) would meet and discuss   with the wrong drug. Murphey went into   check their malpractice insurance to
        smoke and egress doors in code compliant   your service needs. Next, NFD would sur-  a coma and later died, and Vaught was   make sure that they have enough insur-
        working order.                       vey your property and build a complete   charged with criminally negligent homi-  ance and that it is with a good company,”
                                             "Door Schedule," – which includes a   cide.                              said Murphy. “We all know how expen-
          Why was it changed to call for mandato-  count of every fire, smoke and egress door.   “Vaught was using Vanderbilt’s drug   sive a legal defense can be, especially in a
        ry Annual Fire Door Inspections?     Following this survey, you would be given   dispensing system to get Versed for the   criminal case.”
          The importance of code-compliant fire,   a proposal.                   patient, a sedative that is used when   While most policies exclude coverage
        smoke and egress doors to protect the                                    patients get an MRI,” said Tom Murphy,   for intentional criminal acts, professional
        public has become very apparent. There   What can the AHJs do to us?     producer, National Health Care Practice   liability policies will provide a defense
        also was a problem in that  Building   These Authorities can levy fines, bring   Danna-Gracey, a Division of Risk   for policyholders charged with malprac-
        Operators were not maintaining their   charges in court, and in some severe cases,   Strategies. “When the dispensing system   tice or criminal malpractice as long as
        "life-safety" doors.                 order  Suspension  of   Operations.  didn’t work, she overrode it and instead   the act was not intentional.
                                             Insurance companies can raise premiums,   received Vecuronium, a paralytic that   “While her insurance company should
          Why has inspecting "life-safety" doors   deny claims, or refuse coverage. State, city,   caused Ms. Murphey to stop breathing.    defend her through the trial and pay
        become a problem to fire departments?    or civil lawyers can charge or sue the   “These systems often don’t work, and   legal fees, Vanderbilt is not commenting
          Fire Prevention Inspections by local Fire   responsible parties for neglect because   they are overridden all the time,” he   on anything; they basically  threw her
        Departments have to cover so many differ-  they didn't follow the fire code. This can   added. “But after review, prosecutors   under the bus,” said Murphy, noting that
        ent fire protection elements. The number   be very costly. If there is NO ITM book, it   decided to charge her because she was   Vaught has been raising funds via a
        of fire doors, in some facilities (thousands   sets the stage for the legal action.    grossly negligent, saying that she missed   GoFundMe page. “This is why we advise
        of doors are not uncommon), make                                         a number of red flags that she should   healthcare professionals, including doc-
        inspecting every door virtually impossible.       What is included in a Full Service   have caught prior to injecting the   tors, nurses, PAs, and nurse practition-
                                             Inspection package from National    patient.”                            ers, to have their own insurance instead
          What does AHJ stand for?           FireDoor?                             Vaught was convicted in 2022, which   of being covered by a hospital.
          AHJ stands for the Authority Having   A full-service package includes a com-  sent a chilling effect throughout the   “The shareholders or C-suite of the
        Jurisdiction - it can be a  Fire Marshal or   plete survey of all of the Facility’s fire,   healthcare community.    hospital is going to do what is in the best
        ACHA,  CMS, TJC, Surveyor,  etc. It is   smoke and egress doors; ALL doors are ID   “This conviction brought a huge out-  interests of the hospital and not the
        anyone who has the right to enforce the   (QR - barcoded) with a label, and the   cry from the American Nursing   provider,” he added. “In this case, they
        fire code on your facility.          preparation of the ITM report and individ-  Association (ANA) and nurses around   settled with the family right away, when
                                             ual door inspections is commenced.   the country and the world,” said    the right thing to do was to defend
          Why are they making such a big deal   • All fire doors in the facility are "profes-  Murphy. “Mistakes are made in health-  Vaught throughout the trial.”
        over the fire doors? Ours have been here   sionally" inspected.          care all the time, and in this case, the   He added that no matter how much
        for more than 30 years with no problems.   • Each door’s inspection results are   mistake wasn’t caught and the patient   time Vaught, who will be sentenced in
        Why now?                             compiled in the database for inclusion in   died. The ANA believes that this sets a   May, receives, the case will have a chill-
          In the life of the building, it only takes   the final ITM report.     dangerous precedent, as honest reporting   ing effect on healthcare professionals for
        one fire door to fail to do its job. It would   • If desired, supervision of any repairs   of mistakes can now get criminalized.    years to come.
        be best to have ALL your fire, smoke and   and replacements resulting from the   “Medical providers believe that this   “The bottom line is that we’re already
        egress doors working. If even one doesn't   inspections to bring each door up to full   verdict could create a negative impact   experiencing staffing shortages, which
        perform its function, people may die or get   compliance.                that could last for years,” he added. “If   the pandemic hasn’t helped, and now
        injured, or property is unnecessarily dam-  • If some doors have unreadable "paint-  providers can be criminalized for report-  this is telling nurses working long hours
        aged because the fire doors failed to do   ed over" manufacturer's labels that have   ing mistakes, the less likely it is that they   saving lives that they could be criminally
        their job and didn't confine the fire or   been inspected and are considered compli-  will report them.”      charged for making a mistake,” he said.
        smoke to the starting area, and it spreads.   ant, they can be field relabeled.   In this particular case, the district   “It’s a real issue.”
        A minor fire that a closed door could easily   • Delivery of the ITM report to the   attorney said that the charges were
        contain could turn into an inferno. It's bet-  client, either in printed or data format.   brought against Vaught because she   For more information, call Tom Murphy
        ter to be "safe than sorry."                                             missed a number of opportunities to    or Matt Gracey at 800-966-2120 or visit
                                                NFD can ensure your buildings conform   catch her mistake. “He argued that it’s a
          Have Annual Inspections proven their   to the inspection requirements for your
        value?                                  facility. For a no-obligation consultation,
          Very much so. Investigations of building   contact NFD at (305) 233-1477 or           ••••••••••••••••••••••••
        fires - especially over the years in high rise
        structures, show that noncompliance with   We can make your buildings compliant         Visit us online at
        fire safety doors is a major contributing             now and in the future.
        factor in the loss of lives and property.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                   May 2022                           11
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