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Let’s Connect: Despite COVID-19 … Mission Accomplished
A year has passed since I had the opportunity to
ACHE of South Florida Spotlight took the responsibility as meet with several Senators,
President of the Dade County Representatives, and leg-
Medical Association. While it islative staff to discuss our
has been a year of challenges institutional priorities. A
due to the adaptations that total of 20 meetings were
ACHE of South Florida Member physicians, the community, held in Tallahassee and we
are pleased to announce
and the healthcare system have
lived through due to the that a number of our initia-
Spotlight: Jessica Miller, BSN, MBA COVID-19 pandemic, it has tives passed and have been
been a rewarding year thanks signed into law by the
to the way we have responded Governor. These legisla-
BY VANESSA ORR present position in De - to those challenges. BY JOSE DAVID tive priorities include:
cember 2021. Since the beginning of the SUAREZ, MD COVID-19 Related Claims
Jessica Miller, BSN, MBA, In 2018, Miller joined the pandemic, the DCMA has Against Health Care
is passionate about the American College of Health - been busy working for the benefit of the Providers by Senator Burgess; Loan
healthcare industry. She is care Executives (ACHE) on Physicians, the Community, and the Forgiveness for Physicians Practicing in
not only committed to mak- the advice of board member patients. We put together a program to Areas of Critical Need as a Budgetary
ing sure that patients Madison Workman, FACHE. offer free PPE for physicians’ members and Request; Telehealth by Senator Diaz; Step-
receive the best possible “He said, ‘Jess, we’re young their families. We also worked with the Lt. Therapy Protocols by Representative
care today in her role as the leaders, so we have to get Governor, Jeannette Nunez, and the Willhite; Emergency Medical Care and
chief nursing officer at St. involved and get active,’” Miami-Dade Department of Health to facil- Treatment to Minors Without Parental
Mary’s Medical Center and explained Miller. “And I’m itate access to vaccines, especially for com- Consent by Representative Masullo; and
Palm Beach Children’s so glad that I did.” munity physicians. Living Organ Donors in Insurance Policies
Hospital, but to ensuring As a member of ACHE, The DCMA continues to educate our by Representative Latvala.
that the industry moves for- Jessica Miller Miller recently took part in members (MD & DO) through webinars, Also, during our visit to Tallahassee,
ward as well. the 2022 ACHE-SF Health - such as “How to Manage Burnout” and Rafael Fernandez, M.D., President-Elect
“As a nurse, you take care of individual care Leadership Development Case “How to Manage Economics During the and Antonio Mesa, D.O., Past-President,
patients, but as chief nursing officer, I am Competition, judging the work of college Pandemic,” as well as the mandatory were sponsored as Doctor of the Day at the
responsible for taking care of many students who hope to be healthcare’s CMEs, which are part of the membership Florida Senate and the House of
patients and my nurses,” said Miller. “I next generation of leaders. She also benefits. Through our Community Representatives.
love the fact that as an administrator, I can attends many of the organization’s edu- Outreach, we organized an alliance with We also received a grant from New York
have an impact on their quality of care cational events and takes part in net- CABA (Cuban American Bar Association), Life Foundation to implement the DCMA
from where I sit. While it’s been chal- working events as well. by offering an online seminar on How to Wellness program for its members as a ben-
lenging throughout the pandemic to “What’s interesting is that you see that Cope with Burnout Caused by the efit that will be launched in the upcoming
retain nurses who are feeling burned out, everyone is going through the same Pandemic. months, among other projects that we keep
my job is to keep them engaged and pas- struggles, even in different parts of the In addition to working with the working on for the benefit of the physi-
sionate about patient care while trying to nation,” she said. “When we all share Pandemic issues, we carried out our cians and patients in Miami-Dade County.
provide optimal resources,” she added. information about things that work and Residents and Medical Students Research I am proud of the milestones we have
Miller, whose parents were both nurs- don’t work, it makes us all better. I often Competition event. With a record of fifty- achieved this past year, which would not
es, knew from an early age that she want- bring back PowerPoint presentations six submissions, ten finalists had the have been possible without the support
ed to pursue a healthcare career. “My and ideas from educational events for us opportunity to present their research before and leadership of Rudolph Moise, D.O.,
mother is a hard-core, bedside clinical to try. a panel of seven physicians who acted as Immediate Past-President and Rafael
nurse, and my father took the adminis- “It’s also exciting to get to meet so judges for the event. Out of the 10 finalists, Fernandez, M.D., President-Elect; as well
trative route,” she explained. “This was many different people in healthcare, three papers were awarded. In addition to as the Executive Committee which
what we talked about at the dinner table which I believe helps the industry as a the competition winners a Special includes Carmel Barrau, M.D., Vice-
while I was growing up. whole become stronger,” she added. Honorary Mention was awarded to the President and Patricia Ares-Romero, M.D.,
“My decision to enter healthcare was “There are rockstar leaders out there and youngest participating contestant in the Secretary and Treasurer and all Members of
reinforced when I worked in retail during meeting them can help you learn why Residents Research Competition, Noah the Board of Directors. I would also like to
college to get pocket money,” she added. they’re so successful.” Cohen a 16-year-old high school student recognize the many contributions of Fraser
“I hated it. Every hour seemed like a day, Miller, who will sit for her fellowship who presented research on the Microbiome Cobbe, Executive Director and Angel
and every minute seemed like an hour. I this year, believes that it is important to of the Miami Metrorail Before and During Bosch, Managing Director of the DCMA.
knew then that I was definitely made to fully commit to the profession. the COVID Pandemic. While I am stepping down as the DCMA
take care of people.” “Becoming a fellow means that you’re On the advocacy side, we visited the President, my commitment to promoting
Miller graduated from Miami Dade passionate about healthcare leadership, Florida Legislature during Legislative leadership opportunities, health care man-
College with an associate degree and went and that you’re aligned with the vision Session in Tallahassee. A DCMA delegation agement education, and seeking more pri-
on to earn her MBA and BSN at Florida that it’s not one company versus the of eight physicians plus staff went there to mary care doctors for the underserved will
International University. She served as next, but that you are all responsible for promote DCMA legislative priorities that continue in the years to come.
group CNO at Miami Dade Tenet and getting healthcare to a better place,” she our leadership considered will benefit our
Florida Medical Center before taking her said.
members and patients in the county. Dr. Jose David Suarez is President, Dade
Members of the Board of Directors and staff County Medical Association, Inc.
W ha s ’ t N t ?
w w b . w d o c . o m h / l a e t l hca e r
o c un t n i o
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12 May 2022 South Florida Hospital News