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The Business of Health Care
The University of physician groups to provide visually. Additionally, reimbursement as quate production, storage, transporta-
Miami Center for Health adequate, high-quality care. allowed by the federal government is to tion, and distribution, as well as the issue
Management and Policy, The impact on the labor expire on December 31, 2022, and the of distributional justice associated with
housed in the Miami costs and resultant overall question remains as to whether the cur- an initially scarce supply with huge
Herbert Business School, costs of facilities and clinical rent policy of reimbursement will con- demand required an interdisciplinary
held its 11th annual practices, and the impact on tinue. team of experts to effectively put into
Business of Health Care profits/net-revenues and Specific technologies were discussed in effect Operation Warp Speed … rolling
Conference. The theme financial viability of pro - a second panel that focused on aspects of out a new vaccine for this killer disease
this year was “Technology, viders was discussed. Meth - lifestyle and health with platforms and within a year … truly a remarkable feat.
Access and the New ods to mitigate the issue apps allowing for moderating and imple- With the realization that hundreds of
Normal.” With more than associated with workforce menting healthy eating patterns and thousands have died, one can only imag-
1,000 registrants from the shortage including the high behavioral health support. Access with ine the multiples of hospitalizations and
region, as well as nation- BY STEVEN G. skill level required in this greater convenience, focusing on access deaths that would have occurred in the
ally and globally, the ULLMANN, PHD day and age were discussed points, i.e., where the patient/client is, in absence of Operation Warp Speed.
audience reflected the as well. Training through terms of location, psychological status, Secretary Azar, in his discussion with
geographic and sector diversity of the state-of-the-art simulation (as exists at and social demographics were discussed. Professor Karoline Mortensen, also
panels themselves. the hospital simulation facility at UM’s The goal is to give the patient/client bet- focused on several of his other areas of
One of the highlights of this confer- School of Nursing and Health Sciences), ter control of his/her health status with policy (until the pandemic required
ence series is representation of, and dis- cross-training of skills among clinical proper real time support. renewed focus). These other areas of dis-
cussion among the various professional staff, and use of Artificial Intelligence to The concept of access was brought to cussion included medical record porta-
sectors of the health care industry. C- bolster provision of care were seen as the fore in a discussion with Secretary of bility, price transparency and value-based
suite representation included the ways of enhancing the ability to provide Health and Human Services, Alex Azar. purchasing.
American Hospital Association, adequate clinical care in the wake of cur- Former Secretaries of Health and Human As this conference came to a close,
America’s Health Insurance Plans, the rent and ongoing clinical shortages. Services Azar and Donna Shalala both are planning was already underway for next
Health Care Financial Management Telehealth was also discussed as a on the faculty in the University of year’s Business of Health Care
Association, the National Medical process that gained huge acceptance at Miami’s Department of Health Conference. We look forward to being
Association and the American Nurses the height of the pandemic, especially for Management and Policy. Perhaps the totally in-person again in the years to
Association. Given the theme of the con- primary care and behavioral health, and most critical medical issue of our life- come, discussing major areas of interact
ference, significant discussion and demonstrated the opportunities to time, the pandemic, occurred under going forward.
insights came from the participants as extend service to underrepresented Secretary Azar’s watch. Given Secretary
moderated by Pat Geraghty, the President minorities, lower income communities Azar’s background in the C-suite of one Dr. Steven G. Ullmann, Professor and
and CEO of GuideWell – Florida Blue, and rural areas. Having said that, several of the major pharmaceutical companies Chair, Department of Health Management
the conference’s presenting sponsor since concerns regarding telehealth were dis- nationally, Secretary Azar discussed how and Policy, Director, Center for Health
its inception. The panel focused on many cussed. Concerns included whether indi- his understanding of risk associated with Management and Policy, and Special
of the issues affecting us in our local viduals in lower income or rural commu- pharmaceutical and vaccine develop- Assistant to the Provost at Miami Herbert
health care community. Specific focus nities had video access or only audio ment, an understanding of new method- Business School, University of Miami, can
included the work force shortage that is access, whether due to web access or the ologies such as mRNA vaccines, and the be reached at (305) 284-9920 or
affecting the ability of health systems and individual technical knowledge to link significant issue associated with ade-
8 May 2022 South Florida Hospital News