Page 17 - CNF OCTOBER 2021
P. 17

Oncology... Oncology... Oncology...

                                                                                         Biosimilars Expand Access to

                                                                                          Treatments Floridians Need

                                                                                   Biologics are a type of                       effective interventions to
                                                                                 medicine derived from liv-                      help mitigate cost of care in
                                                                                 ing systems, like bacteria                      the U.S. Today, generics
                                                                                 and yeast. These powerful                       account for 90% of prescrip-
                                                                                 medications are manufac-                        tions in the country, at only
                                                                                 tured   through   highly                        20% of the cost.
                                                                                 involved   biotechnology                         Much like generic medica-
                                                                                 processes, producing med-                       tions, biosimilars can boost
                                                                                 ications that treat such dis-                   needed competition in the
                                                                                 eases as rheumatoid arthri-                     marketplace, thereby driving
                                                                                 tis, ulcerative colitis, and                    down costs and increasing
                                                                                 Crohn's disease, among                          access to critical treatment
                                                                                 many others. The number    BY JORGE GARCIA,     options.
                                                                                 of biologic therapies con-  PHARMD, MS, MHA,     Health care professionals
                                                                                 tinues to increase, and so    MBA, FACHE        who work in oncology often
                                                                                 does the number of patients                     experience the financial tox-
                                                                                 using them.                                     icity that cancer patients can
                                                                                   The cost of biologics has reached an all-  face. The biosimilar value proposition is
                                                                                 time high. The cost of oncology drugs   that they can deliver the same high-quality
                                                                                 specifically is growing at twice the rate of   products at a fraction of the cost.
                                                                                 the general health care cost. The median   While biosimilars can be developed at
                                                                                 monthly cost of new U.S. cancer drugs   lower cost and expedited fashion com-
                                                                                 surpassed the median monthly household   pared to their counterpart products,
                                                                                 income in 2000. By 2014, this cost more   biosimilars are deemed by the FDA as safe
                                                                                 than doubled the median monthly house-  and effective treatment options. In addi-
                                                                                 hold income.                         tion, with more than 6 years of post-mar-
                                                                                   There are various solutions to solving   keting pharmacovigilance, each day in the
                                                                                 this high-cost problem for Floridians, and   marketplace biosimilars provide addition-
                                                                                 one of them carries a similar name but   al confidence regarding their safety and
                                                                                 very different pricing. They are called   efficacy profiles. No biosimilar product
                                                                                 biosimilars, and they represent an innova-  has ever been removed from the market-
                                                                                 tive opportunity to increase access and   place in the U.S. due to a safety or efficacy
                                                                                 expand use of these critical treatments for   concern.
                                                                                 Florida’s patients while reducing cost.    Biosimilars face many challenges and
                                                                                   I’m a pharmacist in South Florida, and I   barriers to marketplace entry. To name just
                                                                                 lead national advocacy efforts to promote   a few examples, there is a great deal of
                                                                                 the evaluation and the safe and effective   room for patent litigation prolonging
                                                                                 use of biosimilars. Biosimilars can gener-  biosimilar launch and there is no guaran-
                                                                                 ate cost savings by providing more afford-  teed payer coverage or market share for
                                                                                 able options and creating competition that   manufacturing companies.
                                                                                 prevents increasing costs. This could be   Health care professionals are uniquely
                                                     -  J asmmine                                                 particularly important when it comes to   positioned to promote the evaluation of
                                                                                 oncology.                            the growing body of evidence and enable

                                                                                               easst cancer                                     surviv or

                                                                                   We are currently seeing real growth in   biosimilar utilization where there is evi-
                                                                                 the market share of biosimilars. If they   dence to support the use.
         I bea
         I bea can er                                                            see nearly $1 billion in savings each year,   Services at Baptist Health South Florida. He

                                                                                 reach a 75% share, Florida can expect to
                                                                                                                             Dr. Jorge Garcia is the Assistant Vice
                                                                                                                          President of System Oncology Pharmacy
                                                                                 according to the Pacific Research Institute.
                                                                                   The health care system has already seen
                                                                                 the far-reaching benefits of competition in
                                                                                                                          also serves as the Pharmacy Liaison and
                                                                                 the pharmaceutical marketplace through   Board Member for the Florida Society for

                   with       RO           ARD HHEAL                 TH          generic drugs, small molecule drugs syn-  Garcia’s presentation on Biosimilars: What’s
                                                                                                                         Clinical Oncology. To learn more, view Dr.

                                                        BR W
                                                                                 thesized in the lab to provide a lower cost
                                                                                 alternative to the brand products.                 New and What’s Next? at
                                                                                   Utilization of generic drugs have proven
                                                                                 to be one of the most meaningful and
            A tBr o w ar dH ealth, w   e dedica t ed
            t o the figh t against ccanc er .

            L earn about our  com ehensiv  e oncology  serrvices:
            Br o w ar dH ealth.o g/Bea      t Canc er
                                 o ar
                               Bro w  dH ealth.or g
         16                        October 2021                                                                                                                        South Florida Hospital News
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