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Oncology... Oncology... Oncology...

                                                                                 Cover Story: Mammograms and Breast

                                                                                 Cancer Screenings Save Lives

                                                                                  Continued from page 1               detects cancer and other conditions early
                                                                                                                      with unprecedented image quality.
                                                                                 Screenings                             • A magnetic seed localization device
                                                                                   The American Cancer Society recom-  allows for greater accuracy and optimal
                                                                                 mends women between 45 to 54 years of   results, helping to locate and remove
                                                                                 age schedule an annual mammogram,    even the smallest of lesions with
                                                                                 and those between 40 and 44, should do   unprecedented precision while facilitat-
                                                                                 so if they wish to. Women 55 and older   ing the best cosmetic results and a better
                                                                                 may decide to schedule mammograms    patient experience.
                                                                                 every two years or can continue annual-  • The CyberKnife® Robotic Radio -
                                                                                 ly. Scheduling a mammogram can be life-  surgery System, designed to treat tumors
                                                                                 saving. Often, women with breast cancer   with pin-point accuracy, minimizing
                                                                                 do not have any physical symptoms,   damage to surrounding healthy tissue
                                                                                 including pain. Detecting breast cancer   and providing a pain-free, non-invasive
                                                                                 early, before it has spread to the lymph   alternative surgery.
                                                                                 nodes or elsewhere, dramatically increas-
                                                                                 es a woman’s chance of a full recovery. In   Personalized Breast Cancer
                                                                                 contrast, advanced breast cancer requires   Treatments
                                                                                 more intensive treatments and leads to   Most importantly, should treatment be
                                                                                 higher mortality rates.              required, you want a multidisciplinary

                                                                                 Advanced Technologies                medical team. At Broward Health, a team
                                                                                                                      of physicians, surgeons, medical oncolo-
                                                                                   In terms of detection, we’ve come a   gists, radiation oncologists, reconstruc-
                                                                                 long way. Advanced radiation oncology   tive surgeons and other specialists pool
                                                                                 equipment and the latest technology for   their expertise to provide each patient
                                                                                 early detection of breast cancers is avail-  with a personalized treatment approach.
                                                                                 able, including digital mammography,   Nurses are specially trained to provide
                                                                                 sensory suites, contrast-enhanced mam-  care to oncology patients and are certi-
                                                                                 mography and Tomosynthesis. These    fied in cancer care through the Oncology
                                                                                 innovative tools enable physicians and   Nursing Society. Patients should have
                                                                                 clinicians to better pinpoint breast can-  access to a full range of support services
                Exceptional Care                                                 cer and design a customized treatment   including integrative oncology special-
                                                                                   It is helpful to be aware of the technol-  ists within rehabilitative medicine, social
                                                                                                                      work, nutritional specialists, palliative
                throughout South Florida                                         ogy available. As an example, techni-  medicine and behavioral health.
                                                                                 cians at Broward Health use:
                                                                                                                        Together we can beat cancer. Make
                                                                                   • SmartCurve™ paddles with 2D and   your appointment today.
                                                                                 3D technology, which provides radiolo-
                KIDZ Medical Services offers a continuum of high-                gists with a clearer image and gives the
                                                                                 patient a more comfortable experience    Dr. Alia Abdulla is a Surgical Oncologist
                quality care for newborns and children to age 18.                                                       at Broward Health. For more information,
                                                                                 since the paddle mimics the shape of a     visit
                Our team of nearly 250 pediatric subspecialists and              breast.                                             or call (954) 888-3453.
                                                                                   • The 128 Multi-Slice CT Scanner
                obstetricians works alongside highly-trained nursing and

                allied health professionals. Together, they treat patients
                at many of the region’s top hospitals.                                             Subscribe to...
                                                                                           SOUTH FLORIDA HOSPITAL NEWS &
                Whether your child or teen needs a consultation or
                                                                                                HEALTHCARE REPORT today!
                highly-specialized tertiary care, you can count on the
                                                                                                         Subscribe online at
                KIDZ Medical team to provide the necessary expertise.               
                                                                                                       or call 561-368-6950
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                  Providing care to infants, children

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                 Locations in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Collier,
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