Page 23 - CNF OCTOBER 2021
P. 23

Cover Story: Camillus Health Concern                                          South Broward Hospital District

        Receives 5 CHQR Badges                                                                Board of Commissioners

                                                                                           Adopts Lowest Millage Rate
        Continued from page 1               around, they are transient. They know
        of health centers in the nation in this cat-  where they have to go for their evening
        egory.                              meal, and word spreads easily." Afram-       Ever Recorded for the District
          (4) Patient-Centered Medical Home   Gyening also said CHC works very close-
        Recognition, which recognizes centers in   ly with other homeless service providers,
        one or more delivery sites. CHC was   particularly the shelters, and when the   South Florida, like other areas of the   which include paying Broward County’s
        among about 75% of centers in this cate-  clients stay with them, they are often   country, has experienced serious surges   Medicaid Match program and communi-
        gory, as this is a core element of all health   referred to CHC.          brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic,   ty redevelopment agencies in several
        centers' missions.                    Camillus Health Concern is located in   creating a high demand for healthcare   municipalities in south Broward County,
          (5) COVID-19 Testing, for centers that   Miami, and Afram-Gyening said, "Our   services and challenges across hospitals.   as well as tax collector commissions and
        tested more than 50% of their reported   sole mission is helping those experienc-  Medical teams cared for a high level of   property appraiser fees.
        populations from April 2020 to July 2021,   ing homelessness and the indigent popu-  COVID-19 cases coupled with steady   The newly adopted millage rate will
        and had a response rate of at least 50% to   lation. The Little Brothers of the Good   patient volumes in other clinical areas,   leave no net tax revenue to fund uncom-
        a COVID-19 survey. CHC was among less   Shepherd was established in 1960 when   such as cardiac and cancer.    pensated care, the District will use oper-
        than 22% of centers to receive this.   the Cubans were fleeing Cuba under   Memorial Healthcare System has been   ating income to cover all uncompensated
          With the level of quality offered by   Castro's regime. We welcomed them   on the forefront of the pandemic, manag-  care costs for the entire Memorial
        CHC, Afram-Gyening shouldn't have   when they came to Miami. We clothed   ing up to 738 COVID-19 positive      Healthcare System, including its six hos-
        been caught off guard by the awards, but   them, we housed them, and fed them. So   patients at the peak of the latest surge,   pitals and its eight Memorial Primary
        he was. "We were surprised to receive   that was the original idea, to help these   while also investing $16 million in per-  Care clinics. In fiscal year 2022 uncom-
        those five badges. We had received one or   new refugees; and that gave birth, in   sonal protection supplies, and supple-  pensated care is projected to exceed $967
        two before, but to be given all of those at   1988, to Camillus Health Concern."   menting its front line with close to 1,000   million.
        once! I am particularly proud of the   Of the many services offered by CHC,   contract nurses to address the constant
        COVID-19 award – we really tested a lot   Afram-Gyening commented on what he   needs brought on by the pandemic this   Memorial’s Minimum
        of people with community partners, the   considers to be the most significant: "The   past year.               Wage Increase
        sheltered and unsheltered, people experi-  most important service is to wake up   Such level of response had significant   On a separate and unanimous vote, the
        encing homelessness. So to be recognized   every morning, come to work, and see the   impact on Memorial’s finances, yet the   Board of Commissioners also approved
        for that was very satisfying."      success this population has when they   Board of Commissioners for the South   an increase in the Memorial Minimum
          Afram-Gyening said each of the health   come to the clinic for dental care or   Broward Hospital District, which over-  Wage, from $13 an hour to $15 an hour
        centers must submit a Uniform Data Set   behavioral health or primary care.    sees all actions for Memorial, voted   – an investment of over $8 million in
        report every year that details a great deal   To see the smiles when they leave the   Wednesday to still move forward with   Memorial’s workforce. This is the second
        of information. The Health Resources and   clinic is what seems like the most impor-  the adoption of the lowest millage rate   minimum wage increase in the last six
        Services Administration analyzes the data   tant. It is so hard for this population to   ever recorded for the district. This latest   months.
        and determines if and how much the   seek care because most of them are not   millage reduction to 0.1144 marks the   This historic reduction of this millage
        health centers have improved. He said   working, and they might be experiencing   11th year in a row that the Board has   rate coupled with the increase in mini-
        that, in CHC's case, for example, they   mental health and financial challenges,   voted to lower the overall millage rate,   mum wage also comes at a time when
        served 5,700 new patients in 2019, but in   they are sleeping under bridges, not in   resulting in the lowest rate in the history   Memorial Healthcare System continues
        2020, the number increased by more than   homes. Too often they are greeted with   of the South Broward Hospital District.   to offer a comprehensive array of servic-
        5%, to 6,000.                       disrespect or disdain. So for them to get   Commissioners supported their decision   es, such as cardiac and stroke care, Level
          "Frankly, we should have seen a reduc-  up and say, 'Today I'm going to see a den-  based on Memorial’s strong financial   1 trauma services, maternity, kidney
        tion in total patients during the pandemic   tist, I'm going to see my counselor,' it   position and having the ability to provide   transplant and many others. Memorial’s
        because people were reluctant to come to   gives me joy to be able to provide those   that reduction to residents in south   quality and safety has been recognized
        clinics, with social distancing and mask-  services with dignity and respect to these   Broward County.        nationally by Leapfrog Group, a national
        ing and all of that. But for us, we grew   individuals who need them most."                                    nonprofit organization that collects and
        during the pandemic. That alone was a                                     What does the lowest millage         transparently reports hospital perform-
        significant achievement."                            For more information,   rate represent?                   ance.
          He said word of mouth is the number                  call (305) 374-1065    The 0.1144 millage rate represents a   Memorial Cardiac and Vascular
        one way new clients come to the center.            or visit  4.59 percent decrease from last year’s rate   Institute continues to receive outstand-
        "The population we serve – they move                                      of 0.1199. The resulting gross tax rev-  ing ratings from the Society of Thoracic
                                                                                  enues are estimated to reach $7.7 mil-  Surgeons, placing Memorial in the top
                    ••••••••••••••••••••••••                                      lion. After accounting for early payment   1% of U.S. cardiovascular centers for
                                                                                  discounts and a certain percentage of
                                                                                                                       2017. Memorial also remains one of only
                     Visit us online at                                           uncollectible taxes, the anticipated tax   a handful of public hospitals in the
                                                                                                                       nation to achieve AA, Aa3 financial rat-
                                                                                  payments this year of $7.6 million will
                                                                                  provide the District enough revenue to   ings by Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s,
                                        cover its governmental obligations,   respectively.

         10                        October 2021                                                                                                                        South Florida Hospital News
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