Page 26 - CNF OCTOBER 2021
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Five Reasons to Utilize Video                                         What’s New in Pediatric Surgery

                          Content Marketing                                         While all eyes have                          as an educator is to progress

                                                                                   turned to COVID-19 mit-                       from teaching how it’s done
          Video content market-                       marketing goals. Although    igation, pediatric sur-                       to allowing them to perform
        ing is a relatively new way                   YouTube is the most popular   geons have been working                      under supervision, then dis-
        for businesses to promote                     platform for creating videos,   on other advancements as                   tant supervision, then inde-
        their products and servic-                    other social media platforms,   well. Surgeons are playing                 pendently.
        es. By making videos, com-                    such as Snapchat, Instagram,   an integral role in a child’s                 The program started gain-
        panies can curate share-                      and Facebook, are also excit-  medical team more so                        ing more steam as residency
        able content on various                       ing contenders.              than ever before — they                       programs were communicat-
        social media platforms,                         Live videos have grown in   aren’t just in the OR and                    ing with medical schools
        such as YouTube, Face -                       recent years, with industry   then out of the child’s life.                that their new residents
        book, or Twitter. As tech-                    giants   like   Facebook,    Instead, pediatric sur-                       weren’t fully capable of
        nology advances, it has                       YouTube, and Twitch—offer-   geons are looking to up   BY CARMEN RAMOS-    accomplishing tasks and
        become a method sought                         ing ways for businesses to   the standards and meth-   IRIZARRY, MD       competencies required for
        after by more companies   BY CHAD TINGLE       stream live content. Live   ods for care in the areas                     their level. There was a gap
        due to its reach and                           videos are as effective as   of educating new pediatric surgeons,   across medical school programs.
        returns.                                       uploaded videos. Facebook   policies for opioid use, gun violence, and   The EPA program allows for more
          The great thing about video content   claims that live streams get six times more   child abuse, proving their continued   comprehensive teaching and learning,
        marketing is that it’s becoming easier to   interactions than regular videos.   desire and innovation to protect the   such as performing an appendectomy,
        do. When done well, it can be a powerful                                   youngest among us.                  start to finish. There is an entrustability
        tool for a brand to spread its message in a   4. People Are Drawn to Videos                                    scale where you can measure perform-
        way that is easily accessible to a larger   People, by nature, are drawn to videos.   Educating the future     ance and give feedback. You can ask the
        audience. But aside from the reach it pro-  As technology made it easier for business-  of pediatric surgery   trainee how they felt doing the appen-
        vides, what else can it do?          es to record videos, it has also made it con-  How do pediatric surgeons ensure that   dectomy. They may say, ‘I appreciated
                                             venient to watch content. In 2017, people   the medical students they are working   when you told me to put this clip here or
          1. Better Explanation              watched over a billion hours of videos   with are ready to conduct the entire pro-  to watch out for arteries.’ With that con-
          Videos provide better explanations and   every day on YouTube.           cedure process alone? The standards are   structive feedback, they get a chance to
        context than photos. Video content is a   Meanwhile, Twitter revealed that there   changing for the better. In 2007, doctors   tell what they need. The EPA will help
        helpful tool for enticing potential buyers   are two billion views on its platform daily.   in the Netherlands piloted a new con-  attendings identify the needs of a resi-
        to buy a product by showing the items’   On top of that, tweets with embedded   cept called Entrustable Professional   dent to know if she needs to prompt the
        uses, importance, and relevance. At least   videos get ten times more engagement   Activities (EPAs), starting a shift in med-  resident’s next step or to let them go
        94 percent of marketers mentioned that   than those without. In effect, businesses   ical education to a competency-based   ahead independently.
        using video content has helped increase   that do not produce video content are   education. It’s learner-driven, directly   A study that includes Olle Ten Cate,
        user understanding of a product or serv-  missing out on attention online.   observable, and provides a measurable   the original Netherlands researcher
        ice.                                                                       way to ensure entrustability in trainees.   piloting the program, concluded that the
          Most customers only buy products that   5. Videos Are SEO-Friendly       It is based on several domains of compe-  EPA program on average shortens the
        they understand. It also adds to the buying   Video content ranks better in SEO.   tency that require the completion of   necessary length of training by 3
        possibilities if they can understand what   Uploading videos on video-sharing plat-  multiple milestones. The Association of   months. The pilot studies continue on
        the product does exactly. For example,   forms while using target keywords can be   Medical Colleges started to use this   and I hope this framework will soon be
        companies that sell tech devices invest in   an excellent way to get your business on   framework and multiple ongoing pilot   implemented in widespread fashion.
        videos to help sell new products to the   the first page of Google. The search engine   studies are taking place across training
        market.                              includes YouTube videos at the top of the   programs with the hope it will be wide-  Dr. Carmen Ramos-Irizarry, a pediatric
                                             page for most search terms.           spread in upcoming years.              surgeon at KIDZ Medical in Naples, is a
          2. Return on Investment                                                   We often ask ourselves, “When can I   Councilor of The American Board of Surgery
          ROI is possible for video content mar-  Conclusion                       trust my learner?” We measure them by   (ABS), the national certifying body for gen-
        keting, but it would still depend on several   Overall, video content marketing is the   competency and their ability to do tests,   eral surgeons and related specialists.
        factors, such as the content strategy and   future of promoting products and services.   but nobody is watching their interpro-  For more information,
        the quality of videos. However, 83 percent   Since it’s easier to produce videos today,   fessional skills — how do they deal with   visit
        of marketers still think video content gives   most businesses result in creating high-  others? And how to process the task      carmen-ramos-md.
        them a good return on investment.    quality content while maximizing what   from zero to the end of the test? My role
        Although producing video content is   people need and expect from them. If your
        expensive, various options make it possi-  company doesn’t use video content as a
        ble to create a good video without having   marketing tool, then maybe it’s time to
        to spend too much.                   consider it.
          People can record high-quality videos                                                        E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to
        on mobile phones. Before, without smart-  Crown Street Films is a full-service produc-
        phones, people needed expensive cameras   tion agency with locations in Miami and Los
        and luxurious setups. But now, with an   Angeles. We are dedicated to producing
        entry-level phone and a skill for editing,   exceptional content that can be disseminat-
        everyone can create video content that can   ed across any medium, platform, or network.
        help a business sell. Keep in mind that             Check out our services at
        spending less on producing video content and schedule an
        means it’s easier to get a positive ROI.                appointment today.

          3. Variety of Use                    For more information, contact Chad Tingle
          Video content is a versatile tool that pro-           at (305) 794-7201
        vides marketers with options. It’s easy to     or
        find a method that fits your company’s

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