Page 31 - CNF OCTOBER 2021
P. 31

Publisher’s Note
                                                                                         Publisher’s Note

                                                                                     Let’s celebrate the day you gave

                                                                                     up on finding anyone better than

                                                                                              me. Happy Anniversary!


                                                                                       What could possibly prevent
                                                                                     me from ranting this month (as I
                                                                                     have for the last three) about
                                                                                     how crucial it is to get your
                                                                                     COVID vaccine — it must be
                                                                                     something incredibly momen-
                                                                                     tous. And it is … the Felix’s
           Isn’t it time for an independent expert opinion                           50th wedding anniversary. Yes, I
                                                                                     know what you’re thinking. We
               on your malpractice insurance coverage?                               must have married quite young,
                                                                                     and you would be right. We
            Not all policies are created equally.  There are many factors to consider when
            shopping for your malpractice insurance – proper liability limits, tails, triggers,   were barely in our twenties and
            retroactive coverage, regulatory and cyber protection, purchasing programs... the   actually got engaged without
            options are daunting, and the wrong fit can be disastrous to your practice.   even going on a real date. As
                                                                                     Carol likes to say, “We were too lazy to date and equally too lazy to ever get
            As independent agents specializing in malpractice insurance placement, we are strong   divorced.” According to the U.S. Census Bureau a mere five percent of mar-
            enough within the malpractice insurance marketplace to fully and competently ne-
                                                                                     riages makes it to 50 years. So, I guess we really must be Mr. and Mrs. T-
            gotiate the best coverage and pricing for you with the top insurers in the state.
                                  Call Danna-Gracey at 800.966.2120 for a no-obligation   To celebrate this questionable milestone, Carol and I decided it was time
                                  assessment of your current malpractice insurance   (for probably only the third time in our married life) to buy a new mattress.
                                  policy. Your practice is worth it.                 (Yes, we’ve been sleeping on lumps and bumps for ages.) The only problem
                                                                                     was the necessary “test drive” in the age of COVID. And despite the sales
                Delray: 54 SE Sixth Avenue, Delray Beach, FL  33483 • 800.966.2120 • Fax 888.235.5008
                Orlando: 541 Lake Como Circle, Orlando , FL   32803 • 888.496.0059 • Fax 407.896.0079  spiel about all sample mattresses being sanitized after every trial, Carol was-
                 Delray Beach • Jacksonville • Miami • Orlando • Panama City
                    •              n’t buying it. So only after arming herself with sanitizer spray AND a per-
                 800.966.2120 • •           sonal pillowcase could we venture forth.
                                                                                       I think our salesperson Gloria is still reeling from the speed at which we
                                                                                     made our choice. We walked in, listed our criteria: extra firm, low profile,
                                                                                     and no pillowtop. She showed us 3 beds and we were done in 15 minutes.
                                                                                     Of course she tried to sell us on the adjustable bed idea, demonstrating the
                                                                                     remote control — at which point she got the Carol “death star glare.” So
                                                                                     much like the way I’ve navigated the past 50 years,  Gloria quickly learned
                                                                                     it’s sometimes just easier to back off than to engage.
                                                                                       I did want to give Carol (a woman of few words) a chance to comment
                                                                                     about this upcoming milestone. However all Carol would say was, “It’s
                                                                                     remarkable how long we have tolerated each other.”

                                                                                                                      Charles Felix

                                                                                                  You can reach Charles Felix at

                                                                                     West Palm Beach, Florida

                                                                                     BELONG. BEL IEVE.  BECOME.
                                                                                    BEGI       N YOUR
                                                                                              CEESS STORY
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                                                                                     DEGREES IN B         S        THCARE,
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                                                                                     SOUTHUNIVE    Y .EDU

                                                                                          Programs, cre dential levels, technology , and scheduling options vary by school and ar e subject to change. Not all pr oggrams ar e available to r esidents of all U.S. states.
                                                                                          South Univers ity , W est Palm Beach, University Centr e, 9801 Belveder e Rd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. © 2021 South h University . All rights r eserved.
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