Page 29 - CNF OCTOBER 2021
P. 29

Malpractice Insurance

                                                                                                         EXPERT ADVICE

                                                                                  Why Professional Liability Insurance

                                                                                          Premiums Continue to Rise

                                                                                     BY VANESSA ORR                               01, the average claim pay-
                                                                                                                                  ment was $250,000, which
                                                                                   As if the past couple of                       is what the average physi-
                                                                                  years haven’t been difficult                    cian carries in liability,” said
                                                                                  enough, physicians are                          Murphy. “In 2020, that aver-
                                                                                  now starting to feel the                        age was over $400,000.
                                                                                  pain of medical profession-                       Other factors affecting
                                                                                  al liability rate increases.                    these lawsuits and the con-
                                                                                   “Major carriers are really                     current rise in insurance
                                                                                  concerned about current                         rates include social inflation
                                                                                  rate adequacy,” explained                       and the rollback of tort
                                                                                  Medical Malpractice and                         reform in many states,
                                                                                  Workers’ Compensation                           including Florida.
                                                                                  Specialist Tom Murphy at      Tom Murphy          “Everyone now has social
                                                                                  Danna-Gracey, the largest                       media, and large settlements
                                                                                  medical malpractice insurance agency in   and jury awards have become common-
                                                                                  Florida. The company recently merged   place,” said Murphy. “When a claim pay-
                                                                                  with Risk Strategies, one of the top 20   ment is made for $10 million, the average
                                                                                  insurance brokerages in the country.    Joe thinks nothing of it. It has really
                                                                                   “Unlike other forms of insurance, med-  changed people’s attitudes and beliefs
                                                                                  ical professional liability is based on his-  about entitlement for compensation
                                                                                  toric claim and loss trends, but because it   injuries and losses, and their willingness to
                                                                                  can take five years or more to settle a   pursue litigation. In the past, they were not
                                                                                  claim—and this can be different in every   so quick to pull the trigger.”
                                                                                  state because of statutes of limitations—  Before tort reforms were rolled back,
                                                                                  they don’t know if the rates they set today   there were limits on judgements, but now
                                                                                  will be correct,” he added. “Until they see   “shock” awards are more commonplace,
                                                                                  how claims play out, and what they need   especially with the proliferation of class-
                                                                                  to pay out, they don’t know what their   action lawsuits.
                                                                                  reserves should have been.”           “Reptilian brain theory, which is a tactic
                                                                                   Murphy explained that insurers look at   used in jury trials to activate a juror’s sur-
                                                                                  the combined ratio, which includes all of   vival instincts, is being used more often by
                                                                                  their expenses, such as management costs   lawyers to induce fear in order to over-
                                                                                  and claims payments, to determine what   come logic and reason,” said Murphy of
                                                                                  premiums should be. “If the combined   these massive awards. “The goal of saying
                                                                                  ratio is 100 percent, for every dollar they   that a doctor is a danger to the community
                                                                                  take in, they pay out one dollar,” he said.   and patient safety, for example, is to create
                                                                                  “If that number is over 100 percent, they   verdicts to punish, instead of compensate.
                                                                                  are losing money.”                  It gets the jury angry, and they come back
                                                                                   In 2020, medical professional liability   with larger verdicts.”
                                                                                  carriers were working at a 118 percent   He adds that third-party litigation
                                                                                  combined ratio, so they began raising   financing, in which private equity firms
                                                                                  rates. Those who didn’t plan well have   finance law firms in their litigation and
                                                                                  raised rates dramatically—in some cases,   then receive a cut of the award, is also
                                                                                  up to 50 percent. Companies who antici-  growing. “This incentivizes lawsuits,
                                                                                  pated this issue began raising rates incre-  which is a dangerous trend,” said Murphy.
                                                                                  mentally about three years ago by about 5   A trend in increased defense costs has
                                                                                  percent each year; something Murphy says   also resulted in premium increases; in
                                                                                  that these companies will need to continue   1991, defense costs averaged about
                                                                                  to do while the market is on a downward   $200,000 on closed claims; that number
                                                                                  trend.                              has increased to $1.2 million.
                                                                                   With the exception of 2021, the past   “While none of this is good news, the
                                                                                  four to five years have seen an increase in   best way for physicians to weather the
                                                                                  lawsuits, as well as in the amounts award-  market is to look for higher ground—to
                                                                                  ed to plaintiffs.                   stay with A-rated AM Best companies that
                                                                                   “Because of COVID, 2021 saw a      have lasted through all the ups and downs,
                                                                                  decrease in lawsuits, but this is an anom-  and who defend their physicians,” said
                                                                                  aly; lawsuits are expected to accelerate   Murphy. “You may pay a little higher pre-
                                                                                  again once courts are back in session,” said   mium to be with a better company, but
                                                                                  Murphy. “Right now, companies don’t   they’ll be there when you need them.”
                                                                                  know what the final outcome of claims rel-
                                                                                  ative to the pandemic will be.”          To contact Danna-Gracey, a Division of
                                                                                   Paid indemnity, or what carriers have   Risk Strategies, call Tom Murphy or Matt
                                                                                  had to pay on average, has increased con-         Gracey at (800) 966-2120
                                                                                  siderably over the past two decades.            or visit
                                                                                  “Before the last hard market hit in 2000-

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