Page 20 - CNF OCTOBER 2021
P. 20

Cover Story:  Steward Health Care
                                                                                  Names Marisela Marrero, MD,
                     Convenient Course Offerings
                                                                                  as Regional President for South Florida
           to Help Meet the Increased Demand for

                                                                                  Continued from page 1               regarding the acquisition by Steward of
            Skilled Health Informatics Professionals                              Mass General Brigham.               Tenet’s five hospitals and related hospital
                                                                                    She also served as President of Good   operations in the Miami-Dade and
            As health information technology expands and                          Samaritan Medical Center, one of    Southern Broward counties.
           becomes widely adopted throughout the United                           Steward’s largest and most successful   “Steward acquired these hospitals for a
           States, trained professionals are essential at various                 Massachusetts hospitals. Originally from   variety of reasons,” explains Dr. Marrero.
           health care facilities and physician offices. Miami                    Puerto Rico, Dr. Marrero has dedicated   “For one, this is our chairman’s beloved
           Dade College, Medical Campus, is a known leader in                     her career to engaging and partnering   home state. Second, Steward is a physi-
           addressing the needs of the health care community                      with Latino communities to provide vital   cian-led system, and as such, we have a
           and offers three fully accredited health information                   health information and care, regularly   unique way of partnering with our
           programs. These include an Associate of Science                        appearing on Spanish-language televi-  providers and our patients that unques-
           degree in Health Information Technology, and two                       sion to provide expertise on many   tionably results in better care. Finally, we
           short-term programs — Health Informatics Specialist                    important healthcare topics.        are fully engaged, on all fronts, and will
           and a Medical Coder/Biller Specialist, all strategically                 Since she was a young girl, Dr. Marrero   work hand in hand with our community
           designed to allow working professionals the opportu-                   says that she always knew that she want-  to address their needs.”
           nity to pursue a convenient, affordable education in   BY DR. DEBRA A.   ed to practice medicine.            Dr. Marrero is excited about her new
           health information.                                SHANNON               “It was the perfect combination for   role and the challenges and opportuni-
            Students with obligations have the flexibility of                     someone who loved both science and   ties that await her.
           completing assignments at any time on MDC Online or interacting in real time   people,” she says.            “My vision is to deliver the highest
           with professors and classmates on scheduled days and times using MDC Live.   Based in Dallas, Steward currently   quality healthcare within all of our com-
           Students interested in these programs can accomplish their academic and career   operates 44 hospitals around the world,   munities,” she notes. "The Steward
           goals by enrolling today.                                              including 39 across Arizona, Arkansas,   Healthcare System will take this region
                                                                                  Florida, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Ohio,   to new heights and we will provide com-
                   For more information on the Health Information Technology or Healthcare   Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah, as well as   passionate high quality care throughout
               Informatics Specialist certificate programs at Miami Dade College, contact Mary   five internationally within Malta and   the region.”
                       Worsley, MS, RHIA, CCS, at (305) 237-4156 or   Colombia.
                                                                                    This past summer, Steward and Tenet        For more information, please visit
                  For more information on the Medical Coder-Biller program, contact Christine   Healthcare Corporation announced that
                       Dundas, MLIS, RHIT, CCS, at (305) 237-4156 or   they had signed a definitive agreement

                  Dr. Debra A. Shannon, Department Chairperson, Health Associated Studies,
           Informatics, and Career Technical Education Programs, Miami Dade College, Medical        Visit us on the web at
                       Campus, can be reached at (305) 237-4088 or

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