Page 48 - SFHN MARCH 2022
P. 48

CANNABIS                                   Senate Majority Leader
                                                                                                                   Provides Timeline for
                                                                        BUSINESS                                   Introducing Long-
                                                                                                                   Awaited Marijuana
                                                                        DIRECTORY                                  Descheduling Plan

                                                                                    page  40
                                                                                                                                       page 43

                                         March 2022

                                      2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                                S.R. Construction: Florida Partner
                                                           With Cannabis Clients

                                                     Knowledge and Experience Deliver
           Investing Event
                                                               Homefield Advantage
                in Miami,
                                               BY BARBARA R. FALLON
          April 20 and 21

                                              Yes, Florida cannabis con-
                                             struction is different and many                                                        Dr. Jeff Konin
               BY MAUREEN MEEHAN             of the initial license holders
                                             learned this truth the expen-
          The 14th Benzinga Cannabis Capital   sive way. Due to the diverse                                                  The Top 10
        Conference is happening on April 20   and intricate set of codes,
        and April 21, at the Fontainebleau   Florida compliance regula-                                                  Cannabis Myths
        Miami Beach. The world’s largest and   tions, and existing property
        most successful cannabis investing and   conditions, it takes more than a                                       to Dispel in 2022
        finance event is already looking like it’s   tool belt to design and con-
        going be the best attended in terms of   struct successful cannabis
        heavy hitters in cannabis investing,   infrastructure in the unique                                                   BY DR. JEFF G. KONIN
        financing, analyzing and, yes, enjoying   Florida market.                 Indoor Cultivation Facility
        all that this booming industry has to   Partnering with a Florida-                                               It is likely that if you are reading this
        offer.                               based, statewide cannabis-experienced general contractor, such as S.R. Construction   article, you too have realized that we all
          At the Benzinga Cannabis Capital   Service (SRCS), brings familiarity with all phases of large-scale indoor cultivation, pro-  have a long way to go in educating the
        Conference in Miami you’ll hear from   cessing, retail construction and a keen awareness of the many Department of Health   general public about many aspects of
        some of the top names in the industry   (DOH) requirements. This knowledge and experience is vital to ensure your infrastruc-  cannabis. I have found that in near every
        including:                           ture plan is successfully executed delivering market share and ROI.       presentation that I give it is essential to
          • Boris Jordan, Executive Chairman,                                                                          revert back to the basics. Why? The bot-
        Curaleaf                                                                                  Continued on page 41  tom line is that for the most part the gen-
          • Irwin Simon, CEO, Tilray                                                                                   eral public is not cannabis smart. This
          • Whitney Beatty, CEO, Josephine                                                                             may or may not include the hundreds of
          & Billie’s                                          Cannabis Spotlight                                       thousands of medical marijuana patients
          • David Klein, CEO, Canopy Growth                                                                            in Florida, but it is essential to elevate the
          • Nancy Whiteman, Co-Founder                                                                                 baseline knowledge of as many people as
          & CEO, Wanna Brands                                                                                          possible in order to remove the remaining
          • Zach George, CEO, Sundial        Oswaldo Graziani                                                          stigmas associated with cannabis.
          Check out the full list of speakers at   Director of Marketing & Creative                                      Here is my top 10 list of cannabis myths                                                                                            and facts that should be a part of every
          Join us in Miami to enjoy exclusive   Fluent                                                                 educational presentation:
        opportunities for curated networking                                                                             1. CBD is a drug that can get you high.
        and unparalleled access to private deal   What benefits do you see for patients                                The majority of the general public do not
        flow at this extraordinary event hosted   throughout Florida within this space?                                know what cannabinoids are or that there
        by the Detroit based with international   Cannabis is medicine, and it’s all about providing                   is any difference between THC and CBD,
        outreach, Benzinga, the financial news   communities with choices. Medical cannabis                            let alone what the difference actually is.
        and data company recently acquired at a   patients have the opportunity to choose between a                    Very simple explanations, factoid sheets,
        $300 million valuation. Hear what exec-  variety of healthcare options beyond big pharma.                      and educational materials can go a long
        utives of top-performing cannabis com-  Medical cannabis is positively changing people's                       way toward clarifying this myth.
        panies have to say about the booming   lives every day.                                                          2. There is no research to support any
        industry and get priceless insights from                                                                       effectiveness of cannabis. The fact is if
        the world’s leading cannabis investors,   What motivates you to be a part of the cannabis Industry?            you type the word “cannabis” in a
        all in one place.                      There are a combination of factors that motivated me to join the industry. For   PubMed search it will yield 27,628
                                             starters, I’m a true believer in the powers of the plant––It has changed my life for the   results! It that a lot? Yes. Could we benefit
        Why Attend the 2022 Benzinga         better and I want others to feel the benefits and positive influences too.    from more? Of course! It is important to
        Cannabis Capital Conference?           Secondly, the cannabis industry is new and exciting, and it’s really inspiring for a   disseminate what has been published with
          For starters, the upgraded version of   creative and marketing professional to tap into such an evolving space. Lastly, I truly   quality and strive to performs the studies
        the   Benzinga   Cannabis   Capital  believe Florida has enormous potential to become one of the most important cannabis   that address the unanswered questions.
        Conference is the biggest and best yet   states in the United States. We have it all: the population, the weather, and the demo-  3. CBD has a psychoactive effect. This
        with a vast collection of traditional   graphics.                                                              is likely a result of people simply clump-
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