Page 46 - SFHN MARCH 2022
P. 46

TM                                      AROUND
                  Florida’s Resource for
                  Medical & Business
                 Cannabis Developments

                    PO Box 812708
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708     Back Cover Story: Benzinga’s Unparalleled Cannabis
                 Phone: (561) 368-6950
                                             Investing Event in Miami, April 20 and 21
                                             Continued from back cover                              with a record level of investment capital and top-notch opera-
          CHARLES FELIX                                                                             tors,” said Chief Zinger Jason Raznick.
          CAROL FELIX                        keynotes, panel discussions, fireside chats, networking, com-  In addition to the roomy expo floor to give more visibility to
          Publishers                         pany presentations and investor and celebrity appearances.   the brands that are shaping the cannabis space, attendees can
                                             And then there’s the venue, which has a huge exhibit floor pro-  also peel off to private meeting areas, or hunker down in the
          NANCY LAMMIE                       viding enhanced industry networking opportunities.     comfortable chairs and listen to an interview or fireside chat.
          JMC Graphics                         “Adding an expo floor is extremely exciting for us. We were
          Art/Production                     waiting for the right time to do this; now that we’ve had many   And then there’s the food, premium food options on hand for
                                             years to curate the best of the best companies in the cannabis   both days.
          JUDY GRAMM
          Editorial Manager                  space, we feel confident that the offering will be like no other.   Benzinga Conferences: A Proven Model
                                             This, on top of the already impressive speaker lineup and   After 13 extremely successful editions in Toronto, Chicago,
          CONTRIBUTING WRITERS               investment opportunities Benzinga always brings to the table,”   Detroit, New York and Miami, the Benzinga Cannabis Capital
          Daniel Casciato                    said Patrick Lane, executive vice president of Partnerships at   Conference has grown by leaps and bounds - not just in atten-
          Barbara Fallon                     Benzinga.                                              dance or venue size but in terms of guests, CEOs and influ-
          Vanessa Orr                          Deals discussed and valuable information gleaned while hob-  encers in the industry, whom you don’t want to miss meeting
          Lois Thomson                       nobbing with like-minded people in a large conference hall   in person.
                                             often prove to be game changers, say scores of attendees at
          SUBSCRIPTIONS                      Benzinga events.
          One Year - $45                       “We’ve seen cannabis businesses raise tens of millions of dol-    Looking forward to you joining us in Miami in April.
          Two Years - $70                                                                                         Register at for the Benzinga
          Three Years - $85                  lars at our events and this year's meeting will be even larger,                     Cannabis Capital Conference.

          To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950
          Or email:

          All rights reserved. Reproduction         E-mail your Cannabis news to:
          In whole or part without written
          permission is prohibited.
          Copyright ©2022

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