Page 42 - SFHN MARCH 2022
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                                             Back Cover Story: Cannabis Spotlight

                                             What field are you in within        feel supported and taken care of. We   for marketing the company and, four
                                             the cannabis space?                 offer a wide range of high-quality   years later, here I am as the Creative
                                               I’m in the marketing and creative field   cannabis products, but we take it up a   Director of Fluent.
                                             within cannabis; I call it “the fun stuff”.   notch by providing an outstanding cus-
                                             At Fluent, I’m in charge of the branding,   tomer experience too. Our dispensary   Are you personally a MJ card
                                             all the marketing initiatives, and all the   team is the best and our online experi-  holder?
                                             creative strategy and development that   ence is just an extension of the quality   Yes, I am.
                                             comes with it. I’m really passionate about   service patients expect to get when they
                                             cannabis branding. I believe the industry   visit Fluent.                Do you see Florida moving
                                             is very young and there’s a lot of work to is the place to go to   forward with recreational
                                             do on the branding and marketing side.   start your cannabis journey with Fluent.    Marijuana/cannabis and how
                                             Because the industry is so new, I’ve seen                                will that affect your business?
                                             cannabis companies miss the mark with   How did you get started            The simple answer is yes. I believe it’s
                                             compelling branding and just recently   within the cannabis industry?    not a matter of “if” anymore––It’s a mat-
                                             we are starting to see strong and well-  Before joining the cannabis industry I   ter of “when” and “how”. Whenever
                                             developed brands hitting the market.   worked as a creative developer for   recreational cannabis laws are put in
                                             This trend is not going to stop anytime   Legacy and Digital Media. A production   place, every player in the industry will be
                                             soon.                               company in Miami reached out to me to   affected. In general, I think it will be
                                                                                 develop a Documentary Series about the   great for the industry and patients/con-
                                             How can people in Florida           cannabis industry in Florida. This was   sumers, but I’m sure there will be win-
                                             benefit from the company            during 2017 and the MMTC that I was   ners and losers while this transition hap-
                                             you represent?                      assigned to follow was Knox Medical,   pens. I’m looking forward to continuing
                                               We are proud of being a patient-mind-  which later became Fluent Cannabis.    along the journey of adult-use policies in
                                             ed cannabis company that goes above   I fell in love with the industry during   Florida. From a marketing and creative
                                             and beyond to make cannabis patients   the production of the pilot episode. I   standpoint, I think the best is yet to
                                                                                 started to advise the CEO on some ideas   come.

                                                                                        Medical Marijuana Use Registry

                                                                                        Update – 35 Day Rolling Period

                                                                                    Beginning Monday, March 1, 2022, the   and caregivers will see a new
                                                                                  Medical  Marijuana   Use   Registry  “Dispensable Amount” value on their
                                                                                  (Registry) was updated to comply with   orders. The “Dispensable Amount” value
                                                                                  section 381.986(8)(e)16.b., Florida   is the total available amount of marijuana
                             A LIVE MARKETPLACE                                   Statutes (F.S.), which states, in part, med-  in a form for smoking that a qualified
                                                                                                                       patient or caregiver may receive at any
                  For thousands of different alternative products                 (MMTCs) “may not dispense more than   given time due to the patient’s 35-day
                                                                                  one 35-day supply of marijuana in a form   rolling limit.
                                                                                  for smoking within any 35-day period to   For more details about a patient’s dis-
                                                                                  a qualified patient or caregiver.” As such,   pensation history and the date additional
                                                                                  a 35-day rolling limit will now be used to   amounts will become available to the
                                                                                  calculate dispensation limits for marijua-  patient, you can access the new
              Functional         Dietary         Cannabis         Vape            na in a form for smoking. This means the   “Dispensation History” dashboard. This
              Beverages       Supplements        Derivatives     Products
                                                                                  amount of marijuana in a form for smok-  dashboard tracks all smoking dispensa-
                                                                                  ing a patient may purchase on any given   tions used to calculate the patient’s
                                                                                  day is calculated as the difference   “Dispensable Amount.” To view this new
                                                                                  between the amount permitted by the   dashboard, expand your active Smoking
                                                                                  patient’s current order and the patient’s   Order in the Registry, and click the “See
                Herbal           Energy            Mood          Nicotine
               Products       Enhancement        Changers      Replacement        total dispensation history over the past   Calculation”  link  next  to  the
                                                                                  35 days. The 35-day cycle is not based on   “Dispensable Amount.” It is important to
                                                                                  the calendar month or certification-  note that “Date Expires” means that the
                                                                                  issued date.                         respective amount of marijuana in a form
                                                                                    All patients will be given a 35-day tran-  for smoking will become available the
                                                                                  sitionary period from March 1, 2022 to   day following the date listed (i.e., the
              Nootropics       Mushrooms          Kratom          Delta 8         April 4, 2022. During this time, only dis-  amount dispensed becomes available to
                                                                                  pensations made on or after March 1,   the patient at midnight of the day follow-
                                                                                  2022, for marijuana in a form for smok-  ing the date listed on “Date Expires”).
                                 WANT TO ATTEND?                                  ing, will be used to calculate the amount
                                                                                  available to be dispensed to the patient.   The Office of Medical Marijuana Use
                                  ake 50% OFF      your ti icket  using           Beginning April 5, 2022, all patients will   (OMMU) has published an instructional
                                  ode       CANNABISNEWWS                         start their own 35-day rolling limit, and   guide on how to understand the Amount
                                                                                  MMTCs will not be permitted to dis-    Available Calculation Page. This guide can
                                  AN HERE TO CLAIM YOUR DISCOUNT!                 pense an amount in excess of a patient’s   also be found on the OMMU’s website,
                                                                                  35-day rolling limit.                      here:
                                                                                    As part of this Registry update, patients    registry/#instructional-guides.
                   FT. LAUDERRDALE  |  MARCH 11--13, 2022


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