Page 41 - SFHN MARCH 2022
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         Back Cover Story: S.R. Construction: Florida Partner With Cannabis Clients

        Continued from back cover            design alterations during                                                to stringent quarterly audits, record keep-
          Having completed over 75+ retail dis-  construction. The SRCS                                               ing and documentation of financials to
        pensaries, offering 60-day retail fast track   team offers clients scalable                                   avoid delays and costly fees or penalties
        construction turn time options and finish-  support in all facets of                                          while executing our plan and working
        ing numerous indoor and outdoor cultiva-  design, compliance, per-                                            through this challenge currently under
        tion facilities, SRCS clearly understands   mitting, estimating, sup-                                         debate and review while Congress consid-
        the challenges that medical cannabis culti-  ply chain and construc-                                          ers the Secure and Fair Enforcement
        vation, processing, distribution and retail   tion to support the critical                                    (SAFE) Banking act,” Seddon said. “In an
        present. The SRCS culture of ‘communica-  speed to market priorities.                                         industry that is still evolving, we see this as
        tion’ and ‘transparency’ provides synergy                                                                     a necessary customer service in relation-
        and balance to our client relationships,   An OG Player with                                                  ship building,” he explained.
        according to Ryan Seddon, Principal of   an Eye on Future
        SRCS.                                Trends                                                                   Building Relationships
                                               “Our investment of time                                                  “Our most valuable asset is the talented
        Scalable Support and Resources       and resources in technolo-                                               and experienced SRCS staff who con-
          “Whether working with the new 2nd   gy, continuing education                                                tribute - both as individuals and team
        round of Florida MMTC licenses (which   along with participation in                                           members - to the ultimate goal of a job
        will be entering the FL market in 2023) or   both national and local         Retail Dispensary                well done,” he explained, “and that’s what
        the current 22 existing Florida license   industry associations help                                          brings our customers back, ” Seddon said.
        holders, our knowledge of state-wide per-  keep SRCS at the forefront     tion facilities and retail dispensaries. This   SR Construction Services (SRCS) is a
        mitting, codes and total market compli-  of the ever-changing and fast paced   practice mitigates supply chain delays,   turnkey, division 1, vertically integrated,
        ance - from pre-planning through con-  cannabis market,” Seddon explained.    capex budget overruns and expedites   multi-licensed Florida contractor with
        struction to final DOH inspection - enables   Business Development Manager Eric   speed to market.”           years of active experience in the commer-
        us to sit at the table as a scalable 3rd party   Rogers added “We have been active in the                     cial retail and industrial cannabis market.
        extension of your organization,” Seddon   Florida Canna Construction space since   CRB Bankable               Their diverse business model is focused on
        explained.                           medical purpose legalization. This experi-  Furthermore, as a CRB bankable firm,   Industrial, Hospitality, Retail tenant
          Early and consistent collaboration   ence has resulted in our unique time-test-  SRCS market leadership offers a potent   improvement, Medical (including health
        among the design and architectural team,   ed set of systems and controls focused on   asset for clients facing enormous capital   facilities and dispensaries) and large-scale
        contractor, and equipment vendors is key   customer expectations and proven logis-  expenditures. Conflicting views of legality   Commercial construction and renova-
        to avoid costly and time-consuming   tics planning for both industrial cultiva-  between federal and state regulations cre-  tions.
                                                                                  ate critical yet often overlooked financial   Whether new to the market or existing
                                                                                  challenges for contractors in the medical   license holders, SRCS proven professionals
                                                                                  cannabis industry.                  with a reputation for safety and compli-
                          Shifting the Script:                                    sification of marijuana sales and use as   ance are eager to partner on your next
                                                                                   The current conundrum of federal clas-
                                                                                                                      project. Contact us for a free consultation.
                                                                                  non-legal makes it difficult for companies
                 Transitioning Patients to Natural                                conducting legitimate operations (in states        For more information, visit
                                                                                  where it is legal like Florida) to have,
            Treatments for Pain and Inflammation                                  secure financial interactions.                       call (561) 290-0402 or

                                                                                   “As a CRB bankable partner we submit       email
             Do your patients suffer from chronic joint pain or mobility issues? Are you
           looking for a natural way to help them reduce inflammation and get relief with-
           out pharmaceuticals or NSAIDS? Are you looking for a high-quality product to            E-mail your Cannabis news to:
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