Page 36 - SFHN MARCH 2022
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Cover Story:  Top Five Access Challenges                                 Cover Story: Medical Directorships

         and Solutions in Response to COVID                                       Come with Responsibilities, Risks

        Continued from page 1                location nearby.                     Continued from page 1               quately trained or that all of the profes-
         required to conduct an appropriate patient   Telehealth is another exciting method   administrative duties needed for licen-  sionals in the facility have the correct
         encounter further reducing access. Ease of   by which patient access to their physician   sure and board requirements, and pro-  licensure, they may also be liable if some-
         navigation from one care site to another   can be accommodated. The rapid develop-  viding generalized oversight to the prac-  thing happens,” added Gompers. “In the
         has also been more complicated than   ment of telehealth platforms allows   tice, among others.              state of Florida and other places, the
         before COVID. Due to these challenges,   patients to quickly and easily engage in a   “What some physicians might think of   medical director is also responsible to
         the Holy Cross Medical Group (HCMG),   video visit with their physician from the   as a way of supplementing their income   make sure that a facility’s billing proce-
         like medical groups across the country,   comfort of their own home. Telehealth has   for very little effort is really taking on a   dures are appropriate and meet all
         have adapted to these demands and   proven to be an excellent solution for   great deal of responsibility if they do the   requirements.”
         deployed new capabilities that will benefit   those patients with mobility or immuno-  duties required in the needed manner,”   In Florida specifically, any licensed
         patient access, safety, and care for years to   compromised conditions. Telehealth   said Gompers. “In fact, in some states   healthcare clinic may not operate with-
         come regardless of COVID.           makes the visit both safer and more con-  including Florida, the failure to do these   out the day-to-day supervision of a single
          Holy Cross Medical Group (HCMG)    venient.                             duties as defined in state statute could   medical or clinic director, who is, in the
         recognized and responded to the need to   Lastly, online scheduling provides   have an effect on the status of their med-  state’s view, the focus point of maintain-
         answer the phones quickly and effectively   access to care to the patient by logging   ical licenses.”       ing high quality care and ensuring that
         by centralizing the call center. HCMG   onto an online scheduling option. Doc   While some of the tasks of a medical   the facility is operating in compliance
         started with the primary care offices and   ASAP is a scheduling tool available to all   director can be delegated, the medical   with the law. When applying for recerti-
         rapidly expanded to the larger specialty   current and potential patients of HCMG   director can be held responsible when a   fication, medical directorships will be
         practices. This resulted in greater than   and accessible from any electronic device   patient suffers an adverse effect or the   reviewed by the state as part of the licen-
         98% of patient calls being answered in less   such as smartphone, tablet, or computer. It   entity’s regulatory compliance is called   sure requirement, and if there is a com-
         than 30 seconds. Specialized training   will list physician availability and make   into question.           plaint about the facility, every facet,
         allows for the call center representative to   scheduling as simple as selecting a time   “Many physicians don’t realize that   including the medical director’s role, will
         answer questions and schedule appoint-  that is convenient for them.     their medical professional liability policy   be reviewed.
         ments while on the call eliminating long   While COVID has had heartbreaking   most likely excludes medical director-  “Anybody contemplating entering into
         wait times, voicemails and return phone   implications across every community, it   initiated duties,” said Gompers. “In order   a medical directorship should have a
         calls. Their training also prepares the call   has pushed the adoption of centralized   to protect themselves from any suits or   contract and consult with a healthcare
         center representative to assess the health   services such as call centers and the   issues, they may need to get a separate   attorney to ensure that the proposed
         condition, and if COVID may be a factor,   advancement of technology such as tele-  policy or be added on to the facility’s pol-  business arrangement does not violate
         it can guide the patient to available   health and online scheduling. HCMG has   icy where they are serving as the medical   any state or federal laws such as corpo-
         resources.                          taken full advantage of these new capabil-  director.”                   rate practice of medicine and payment
          A collaborative team approach is   ities to serve our patients better.    There are a number of red flags that   arrangements,” said Gompers. “They
         improving access to patient appointments.   It is essential to note that in addition to   may signal a problem when looking at a   need to make sure that they understand
         While the patient/provider relationship   learning and deploying new capabilities,   medical director agreement.    their duties under the contract and con-
         remains a priority, a patient’s immediate   HCMG and other excellent health care   “For example, if a person is a medical   sider if they can appropriately perform
         need may require seeing a provider who   organizations across the community have   director at a facility like a nursing home,   those duties.
         has immediate availability versus waiting   known how to keep patients and care   and refers patients there while getting a   “They also need to make sure that they
         for the established physician relationship   teams safe while seeking care. It is crucial   monthly fee as a medical director, he or   have their own liability coverage to pro-
         to have an appointment available, which   that those in need of care understand this   she may be violating anti-kickback regu-  tect them in this role, or make sure that
         could be many weeks out. This is accom-  and don’t delay care even though COVID   lations,” said Gompers.    they are included in the policy of the
         modated by the centralized call center   continues to be a challenge in our commu-  The Physician Self-Referral Law, com-  facility or clinic engaging them and get a
         who has visibility into all physician sched-  nities.                    monly referred to as the Stark law, pro-  Certificate of Insurance as evidence of
         ules and can navigate a patient to another                               hibits physicians from referring patients   such,” he added. “A number of physi-
         excellent physician either in the exact   James Moffett is President, Holy Cross   to receive "designated health services"   cians fail to realize how important this
         location or at a geographically convenient           Health Medical Group.  payable by Medicare or Medicaid from   role is to the facility and how much
                                                                                  entities with which the physician or an   exposure they may have.”
                                                                                  immediate family member has a financial
                                                                                  relationship.                                  For more information, contact
                            Visit us on the web at                                 “If a physician doesn’t make sure that   Bill Gompers at,
                                        the ancillary staff meets their in-service             (888) 777-7173 or
                                                                                  education requirements and are ade-              visit

           Accolades Accolades Accolades Accolades

         Century Ambulance Service EMS Professionals

         Receive Prestigious Stars of Life Recognition

         by the Florida Ambulance Association

          Century Ambulance Service EMS professionals representing Taylor County, Columbia County and northeast
         Florida were recognized with the prestigious Stars of Life award recently at the 2022 Stars of Life medal ceremo-
         ny. The four recipients representing Century Ambulance EMS professionals include: Michael Krohn, EMT, Taylor
         County; Greg Thacker, EMT, Columbia County; Cornelius Lavan, Paramedic, and Lauretta Kaylor,
         Dispatcher/Paramedic both from Jacksonville, Florida. These four individuals were nominated by their station
          The Star of Life medal is given each year by the Florida Ambulance Association to recognize that EMS saves,
         sustains, and touches lives every day and shines a light on all the important work these individuals do who have
         either resuscitated a patient, improved public health, had a positive impact in the community, or showed excep-
         tional care and compassion.
          “We are very proud of the courage and dedication demonstrated by our EMT’s, Paramedics and Dispatcher
         throughout this year and their unwavering commitment to providing compassionate care at every level in their
         respective roles here at Century Ambulance, said Matt Johnson, Vice President-East and General Manager of
         Century Ambulance. “Over the past year, the tireless efforts of all EMS professionals throughout the state have
         been critical to ensuring the health and safety of all Floridians throughout this pandemic,” he added.
          In addition to the awards ceremony, the Stars of Life recipients had the opportunity to meet Lt. Governor
         Jeanette Nuñez, attend meetings at the Florida State Capitol and also met with their state legislators and local
          Century Ambulance Service is a Covalent Health Company and provides services throughout the state of    Back row (l-r) Michael Krohn, Greg Thacker;
         Florida serving northeast Florida, Columbia County, Taylor County and Palm Beach County.                Front row (l-r) Cornelius Lavan, Lauretta Kaylor

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