Page 38 - SFHN MARCH 2022
P. 38

Cover Story: South Florida’s Healthcare

         Industry Recovery Is on the Mend Despite                                        MAKINGROUNDS…MAKINGROUNDS…

         New Variants – Here's How                                                Colorectal Surgeon, Sarah Vogler,

         Continued from page 1                                                    MD, MBA, Joins Cleveland Clinic
         how to increase efficiencies by serving   acquisition activity from out-of-state   Martin Health
         patients in new ways. In fact, BDO’s recent   private equity groups. These firms are
         CFO Survey, which polled 100 healthcare   attracted to opportunities for consolida-  Cleveland Clinic Martin Health welcomes Sarah Vogler,
         industry CFOs with revenues ranging   tion and acquisition and are heavily   M.D., MBA, as Associate Chief of Staff for the Cleveland
         from $250 million to $3  billion, found   investing in Florida’s rapidly growing   Clinic Florida region, and colorectal surgery. She is board-
         that 63% of healthcare organizations are   healthcare tech industry. The firms are   certified in general surgery, and colon and rectal surgery,
         thriving and 82% expect to be thriving   also helping South Florida companies   and specializes in the evaluation, treatment and surgery of
         in one year. In South Florida, telehealth   expand and replicate their success in   pelvic floor disorders.
         innovations have given primary care   regions across the country. Several med-  After earning her medical degree at the University of   Dr. Sarah Vogler
         physicians the flexibility to provide   ical centers are bringing South Florida’s   Cincinnati School of Medicine, Dr. Vogler completed the general surgery residency pro-
         patients with more convenient care and   full-service medical center concept,   gram at the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics, and the colon and rectal surgery
         the bandwidth to garner additional busi-  which involves multiple specialty offices   fellowship program at the University of Minnesota.
         ness. Fewer in-person visits have   in one large facility, to regions of Texas   Prior to joining Cleveland Clinic Martin Health, Dr. Vogler was Vice Chair of
         reduced patient costs, allowing primary   and California.                Operations, Department of Colorectal Surgery at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. She also
         care facilities to benefit from cost-sav-  As South Florida further emerges as a   served as Section Chief for Pelvic Floor Disorders at Cleveland Clinic where she over-
         ings bonuses on capitated health plans,   healthcare hub, mergers and acquisi-  saw the anal physiology lab and led multidisciplinary clinics and surgeries with urogy-
         including Medicare Advantage.       tions are expected to continue, especial-  necology and urology for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse.
           In addition to making these opera-  ly over the coming months before any
         tional pivots, healthcare organizations   new tax proposals are finalized.
         that received Provider Relief Funds   While the state’s healthcare sector has   Renowned Pediatric Oncologist
         (PRF) and related government funding   seen unprecedented challenges over the
         are positioned to face new variants and   last two years, it has proven incredibly   Doured Daghistani, MD,
         come out of the pandemic with greater   resilient with access to better services   Joins KIDZ Medical
         financial stability. A number of South   and working systems in place to care for
         Florida’s specialty practices have quickly   high volumes of patients. Adversity
         rebounded because of the funds.     often breeds innovation, and the posi-
           While some of the federal funding   tive steps South Florida’s healthcare   Doured Daghistani, M.D., a renowned pediatric oncolo-
         program updates, such as changing eli-  organizations are taking have positioned   gist/hematologist, has joined KIDZ Medical Services.
         gibility criteria and the need for addi-  them to help more people in 2022 and   Dr. Daghistani diagnoses and treats cancer in children
         tional documentation, have required   beyond.                            including leukemia, brain and other central nervous system
         increased oversight to ensure compli-                                    tumors, lymphomas, neuroblastoma, kidney tumors, and
         ance with the latest audit requirements,   Alex Binelo, Partner at BDO USA, LLP,   malignant bone tumors. He will continue providing care at    Dr. Doured Daghistani
         the funds have had an overall positive   can be reached at or   the Miami Cancer Institute where he serves as Medical
         impact on South Florida’s healthcare                    (786) 477-5418.   Director of Pediatric Oncology and where he recently finished his third term as
         industry.                                                                President of the Medical Staff at Baptist Hospital of Miami.
           Looking ahead, we expect to see con-  Contact:                           Board-certified by the American Board of Pediatrics, Dr. Daghistani also holds a sub-
         tinued growth and investment in South   Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner   Board certification in pediatric hematology/oncology. He received his medical degree
         Florida healthcare. The influx of people   305-420-8006 /   from Damascus University in Syria and his initial post-graduate training in France. He
         moving to Florida from across the coun-                                  then completed a residency in pediatrics and a fellowship in pediatric
         try and the substantial senior population   Angelo Pirozzi, Partner      hematology/oncology at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital.
         has sparked a great deal of merger and   646-520-2870 /   An active scientist and researcher, Dr. Daghistani is part of the prestigious Children’s
                                                                                  Oncology Group (COG).

                                                                                  Obstetrician and Gynecologist

                      Subscribe to...                                             Crystal Taylor, MD, Joins Cleveland
                                                                                  Clinic Indian River Hospital
                 & HEALTHCARE REPORT today!

                                                                                    Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital welcomes board-
                          Subscribe online at                                     certified obstetrician and gynecologist Crystal Taylor, M.D.
                                                                                    Dr. Taylor earned her undergraduate and medical degrees
                                                                                  at Florida State University. She completed her residency at
                        or call 561-368-6950                                      the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and
                                                                                  is a member of the American College of Obstetrics and
                                                                                  Gynecology.                                            Dr. Crystal Taylor

                                                                                  Colon and Rectal Surgeon Haane
                                                                                  Massarotti, MD, Joins Cleveland

                                                                                  Clinic Indian River Hospital

                                                                                    Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital welcomes Haane
                                                                                  Massarotti, M.D.
                                                                                    After earning her medical degree at the University of
                                                                                  Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, Dr. Massarotti
                                                                                  completed the Residency Program at Lehigh Valley Health
                                                                                  Network in Allentown, PA.
                                                                                    Prior to joining Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital, Dr.   Dr. Haane Massarotti
                                                                                  Massarotti was part of AdventHealth Medical Group in
                                                                                  Tampa. She is currently a Fellow with the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery
                                                                                  and the American College of Surgeons.

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