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             $168 Million Investment in State-of-the-Art Healthcare Facilities Keeps

                          Jupiter Medical Center Leading and Looking to the Future

                 BY DENISE MOORE             to reduce wait times and enhance the   tion, advanced venti-
                                             patient experience.                  lation design, and
          World-class healthcare requires substan-  • 90,000-Square-Foot Surgical Center:   hands-free door oper-
         tial investment to stay at the forefront of   Plans for this $100 million, state-of-the-art   ation. An ex panded
         medicine.                           Surgical Institute include 16 operating   sterile processing de -
          Jupiter Medical Center is sparing no   rooms, two hybrid operating rooms,   part ment will enable
         expense to provide the highest level of care   anesthesiology workrooms, private con-  faster cleaning and
         to discerning patients throughout South   sultation rooms, pre- and post-operative   reduced sterilization
         Florida.                            meeting areas, expanded nurses’ stations,   times, enhancing the
          Since 2019, the award-winning medical   clinical offices, and more.     overall surgical infec-
         center has invested $168 million in its   The Surgical Institute will meet the   tion-prevention pro -
         future and the future of healthcare in   increased demand for surgical care,   cess.
         South Florida. Substantial investments in   expand access to minimally invasive treat-  Combining  ad-
         campus expansion, state-of-the-art facili-  ment options, and elevate the patient   vanced surgical, im -
         ties, and advanced technology — all at the   experience. As they await for a loved one   ag ing, and information technologies, the   date more complex procedures.
         fingertips of the area’s leading physicians   during surgery, for example, family mem-  new Surgical Institute also will utilize the   These state-of-the-art spaces also allow
         and specialists — result in nationally rec-  bers will receive real-time, clinical infor-  latest in multilocation data collection to   for the combination of image-guided sur-
         ognized care.                       mation and updates via private, patient-  consolidate patient information and   gery with surgical procedures that
           Jupiter Medical Center’s latest enhance-  focused communication technology.   make it immediately available to clinical   require traditional open incisions.
         ments include:                                                           teams. This new functionality also makes   Multidisciplinary clinical teams can tran-
          • The  Anderson Family Cancer      Top Ratings and Leading              it possible to perform 3D image-guided   sition seamlessly from minimally inva-
         Institute: This comprehensive treatment   Surgical Technology            surgery, a leading-edge technology that   sive procedures to an open procedure
         center ushers in a new era of cancer care in   Jupiter Medical Center designed the   aids surgeons by enhancing visualization   without the need to reschedule the sur-
         South Florida. It brings together multi-  Institute with the latest quality enhance-  of each surgical procedure and enabling   gery to a different day and time.
         disciplinary cancer experts, leading tech-  ments in mind, bolstered by seven consec-  them to perform surgery with greater   Jupiter Medical Center is well-posi-
         nology, care navigation specialists, and   utive “A” ratings from the Leapfrog Group,   accuracy.             tioned to provide world-class care across
         personalized  treatment  that   is  a national nonprofit organization whose   Jupiter Medical Center’s focus on tech-  South Florida. Continued investment in
         unmatched in the region.            annual hospital survey of inpatient and   nology-enhanced multidisciplinary care   sophisticated technology, specialized
          •  Expanded Emergency Department:   outpatient care is “the nation’s gold stan-  prompted the addition of two advanced   medical facilities, and leading physicians
         When it opens in 2022, Jupiter Medical   dard in evaluating hospital performance,”   hybrid operating rooms. These hybrid   enables the medical center to lead the way
         Center’s Emergency Department will   and a 2021 Top Hospital distinction by   suites will be equipped with the latest   in healthcare innovation and provide the
         expand by 5,000 square feet and incorpo-  Leapfrog.                      image-guided and robot-assisted surgical   level of care our community deserves.
         rate the latest advanced emergency medi-  Jupiter’s operating rooms will leverage   equipment. The suites combine a tradi-
         cine technologies and expansive patient   sophisticated infection prevention tech-  tional operating room with an image-    For more information, visit
         care areas. The improvements are designed   nology, including ultraviolet light steriliza-  guided interventional suite to accommo-

                                VITAS® Healthcare Inpatient Hospice Unit Opens

                                       at Sunrise Health and Rehabilitation Center

          Residents of South Florida’s City of Sunrise now have increased access to high-  relieving some of the burden on hospital staff and rooms, while providing the high
         quality hospice care through the VITAS Inpatient Hospice Unit (IPU) at Sunrise   level of compassionate care that VITAS is known for.”
         Health and Rehabilitation Center. The newly remodeled hospice wing is expected to   The VITAS IPU includes 16 private patient rooms with special amenities for fami-
         care for more than 500 Broward County patients each year.               lies and visitors, private areas for quiet conversation and reflection, and overnight
          “As the nation’s leading provider of end-of-life care, we are privileged to serve and   accommodations for guests, in adherence to current COVID-19 regulations.
         support patients who require levels of care beyond routine hospice service,” said   Patients receive high-acuity care, as needed for their individualized care plan,
         Kathleen Coronado, general manager for VITAS in Broward County. “The availability   including medicine and nutrition, and modalities to ease pain and other symptoms.
         of this hospice unit helps ease the concerns of hospice patients and their families,

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