Page 30 - SFHN MARCH 2022
P. 30


                                                                                            TO PHYSICIANS

                                                                                   Cover Story:  Salute to Physicians:

                                                                                   A Cautionary Tale for Organizations

                                                                                  Continued from page 1               Returning voice to physicians to manage
                                                                                  cian. While they may have benefits of   their workloads. Return of the Doctor’s
                                                                                  mobility and compensation, autonomy in   lounge where the organization recognizes
               Happy                                                              managing workflow and productivity is   the physical and emotional strains of prac-
                                                                                                                      tice and provides nourishment for the
                                                                                  lost. The administrative burdens of prior
                                                                                  authorizations, phone calls, patient mes-
                                                                                                                      the soul.
                                                                                  saging, as well as the compliance learning   body and a safe place for nourishment of
                                                                                  modules, are expected to be done “in   The Palm Beach County Medical Society
               Doctors Day                                                        between” patients. Private practice physi-  recognizes a physician’s worth.
                                                                                                                        In 2017, following a successful model
                                                                                  cians suffer from increasing costs and low-
                                                                                  ering reimbursements. The variable under
                                                                                                                      Physician Wellness Program to bring this
                                                                                  their control is volume or charging for   from Washington State, they began a
                                                                                  patient access. Physician extenders,   to the attention of our members and the
               Our doctors are the reason                                         advance practice nurses soon gain their   medical community at large. Under the
                                                                                                                      leadership of Dr. Stefan Pasternack and his
                                                                                  own panels of patients and are in the same
                                                                                  situation. Moral distress of not being able   generosity, the Society raised funds to pro-
                                                                                  to do what is right for the patient when   vide resource material available to mem-
               our patients can Age Well.
                                                                                  competing interests ensues. This becomes   bers on the PBCMS website. Additionally,
                                                                                  a time/money conundrum. Our sense of   the PBCMS has held a formal educational
                                                                                  purpose is diminished.              Wellness Conference to educate our mem-
               Every day – but especially on                                       How can it be that physicians flock to do   bers and the healthcare community. Our
                                                                                  “mission” work? We are treating throngs   proudest accomplishment has been for the
               Doctors Day – we share our gratitude                               of patients for the sheer joy of practicing   Society to partner with vetted mental
                                                                                  medicine. We get no compensation, there   healthcare professionals to provide confi-
               for talented, dedicated physicians                                 is minimal to no paperwork, just taking   dential free of charge counseling for five
                                                                                  care of people and feeling fulfilled. Here is   sessions. The Committee, headed by Dr.
               everywhere. Doctors who are                                        a clue to managing the crushing adminis-  Shawn Baca, strives to advocate for physi-
                                                                                  trative workload we face, by creating sys-  cians’ mental and physical health. To date
               committed to their patients and to                                 tems that encourage practice of medicine   the program has directly served practicing
                                                                                  instead of data entry. Burnout is a scourge   physicians, residents and medical stu-
               providing compassionate, attentive                                 of the profession, a danger to patients and   dents. Although organizations may have
                                                                                  society at large, and robs individuals of   an assistance program, many physicians
               care are invaluable to our community.                              their vitality. Suicide rates among physi-  will not access that service through an
                                                                                  cians are higher than the average even   employer. The PBCMS and the FMA
                                                                                  while adjusting for hours worked.   actively advocate for changes in the licens-
               Thank you!
                                                                                   Organizations with vision use physician   ing process to eliminate the question
                                                                                  wellness and wellbeing as critical elements   “Have you ever seen a mental health
                                                                                  for planning operations, workflows and a   provider?”
                                                                                  metric for C suite balanced scorecards.   We advocate for physicians to do what
                                                                                  Most organizations have realized this is an   they were trained to do. Practice Medicine.
                                                                                  issue of maintaining a limited resource.   We call upon the South Florida health-
                                                                                  Their efforts are in the nascent stage. The   care community to understand a physi-
                                                                                  Florida Department of Health’s 2021   cian’s worth. The business case, moral case
                                                                                  workforce report shows that 60% of   and ethical case is clear. Preserve the abili-
                                                                                  Florida physicians are over age 50. Survey   ty of physicians to practice medicine or be
                                                                                  data shows 92% of younger physicians felt   at the peril of losing this critical limited
                                                                                  work life balance was a necessity.   resource.
                                                                                   How will we cope? We know what
                                                                                  works. Reduction of administrative bur-  Dr. Claudia Mason is President of the Palm
                                                                                  den. Physician to physician interventions       Beach County Medical Society.
                                                                                  to prevent “Second Victim” trauma.


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