Page 31 - SFHN MARCH 2022
P. 31


                    Frida Dunayer Handles Challenges of Healthcare Interior Design

           BY LOIS THOMSON                             They work on one side of the   that doesn't affect our decision of how we   contracts with some medical facilities and
                                                       building to minimize the dis-  design the building. It doesn't matter what   government institutions, which usually
          With her 30 years of                         ruption, and then on the   the specialty, we try to do our best – look-  run two to three years. One project that
        experience in interior                         other. "We normally work it   wise, function-wise. We try to design   was just finished and is operational is
        design – the past 21 with                      like that. It takes longer, but   within the budget but not sacrifice in   BARC, Broward Addiction Rehabilitation
        Saltz Michelson Architects                     that's the way to deal with   looks. The expense is inside the medical   Center, for Broward County; and another
        –Frida Dunayer under-                          construction in a building   facility because of equipment, special   under construction, also in Broward, is the
        stands the difficulties that                   that never closes."        needs. Outside, to make a building attrac-  sexual assault facility for women and chil-
        can arise in designing                           Once the design is finished,   tive, we can use different materials or we   dren. Additionally, following the renova-
        healthcare facilities. As she                  the construction begins, but   can use different colors with paint and cre-  tion of an assisted living facility, the firm
        pointed out, "The environ-                     there has been change in that   ate the same effects. It's really not difficult   was given the opportunity to do three
        ment we create for the                         area over the past few years.   to design great buildings outside with a   more such buildings. "Assisted living facil-
        patient is more important    Frida Dunayer     Dunayer said, "Currently, all   low budget."                   ities provide residence and basic medical
        (there) than in other                          the new normals are a reality;   Dunayer said Saltz Michelson is able to   attention to elderly. The occupants usually
        fields."                             because of COVID, the challenges are   handle projects of all sizes; and that over   stay temporarily to be treated for minor
          Dunayer, director of interior design,   mostly financial in the case of construc-  the past five years, approximately 60 per-  rehabilitation matters."
        explained some of the specifics: "When we   tion – and the challenge of not being able   cent of the work has been new structures.   Another of Saltz Michelson's clients is
        are talking about different kinds of illness-  to get materials. Many of the constructions   "Before, maybe 30 percent were new   the Seminoles. Dunayer said they just fin-
        es and treatments (for patients), we have   have to make sure that they are not going   buildings and the rest were renovations   ished a project for the Immokalee commu-
        to deal with the equipment and systems   to have any problems budget-wise, so they   and additions. Now it's been different, and   nity in central Florida. "We designed a
        necessary for successful medical treat-  increase the price even though it is not   it's been better." She explained that even   medical clinic, a behavioral Health Center,
        ment. For example, air conditioning has a   necessary. We have found several cases   though renovations and additions are   a police station, a fire station, and an emer-
        big impact in the design of a building   like that. Even though the price of materi-  smaller in size, they can sometimes cause   gency operation building in case of disas-
        because of the need to maintain the   als has not increased, the constructors add   more difficulty than a new building.   ter. They are trying to organize all services
        required temperature and cleanliness.   an additional percentage because they are   "When you start construction you find so   for the community on a single campus."
        Functionality of all the spaces is the main   trying to predict prices three months in   many conditions that are hidden that you   Whatever challenges are taking place,
        goal for us to reach."               the future."                         have to go back to the design. Meanwhile,   Saltz Michelson – and Frida Dunayer – are
          She also talked about working on hospi-  While some of Saltz Michelson's build-  the construction is already underway."   able to handle them.
        tals, where patient health and safety takes   ings are spectacular in their design, the   That can result in friction between the
        priority. "Let's say we are doing a full ren-  healthcare facilities usually do not exhibit   design and construction teams.    For more information,
        ovation of a hospital. We design the proj-  extravagance. Dunayer agreed that some   The firm's clients are a mixture, and   call (954) 266-2700 or visit
        ect considering different phases, according   clients like their buildings to stand out,   include both public works and private.
        to the demand for the rooms in each case."   but for others, "it's not as important. And   Dunayer said they are fortunate to have

             Good Samaritan Medical Center

         Brings New Technology and Services

          to the Newly Redesigned Norma E.

            & Miles M. Zisson Comprehensive

          Breast Center of the Palm Beaches

          Good   Samaritan   Medical
        Center part of the Palm Beach
        Health Network, announces a
        new look and new equipment in
        the redesigned Norma E. &
        Miles M. Zisson Comprehensive
        Breast Center of the Palm
        Beaches.  The Palm Beach Health
        Network invested nearly a quar-
        ter of a million-dollars into the
        center, bringing a sleek and calm
        aesthetic look, along with some
        of the newest high-end technolo-
        gy for patients being treated for
        their breast health.
          Some of the new additions to
        the center include:
          • The Genius 3D Mammo -
        graphy™ exam with Hologic Clarity HD – This technology generates images of the
        breast that are sharper and even more detailed so a cancer can be detected earlier,
        when it is easier to treat. It also cuts down on unnecessary follow-up appointments
        by up to 40% compared to 2D imaging alone. It also produces images quicker so less
        time for the patient to have their breast under compression
          • Affirm Breast Biopsy Guidance System – This system allows doctors to quickly
        perform 3D breast biopsies on patients and accurately target regions of interest for a
        breast biopsy assisting in breast cancer detection.
          • Supersonic Mach 40 Ultrasound – The Ultrasound system gives the highest reso-
        lution images of patients to enhance diagnostic certainty, regardless of tissue density.

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