Page 32 - SFHN MARCH 2022
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                                               AHCA, CMS and Fire Departments

                                           Require an Annual Fire Door Inspection

           Why is it required? Because it only takes one defective or non-compliant         Facilities’ floor plans are also beneficial; however, some entities use the
        fire door to turn a small fire into a deadly inferno                                Fire "Life Safety Plans" for buildings. Without a complete door schedule
          The purpose of official agencies such as AHCA, CMS, insurance carriers            a full Inspection cannot be completed.
        and local fire departments is to increase public safety by making sure                When an AHCA or other AHJ (Authorities Having Jurisdiction) shows
        Medicare-funded health care facilities are complying with all Fire and Life         up to do a life safety survey, one of the records facilities must keep avail-
        Safety and fire codes and concerns.                                                 able is a Fire Door ITM (Inspection, Testing & Maintenance) workbook
          Next to full sprinkler systems, code compliant fire, smoke and egress             or report. This report is a permanent record of the ITM for each door and
        doors are the facility's next most crucial fire prevention device. The reason       must be available upon demand.
        is that most fires usually start small and can be limited to the original area,       An annual inspection of ALL fire, smoke and egress doors is required
        providing that any fire door leading from the room is closed and is fully           and a report for each door must be made available to any AHJ upon
        fire-code compliant. In addition, it is a fact that very few people are hurt or     request. In addition, your facility can be cited for failing to comply with
        die from flames; it's smoke and fumes that injure and cause death.                  Annual Fire Door Inspection (AFDI) Mandate requirements. Never for-
        Therefore, fire doors blocking the spread of fire, smoke, etc., are essential.   BY DAN ARCE   get, it's facilities management that is held responsible for required safety
        In addition, a properly engineered and closed fire door will cut off addi-          inspections.
        tional oxygen from entering the fire zone and fueling the blaze proving               YOU may ask who is authorized to do the AFDI. The NFPA code states
        it is fully compliant with the fire code.                                 that anyone who processes the proven knowledge of Fire Safety Door Assemblies and
          "Fire Safety" doors are the second line of defense against the spread of a fire and   Fire Code compliance experience is eligible as an inspector, providing they are accept-
        lethal smoke, with a complete sprinkler system being number one. Unfortunately,   able to the AHJ. Most facilities utilize the services of professional companies such as
        "Fire Safety" doors sadly have the most potential for failure due to the high frequency   National FireDoor, LLC, one of the fastest-growing companies in the Fire Door compli-
        of use and sometimes, the simple lack of regular maintenance. For this reason, a need   ance inspection field.
        for strict regulatory compliance has been established by (a) The National Fire   National FireDoor offers several programs which run from Full Service (includes
        Protection Association (NFPA), (b) The International Code Council (ICC), and (c)   everything necessary for compliance with the directives required for Annual Fire Door
        The Joint Commission, AHCA, and CMS [Healthcare], which requires the inspection   Inspections) to programs which supervise a DIY program.
        of ALL Fire Doors at least annually.
          A complete fire door inspection requires several things. First – you need a complet-  If you would like to discuss your compliance concerns, call National FireDoor for a
        ed Door Schedule - listing every fire, smoke and egress door. Each door must be listed   no-obligation consultation. NFD can ensure your buildings conform to the inspection
        individually, and its exact location and other information noted. Our company   requirements for your facility now and in the future. National FireDoor can be reached
        National FireDoor attaches a permanent QR-coded ID label to each door's hinge edge.                    at (305) 233-1477 or email


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