Page 44 - SFHN MARCH 2022
P. 44


        Back Cover Story: The Top 10 Cannabis Myths to Dispel in 2022

        Continued from back cover            of the cannabis plant in the way you might   leads to the claims of symptomatic relief   10. Cannabis is illegal. No not all
        ing “all things cannabis” together under   think of a coffee bean. Coffee beans can   for many. An explanation of how this   cannabis is illegal all of the time.
        one umbrella. It may or may not be too   grow in different geographies, under dif-  works can be helpful without getting too   Educating here involves more than
        much to expect laypersons to understand   ferent climates, with different cultivation   technical, with a disclaimer that cannabis   Florida laws. A good number of individu-
        terms like Dealta-8 versus Delta-9 but   methods. All coffee beans are not the   is not a cure all for everything.   als flock here during the winter, vacation
        explaining the fact that THC-based prod-  same.                            8. Medicinal and recreational marijua-  here and many of us from here travel else-
        ucts are the psychoactive components is   6. CBD will show up in a drug test.   na are the same thing.  This is an area   where. Despite frequent changes in legis-
        not difficult to convey.             This may be one of the biggest fears that   where we as educators, healthcare   lation, providing simple methods for peo-
          4. CBD and THC can be taken in any   individuals have – the possibility of what-  providers, and clinicians can play a major   ple to understand what is legal, where it is
        dosage regardless of what other medica-  ever cannabinoid they take and no matter   role in explaining the importance of pro-  legal, how it impacts travel, work and
        tions one uses. While there may be many   how they take it – it will lead to a positive   fessional oversight, advice and guidance   even possession are important.
        benefits to the various cannabinoids, it is   drug test. While there are no absolutes,   for using cannabis to obtain optimal
        critical to emphasize that appropriate dos-  and certainly there is inaccurate labeling   results. The difference here lies in one’s   Dr. Jeff G. Konin is a Clinical Professor in
        ing with cannabis is just as important as it   or no labeling with some products, this is   purpose and goals.   the Department of Athletic Training in the
        is with other prescribed or over-the-  an area that needs further factual clarifica-  9. It is not possible that the body has a   Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and
        counter medications. As one would    tion and may in fact be specific to one’s   new system. Very few of us who have   Health Sciences at Florida International
        expect and hopefully understand, too lit-  occupation and what form of cannabis   migrated to the  cannabis space went to   University (FIU) where he directs
        tle or too much may not achieve a desir-  they are choosing to use in what manner.    school during a time when we were for-  the Global Initiative for
        able effect.                          7. Cannabis can cure any condition. It   mally educated about the endocannabi-  Cannabinoid Research and Education.
          5. All cannabis is the same. This goes   can’t? Really? How about the irony that   noid system. How is it possible that just 30   To learn more about FIU’s cannabinoid
        without saying that the more we learn   states can approve the use of medical mar-  some years ago someone found a system in   research and education initiative you can
        about the variations of the plant the more   ijuana for certain conditions, but over-the-  the body that we never knew about?   visit their website at
        we need to educate others. For now, it is   counter CBD products are not allowed to   Teaching an old dog new tricks is possible. Views
        too easy for people to just think all   market their benefit for any medical con-  New body system charts in all of our   represented in this column do not reflect
        cannabis is the same. One analogy I have   dition? The fact is that by the very nature   offices need to include the ECS alongside   that of Florida International University and
        used to begin this conversation is to think   of having receptors throughout the body   nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, etc.   are solely attributed to Dr. Jeff G. Konin.

                                                                                                     July 29-31, 2022
                                                                                                            Rosen Centre Hotel
                                                                                                             Orlando, Florida

                                                                                                       The Inaugural

                                                                                                  Cannabis in Sports


                                                                                                           (CIS 2022)

                                                                                                     6FLHQWLÀF %DVHG

                                                                                          Presentations for the Use of
                                                                                                  Cannabis in Sports.

                                                                                             For more info view this link:
                 This conference is designed to foster education on
                             the use of cannabis in sports!

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