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         Back Cover Story: Cannabis Spotlight

         Continued from page 36
                                                                                  my knowledge in the subject. Little did I know, the Department of Health was publishing
         When did you start your practice in the cannabis space?                  all physician names, with addresses and phone numbers who took the class, as a service
          I started my own practice (Medical Cannabis Clinic of Florida) in August 2016.   to help patients find certified physicians. Imagine my surprise when one of my pediatric
         Initially it was just me doing everything - answering phones, scheduling appointments,   nurses came to me in utter confusion when a 68-year-old with cancer was calling our
         checking in patients. After about 6 months, I added my first employee. In September   office to schedule an appointment with me for cannabis certification. The calls continued
         2017, my company bought into MMTC of Florida, (which had also started in late 2016   and I realized there was truly a need for someone to help these patients in northwest
         in the Tallahassee area). With my MMTC partners, I was able to add additional physicians   Florida. After a few weeks, I found another pediatrician to job share my pediatric practice
         and locations in Fort Walton Beach and Panama City. While MMTC of FL has twenty-  and leased separate space to start a cannabis practice. After a year of splitting my work
         three offices throughout the state, I personally oversee patient care in the 5 most western   week between General Pediatrics and Cannabis medicine, I left my pediatric practice and
         counties (Bay, Okaloosa, Walton, Santa Rosa, and Escambia).              haven’t looked back. Almost 5 years later, I am proud to have approximately 3,300 active
                                                                                  patients, and am very grateful to the Florida DOH for helping give me that nudge into
         What is your specialty relating to treating patients with cannabis?      my midlife career change.
          I am a board-certified pediatrician but see mostly adults in my cannabis practice. In
         medical school, I did not think I would enjoy working with elderly patients, but I am   Do you see Florida moving forward with recreational
         happy to report I was wrong. My oldest cannabis patient is 103 (never thought I would   Marijuana/cannabis and how will that affect your business?
         say that as a pediatrician!)                                               Eventually, yes, I believe Florida will have a legalized recreational market. However,
          In my opinion, pediatrics and cannabis medicine are similar in that there is lots of   with the recent Supreme Court ruling against the Make It Legal Florida ballot measure
         patient education involved. Now instead of teaching parents about car seats and feeding   language, I do not foresee the recreational market coming to fruition for at least four more
         schedules, I am explaining differences in terpenes and modes of cannabis delivery. I have   years. If you look at other states that have recreational markets though, medical markets
         learned that educating others on issues I am passionate about gives me job satisfaction,   still exist, so there will still be a need for cannabis physicians, albeit a fewer number.
         regardless of the patient’s age. I also love how much I learn from my patients, both on   Medicine is not taxed, and most recreational states have high taxes levied on cannabis
         cannabis and non-cannabis related issues.                                products. Additionally, medicinal products often are allowed to have stronger potencies
          Of course, as a pediatrician, I have to know my limits and when to “phone a friend”. I   than products on the recreational market. Therefore, even with the price of the physician
         refrain from making suggestions or changes to a patient’s traditional medications, and   visit and state card, it can still be cost effective for patients to stay in the medical cannabis
         instead recommend the patient bring up weaning of medications with their prescribing   system.

         How did you get started within the cannabis industry?
          “Kids to Cannabis-Welcome to my Midlife Crisis” would be my book title. I actually
         give the credit to the State of Florida Department of Health. In early 2016, the proposed
         Amendment 2 was in the news, and the original low THC CBD only program was starting
         in Florida. I realized I had learned nothing about medical cannabis in medical school and
         decided to take the 8-hour physician course as continuing medical education to increase

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