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                                            Cresco Labs Announces First Quarter

                                         2021 Financial Results Under U.S. GAAP

           Cresco Labs Inc., a vertically integrat-  an increase of 16.5% quarter-over-quar-                          Company in subsequent quarters. In
         ed multistate operator and the number   ter and 507.2% year-over-year                                        order to execute all of our pending
         one U.S. wholesaler of branded cannabis   • Record net wholesale revenue of                                  growth initiatives, we invested in the
         products, announced its financial results   $95.6 million, an increase of 5.7% quar-                         operating platform to support the
         for the first quarter ended March 31,   ter-over-quarter and 150.8% year-over-                               growth. We laid the groundwork in Q4
         2021.                               year                                                                     and Q1 and now our expertise with inte-
           All financial information presented in   • Record retail revenue of $82.8 mil-                             grating new assets and producing operat-
         this release is in U.S. GAAP and U.S. dol-  lion from 24 stores, an increase of 15.2%                        ing leverage will kick in,” said Charles
         lars, unless otherwise noted, and all   quarter-over-quarter and 193.2% year-                                Bachtell, Co-Founder and CEO of
         comparisons to prior quarter and prior   over-year                                                           Cresco Labs.
         year are made on an as-converted basis                                                                         “We're also pleased to take this oppor-
         under U.S. GAAP.                      Financial Outlook                                                      tunity at the outset of the year to make
                                               The Company is providing the follow-                                   the transition to U.S. GAAP, remove the
           First Quarter 2021                ing guidance:                                                            break-out of certain one-time items, and
           Financial Highlights                • Annualized revenue run-rate of more        Charles Bachtell          provide investors with clarity on the
                                                                                                                      transition. This represents another step
           • Revenue of $178.4 million, an   than $1 billion by the end of 2021   ed our ability to reach and sustain #1   to prepare Cresco Labs for the future
         increase of 9.9% quarter-over-quarter   • Gross profit margins in excess of   market share positions in two of this   opportunities that await in the U.S. capi-
         and 168.8% year-over-year           50% in the remaining three quarters of   industry’s top-five states, and we’re gear-  tal markets. “On a U.S. GAAP basis,
           • Gross profit of $87.0 million, or   2021                             ing up to repeat that success in more   we're pleased with the growth in Q1 and
         48.8% of revenue, an increase of 16.8%   • Adjusted EBITDA1 margin run-rate   markets this year. We’re accelerating   excited about the steps we’ve taken so far
         quarter-over-quarter and 268.9% year-  of at least 30% by the end of 2021   growth through a diverse set of initia-  this year to put Cresco Labs on the path
         over-year                             “In Q1, we delivered sequential    tives including several organic expan-  to accelerate revenue, profitability, and
           • Adjusted EBITDA1 of $35.0million,   growth from existing assets, demonstrat-
                                                                                  sions and M&A that will benefit the   shareholder value in 2021 and beyond.”

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