P. 34


        Back Cover Story: INSA Ready to Provide High-quality Product,

        Low-stress Experience to Florida Market

        Continued from page 36               through all of the required background   still dependent on how construction
         will include an indoor cultivation facility,   checks and share its policies and proce-  rolls out,” said Gallagher. “We want to
         processing lab, edible production area   dures. A variance had to be approved,   open up with a full selection of prod-
         and affiliated support areas.       noting the difference between what the   ucts, and we don’t want to open more
          “We’re hoping to start growing later   original owner of the license and INSA   stores than we can successfully supply.”
         this year, and then start commercial sales   planned to do, and everything had to be   Known for its high-quality products
         early next year,” said Gallagher, adding   submitted to the state before the license   developed from cultivars with unique
         that the company is currently scouting   could be transferred.           cannabinoid and terpene profiles,    strains will affect them.
         dispensary locations.                 “The state and the Department of   Gallagher says that the company is excit-  “For some, the store experience can be
          The company is very familiar with the   Health did their homework on us to   ed to introduce Floridians to something   intimidating and purchasing products is
         vertical model, as Massachusetts’ original   make sure that we were capable of oper-  new.                    high-pressure when it shouldn’t be,” he
         medical cannabis program was designed   ating in Florida,” said Gallagher. “We’re   “We have one of the best chocolatiers   added, noting that customers don’t feel
         the same way. “Everything we grew, we   now in the process of developing plans to   in the country making our confections,   comfortable asking questions when there
         had to sell out of our own dispensaries,”   operationalize production facilities in   which include a number of unique fla-  are lines of people behind them. “We
         said Gallagher. “Over time, the state   order to scale our business.”    vors that we’re starting to roll out now,”   strive to create a place where there is a lot
         broke up the license types to allow for   INSA plans to manufacture all of its   he said. “We differentiate ourselves by   less pressure on patients, and where they
         wholesaling in the medical and adult-use   own products from flowers to edibles   the quality of our products and services,   can find an ample variety of the highest
         markets.”                           and will launch retail locations once the   which includes allowing patients to   quality products on the menu.”
          Before being allowed to purchase its   inventory is ready. “We haven’t finalized   spend as much time as they need to learn
         Florida license, the company had to go   things from a retail perspective, as we’re   about our products and how different   To learn more, visit INSA at

                              Visit us on the web at

         34                       June 2021                                                                                                                                               Cannabis News Florida
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