Page 43 - SFHN March 2021
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                                    Cannabis and Cancer

          The discussion of cannabis and its use in   and its derivatives (Off-Label of course)   situation.  Cannabis’         Mechoulam et al. discovered
         cancer patients is a timely hot button   These fundamental characteristics are at   Schedule-1 status pre-             the components of our
         issue.                              the ROOT of the current conflict. How??   vents the proper research                Endocannabinoid System.
          First, we must specifically define what   As physicians, our pharmacological “tool   from  being  done.                Over time, researchers were
         Cannabis is:                        box” that we are trained on in Medical   However, in the current                   able to figure out the mecha-
          The Cannabis plant can represent any   School/Residency/Fellowship is based on   research “culture” of the            nism by which cannabis acts
         combination/ratio of Cannabinoids,   FDA-Approved molecular isolates in fixed   U.S., unless a company                 on malignant cells. To put it
         Terpenes, and Flavonoids, administered   doses at fixed frequencies. These isolated   can get a patented isolated      concisely, when Cannabinoids
         via different delivery methods, the pur-  compounds have gone through double-  compound at the end of                  attach to the cannabinoid
         pose of which is to exert a therapeutic   blind controlled studies/clinical trials; the   the research rainbow, it is   BY MICHAEL J.   receptors on the malignant
         effect.                             end-result is availability at your local phar-  just not worth it for them   MCKENZIE, MD  cell (CB1, CB2), it triggers a
          • Cannabinoids are compounds like   macy with prescription.             to spend money on some-                       cascade of intercellular reac-
         THC, CBD, CBG, CBN, et al. that interact   Keep in mind the following:    thing that they may not be                   tions, the end result being
         with our Endocannabinoid System       The Heterogeneity and Pleiotropy of   able to get their money                    what is called apoptosis, or
          • Terpenes are compounds like      Cannabis precludes us from approaching   back on. These companies make their   programmed cell death (“cellular sui-
         Myrcene, Limonene, et al. that interact   it in the same manner as FDA-Approved   money back when the compound being   cide”). The healthy non-malignant cells,
         with our Endocannabinoid System and   molecular isolates that make up our cur-  researched is Patented, FDA-Approved,   on the other hand, do not undergo such a
         give cannabis products their smell   rent pharmacopeia.                  and sold at retail pharmacies.      process, thereby sparing the healthy cell.
          • Flavonoids are compounds like      Isolates can be patented and sold as a   When it comes to its use in patients with   This is just the tip of the iceberg. There
         Quercetin, Apigenin, et al. that interact   fixed agent. For example, the drug   various cancers, cannabis is used with 2   is so much more research that needs to be
         with our Endocannabinoid System and   Epidiolex is 99+% isolated plant-derived   purposes:                   done in this area. While the concept is
         give cannabis products their color    CBD. No Terpenes, Flavonoids, or other   1. Alleviate the chemo-associated nau-  there, the main challenge before us is how
          The cumulative action of the above 3   Cannabinoids. However, the absence of   sea and vomiting and increase appetite in   to weaponize that in order to give patients
         agents at the receptor sites of our   these other important compounds limit   those patients with malignancy-associated   the best results while at the same time
         Endocannabinoid System are what we   the overall long-term efficacy of FDA-  anorexia.                       minimizing harms. More to come.
         refer to as the “entourage effect.”   Approved/Cannabis-Derived medicines   2. Unlock the anti-tumor effects of
          In order for us to understand the   such as Epidiolex, Marinol (Synthesized   Cannabinoids as a therapeutic adjunct to      Dr. Michael J. McKenzie
         Cannabis plant, we must first examine its   THC in a sesame oil capsule), or Syndros   Chemotherapy (Off-Label of course)   is a Board Certified Family Physician,
         two fundamental characteristics:    (Synthesized THC in liquid form).      The first time that the potential for anti-  Diplomate of the American Academy of
          Heterogeneity – There is no single enti-  The fact of the matter is this. A 5000+   tumor effect was seen was in 1974 at the   Cannabinoid Medicine, and Member of the
         ty called Cannabis (refer to above defini-  year-old plant with its level of heterogene-  Medical College of Virginia. Lewis Lung   Society of Cannabis Clinicians.
         tion), hence there are multiple strains,   ity/Pleiotropy cannot be patented like you   Adenocarcinoma in mice was inhibited by
         chemovars and cultivars which can be   would a proprietary isolated compound.   the oral administration of THC . While   References:
         used to target different pathologies (Off-  Therefore, we must adjust the way we look   researchers made that observation, they   1  Antineoplastic activity of Cannabinoids; A E
         Label of course).                   at/approach Cannabis and appreciate its   had no idea why it happened or what the   Munson, L S Harris, M A Friedman, W L Dewey, R A
          Pleiotropy – There are multiple    properties in their proper context.   mechanism was. It wasn’t until 16 years   Carchman;; J Natl Cancer Inst; 1975 Sep;55(3):597-
                                                                                                                      602. DOI: 10.1093/jnci/55.3.597.
         uses/applications for the Cannabis plant   This brings us to our current catch-22   later in Israel where Dr. Raphael

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