Page 46 - SFHN March 2021
P. 46

Florida’s Resource for                                                     TM
                  Medical & Business
                 Cannabis Developments

                   PO Box 812708
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
                 Phone: (561) 368-6950       Back Cover Story:  How Hemp is Now

        Taking Root in the Cannabis Industry

          CHARLES FELIX                       Continued from page 40
          CAROL FELIX                                                             every part of it can be used. This opens   interacts with those components.
          Publishers                         tric car, currently made in Germany, uti-  up more revenue streams.        “But we don't know which ones go
                                             lizes industrial hemp based bio-compos-  Besides the potential of hemp, there   where and in what quantities to cause
          NANCY LAMMIE                       ites. 21% of the car is made of hemp.”    are a few other things that excite Linton   what,” he says. “And so access leads to
          JMC Graphics                         By lowering the weight of the BMW i7,   about the cannabis industry.   science, science leads to outcome. The
          Art/Production                     engineers have increased the distance   “Globally, governments are increasing-  number of outcomes that could be

          JUDY GRAMM                         that the electric car can travel. Hemp   ly not ignoring cannabis, which means   derived are exponential compared to the
          Editorial Manager                  fibers can be used as a reinforcement in   that scientists, entrepreneurs, general   ones that we know of already.”
                                             bio-composites. It can form a superior   voters, and consumers all have access to   Finally, it’s the consumers themselves
          CONTRIBUTING WRITERS               composite that can hold any shape and a   it and they all want to do different   that excite Linton. In places like Florida,
          Daniel Casciato • Barbara Fallon   resulting material that is 2-3 times   things,” he says. “Like scientists, we talk   he says that there are more discerning,
          Vanessa Orr •  Lois Thomson        stronger than steel.                 about cannabis, but cannabis is a plant.   knowledgeable, and informed consumers.
                                               “We did a very smart transaction with   And inside that plant there are at least a   “As a result, over the next two or three
          SUBSCRIPTIONS                      a very high tech company, and I hope to   hundred components, but we usually   years, things will get more interesting
          One Year - $45                     be back on the field with another run at   only talk about CBD and THC. That   because people are not just asking if they
          Two Years - $70                    a way to turn hemp into the most dis-  means there are 98 things in there that   have any cannabis, but in what format,
          Three Years - $85
                                             ruptive agricultural crop in America over   we don't know enough about. What   what function, what dosage,” he says.
          To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950   the next 24 months,” says Linton. “And   excites me is trying to have the opportu-  “There's now a solid base of access and
          Or email:   by disruptive, I mean to protein, phar-  nity for everybody to unlock the poten-  you will soon see a massive acceleration
                                             ma, and industrial applications.”    tial of all of the components of the   and really sophisticated consumption of
          All rights reserved. Reproduction    Linton believes that hemp can become   plant.”                         knowledge and format.”
          In whole or part without written    a viable source of revenue for farmers in   For Linton, that means a lifetime of
          permission is prohibited.          the United States. If the plant is able to   work for many people because the             For more information,
          Copyright ©2020                    be cultivated and processed correctly,   human body’s endocannabinoid system          visit

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