Page 47 - SFHN March 2021
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        Back Cover Story:  Curaleaf: Committed to Being the Cannabis Industry’s

        Leading Resource in Education and Advancement

        Continued from page 40               aspire to be welcoming and inviting to   their stories, cannabis continues to gain   do business with 420 new cannabis
        market. Patients who might not be inter-  each community we serve. One way we   acceptance, which will ultimately allow   brands, ancillary suppliers and advocacy
        ested or able to consume cannabis through   do this is by offering 50% off the first   for increased access to the consumption   organizations from underrepresented
        inhalation might find our Nano Chews or   purchase for new patients, the most   of quality medical cannabis.”   communities in the cannabis ecosystem,
        Drops an ideal alternative due to the faster   aggressive discount in the state. Our goal   Curaleaf is committed to be the world’s   with plans to continue to grow and
        onset afforded by our cutting edge   is to make it affordable for new patients   leading cannabis company by trailblaz-  expand the initiative in the future.
        NANO technology.                     to try a variety of products and find what   ing the industry in customer focus, edu-  “We believe that being the industry
          "We believe cannabis is not one size   works best for their needs.”     cation and accessibility to high-quality   leader in cannabis, with the resources
        fits all and the experience is different for   There have been some minor chal-  products backed by science. According   required to blaze the trail, can not only
        everyone,” Garcia says. “Our dispensary   lenges that Curaleaf has encountered in   to Garcia, Curaleaf has a strong leader-  be good for business and patients, it can
        associates work tirelessly to find what   the cannabis marketplace. For instance,   ship position and significant scale in   be good for communities and social
        best suits each patient’s needs.”    the cannabis industry as a whole is up   most of its 23 U.S. state markets and are   causes,” says Garcia. “As the leader, we
          South Florida has become an attractive   against the challenges that result from   at or near a market leading position in   believe in investing over the long term –
        market for Curaleaf for the simple fact   archaic stereotypes that stigmatize the   nine states.              in people, programs and places. At
        that Florida is one of the nation's fastest-  use of the plant.            "It is our goal to be No. 1 in each of   Curaleaf, we work to have a positive
        growing medical cannabis markets in the   “At Curaleaf, we strive to re-shape   our states over time,” she says. “In the   impact on the lives of  not only our
        country. Over the past decade, the   stereotypes by providing education and   short term, we just opened the doors of   employees, our patients and customers,
        cannabis landscape in Florida has    transparency through community and   our 100th dispensary and are looking   but also the communities we call home. In
        changed drastically and continues to   physician outreach,” says Garcia.   toward the continued expansion of our   each state that we operate, we maintain
        evolve, with over 465,000 medical    “Although there is still a lot of work to be   product portfolio and retail footprint,   close relationships with our local commu-
        patients currently enrolled in the   done destigmatizing the consumption of   both in Florida and on a national scale.   nities, from hiring to supporting neighbor-
        Medical Cannabis Program.            cannabis, we have seen a wider accept-  We also aim to establish ourselves as a   hood programs, volunteer efforts and
          “Since the beginning of COVID-19, we   ance with some of the more challenging   leader in diversity and inclusion, in part   fundraising.”
        have seen a steady increase in new   demographics as they see friends and   through growth of our corporate social
        patients,” says Garcia. “The Florida mar-  family benefit from the medicine. As   responsibility program.”                  For more information, visit
        ket is a big focus for Curaleaf and we   patients feel more confident in sharing   Its Rooted in Good initiative aims to

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