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Cover Story: Anesthesiologist Assistant Master’s Program:
South University Educates to Meet Practitioner Shortage
Continued from page 1 gists as a means to address the clinical monitoring all types of advanced anesthe- who provide academic and clinical insight.
campus and is poised to offer the 13th shortage. Candidates must have complet- sia care during the patient care continuum An experienced Advisory Steering
anesthesiologist assistant program in West ed all pre-med preparatory baccalaureate under the medical direction of a physician Committee consists of respected clinical,
Palm Beach commencing in fourth quar- courses and passed the Medical College anesthesiologist. CAAs can practice in educational and community professionals
ter, 2021. Admissions Test (MCAT) or the Graduate trauma centers, or surgi-centers or aca- from the Florida region to provide on-
Jeffrey Carroll, M.H.Sc., CAA, was Records Admission Test (GRE) demic hospitals with a rotation offering going oversight and counsel.
recruited to direct the West Palm Beach This professional performs in a similar flexible access to all types of specialties A member of the American Academy of
program targeting accreditation of the 27- capacity as a nurse anesthetist but is qual- including pediatrics, cardio-vascular, Anesthesiologist Assistants (AAAA) where
month Master of Medical Science in ified to seek admittance to medical school orthopedics or ob/gyn,” he explained. he serves on the AAAA board of directors,
Anesthesia Science and enrollment of 24 if interested. There are approximately 600 While no health care field is a simple Carroll is also active with the Florida
students by September, 2021. As a practic- practicing CAAs in Florida, the 2nd largest ‘nine to five’ commitment, practicing in an Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants
ing anesthesiologist assistant professional demographic of CAAs nationally. anesthesia group-based model can provide where he is immediate past president, the
and academic leader, Carroll recognizes Carroll is a native of Columbus, Ohio. stability and some degree of predictable American Society of Anesthesiologists and
his profession is a vital member of the care He earned a BA in Psychology from Miami hours which makes the profession a good the Florida Society of Anesthesiologists.
team of anesthesia providers and has University in Oxford, Ohio and his match for men and women who want to “I tell students that graduating with
pledged to lay a foundation and infrastruc- M.H.Sc. from Nova Southeastern balance ambitious family, career and stu- these dynamic credentials is a win-win. It
ture for academic excellence. Anesthesiologist Assistant Program where dent lifestyles. According to Carroll, South will open doors to an exciting in-demand
“We work under direction of a licensed he was the recipient of the Chancellors University has spared no resources to career and also build a core academic and
physician anesthesiologist as a highly Award. Upon graduation he began his clin- ensure the 27-month Master’s offers stu- experiential portfolio that is a bridge to
skilled healthcare provider within the ical career as a Certified Anesthesiologist dents an elite education with didactic, on- medical school if they so desire,” Carroll
anesthesia care team. Our AA Master pro- Assistant and has close to a decade of site skills labs, cutting edge simulation said.
gram in West Palm Beach is a partnered experience with the Medical Center of (mock operating room facility with robotic Carroll routinely volunteers for medical
affiliation with University of Florida Trinity, St. Vincent’s in Jacksonville, the patient scenarios) experiences and clinical mission trips with the organization Faith
College of Medicine. All CAAs must com- University of Florida Health and Shands rotation during the first year. The second In Practice, which focuses on providing
plete a comprehensive didactic and clinical Hospital. His clinical interests include vas- year is designed as a typical residency medical care to the citizens of Guatemala.
program at the graduate school level and cular anesthesia, cardiac anesthesia, and training with respected local and nation- The Commission on Accreditation of
are trained extensively in the delivery and thoracic anesthesia. wide opportunities in a variety of practice Allied Health Education Programs (CAA-
maintenance of quality anesthesia care as He describes his attraction to and pas- settings, such as hospital ORs, ambulatory HEP) accredits AA training programs.
well as advanced patient monitoring tech- sion for the field as the lure of delivering surgi-centers and specialty clinics. Virtual CAAHEP is the largest accreditor in the
niques,” he said. immediate results to patients which he M&M reviews and troubleshooting clinics health sciences field and is recognized by
In the 1960’s a new educational para- was caught up in when he first shadowed continue to guide the student in medical the Council for Higher Education
digm for advanced practice anesthesia an anesthesiologist’s routine as a student. decision-making. Accreditation (CHEA).
practitioners emphasizing a science/pre- “As a valued member of the anesthesia Faculty consists of experienced CAAs,
medical bachelors background, rather care team we not only connect with the board certified anesthesiologists, adjunct For more information, visit
than baccalaureate or degree nursing train- patient prior to surgery but then have the physicians, and other appropriate health
ing, was envisioned by three anesthesiolo- immediate satisfaction of delivering and care professionals including Pharm D’s or call (561) 273-6500.
FAU Online Programs Rise in ‘U.S.
News & World Report’ Rankings
West Palm Beach, Florida Florida Atlantic University’s online master’s in nursing administration program is
ranked No. 11 in the nation in 2021 by U.S. News & World Report, climbing from No.
17 in 2020. In addition, FAU’s bachelor’s degree program is ranked No. 53 in the nation
this year, climbing from No. 73 in 2020. “The recognition of the online nursing admin-
istration/leadership program we received speaks to the quality of the college’s programs,
our faculty and staff,” said Safiya George, Ph.D., dean of FAU's Christine E. Lynn College
of Nursing. “Together, we work to create a positive online learning experience for our stu-
dents that integrates the caring philosophy into nursing, organizational management and
health care administration.” FAU has offered online bachelor’s degree programs since
2011. Fully online undergraduate programs are offered in FAU’s Dorothy F. Schmidt
College of Arts and Letters, College of Business, College of Social Work and Criminal
E E E Earn yourr Justice, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Christine E. Lynn College of
Nursing and Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
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Pr ograms, c edential levels, technology , and schedul ing oopt ions vary by school and ar e subject to channge.
Not al l pr ograms ar e available to r esidents of al l U.S. stattes.
Sout h University , , W est Palm Beach, University Centr e, 99801 Belveder e Rd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 334411.
© 2021 Sout h University . Al l rights r eservved. FOR TIS COLLEGE • 96000 S DIXIE HWY B, , B, CUTLER BA Y • 8 5 85 5-4 44 5-3 2 327 6 76
F inancial aid available for those who qqualify C . ar eer placement as sistance for all gr aduates. F or consumeer information, visit
16 February 2021 South Florida Hospital News