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                                         Nursing Education in the Midst of Change

          Nurses occupy vital roles in                     our students must bal-  “real world” learning environments, Fortis   To accommodate social distancing and a
        our healthcare system, and it is                   ance work and family   acquired sophisticated learning resources   reduced number of students sitting for the
        our job to ensure we ensure we                     responsibilities  while  that provide virtual simulation experi-  test at a time, the length of the exam and
        train future nurses who are well-                  attending their nursing   ences that provide students with “real-life”   the number of questions asked has been
        qualified to care for patients.                    courses, all while man-  situations. These new tools use video, sim-  decreased. This will allow more students
        Our nursing schools have a rep-                    aging new COVID-19     ulation resources and life-like patient man-  to sit the exam in a day. However, the level
        utation for providing some of                      protocols. Our dedicated   nequins to introduce and build students’   of difficulty and passing standard for the
        the best nursing education in the                  faculty work with each   learning on key concepts of patient care.    exam has not changed. All these changes
        nation, and this is because we                     student to ensure their   When our students were able to come to   are noted on the NCSBN website.
        continue to innovate and pivot                     success and often host   campus, our programs adapted to CDC   To date, the four Florida Fortis Nursing
        our curriculum to meet the                         late-night study sessions   guidelines for the reduced capacity, social   Education programs (Fortis Colleges in
        needs of our current environ-                      or offer support in    distancing, masking and cleaning proto-  Cutler Bay and Orange Park and Fortis
        ment.                         BY SHEILA A. BURKE,   between work shifts.   cols.                              Institutes in Pensacola and Port St. Lucie)
          This has never been truer.      DNP, MBA           Even after we emerge                                     have prepared hundreds of nursing candi-
        Delivering a quality and rigorous                  from this pandemic, its   NCLEX Licensure                  dates to sit for the NCLEX exam and their
        nursing education is our highest priority,   influence will be felt for years to come.   Even the licensure exam has been   pass rates continue to among the highest
        especially in the face of COVID-19.   The role nurses played in the war against   impacted by COVID.          in the state. Fortis Nursing Education also
          What does this mean for Fortis nursing   the virus will be taught in classes and used   To obtain licensure, nursing candidates   has programs in 6 other states, serving
        students?                            as a shining example of the vital role nurs-  must demonstrate knowledge and clinical   more than 1,000 students.
                                             es play in our healthcare system.    skills as well as successfully pass the   Undoubtedly, this has been a tremen-
        COVID-19 and Nursing                                                      national nursing exam, known as the   dously challenging time to provide nurs-
          The pandemic has had a tremendous   New Ways to Teach                   NCLEX. Some states also have additional   ing education, but it has also been
        influence on the nursing profession. As a   For nursing educators, the pandemic   requirements including demonstrated   extremely rewarding. The Fortis program
        result, we have modified our coursework   also created changes in the structure,   health and mental well-being, competency   is proud of its student-centric model of
        so our graduates can enter the workforce   delivery and management of nursing edu-  in English and no felony convictions.    education and is focused on tailoring each
        ready to meet the challenges of caring for   cation programs almost overnight. Like   Due to the tremendous advances in   program to deliver the required nursing
        patients during COVID.               many schools, we faced the challenges of   healthcare knowledge and recent events   education in the most effective manner
          Nurses on the frontlines must constant-  continuing our programs digitally and in a   caused by the pandemic, the National   possible.
        ly use their critical thinking skills to make   socially distant fashion. Fortis’s nursing   Council of State Boards of Nursing
        split-second decisions. Because of this shift   program moved online almost overnight   (NCSBN) redesigned the NCLEX exami-  If you are interested in joining this heroic
        in responsibilities, much of our course-  and adjusted its systems for a population   nations (both versions). These changes   profession, please contact us at
        work now includes a strong focus on crit-  of students (and faculty) who were no   focus on evaluating the candidate’s level of   (855) 436-7867 or visit our nursing
        ical thinking and complex, essential deci-  longer able to access the campus or clinical   critical thinking and their readiness to   website at to
        sion-making skills. But this high intensity   sites. We surveyed students to determine   manage the complex and high-risk types   learn more. We welcome you and look for-
        work environment can take a toll on nurs-  the types of technology that they had avail-  of decisions faced in providing nursing   ward to preparing you for your chosen career.
        es, so we now include curriculum that   able and we used this information to guide   care in today’s rapidly changing environ-
        addresses burnout, stress management and   how we transitioned our learning activities   ment.
        crisis management. We also place an   to a virtual world. Our team of nursing
        emphasis on health protocols, proper   directors and faculty deserve kudos for the
        mask wearing, and the importance of per-  ingenuity and creativity they displayed for
        sonal protective equipment (PPE).    making this a reality.
          Our programs, known for their flexibili-  The changes we implemented went far
        ty, have become even more accommodat-  beyond the use of conferencing technolo-
        ing amid quarantine measures. Many of   gy. In an effort to provide students with

               FAU Launches New Telehealth

                         Certification Course

          With the arrival of the pandemic, more healthcare professionals nationwide turned
         to telehealth or telemedicine to remain engaged with their patients. Telehealth con-
         nects patients to vital healthcare services through videoconferencing, remote moni-
         toring, electronic consults and wireless communications. These “virtual” visits have
         significantly increased in popularity due in large part to the many benefits they pro-
         vide – most notably – reducing everyone’s exposure to COVID-19.
          In response to this “virtual” healthcare boom, Florida Atlantic University’s
         Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing has launched a new telehealth certification
         course that provides the essential knowledge to deliver skilled telehealth services
         with competence and care. The 20-hour, fully online course addresses telehealth plat-
         forms and models for practice; evidence-based telehealth technology; quality
         improvement measures; regulation, policy and reimbursement; telehealth inter-pro-
         fessional practice and specialized populations; and telehealth and the future.
          For the program, experts will focus on topics related to health equity, improving
         access, health disparities, and inter-professional practice with specific populations in
         relationship to the application and implementation of various telehealth platforms.
         Participants will have the opportunity to engage with each other as well as experts in
         the translation of telehealth technology into practice.
          “The pandemic has changed the means by which health professionals communicate
         with their patients, which is why we developed this telehealth certification course,”
         said Tamara Love, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, assistant professor, FAU’s Christine E. Lynn
         College of Nursing. “We want to ensure that clinicians are effectively prepared. This
         program will provide them with the tools and knowledge they need when communi-
         cating virtually so that all patients receive the compassionate care they are seeking
         and moreover, to preserve the ‘human touch’ during these challenging times.”

                                      For more information, visit
                                 or call (561) 297-6261 or email

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                            February 2021                          15
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