Page 10 - SFHN Feb 2021
P. 10
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A message from our President science and the sharing of information. This was quickly evi-
denced by the U.S. rejoining the World Health Organization
How Deep Is the Hole? and the repositioning of Dr. Fauci to become the scientific
spokesperson on the COVID-19 pandemic. Much spade
work has to be done here to re-establish the trust bonds
As I wrote this article, this song kept running through my head: between government and the American people, indeed, peo-
What a day for a daydream ple around the world. When disinformation has been the
What a day for a daydreamin' boy goal, unfiltered scientific information will be difficult to hear.
And I'm lost in a daydream Healthcare. Healthcare is altered to never return as we
Dreamin' 'bout my new administration knew it. How healthcare is delivered, who is delivering it,
Okay, I hope the Lovin Spoonful doesn’t take offense at my slightly altering their who is paying for it, and who is financing it are all changed.
song lyric, but it seems appropriate. As I thought about everything that has happened Jaime Caldwell Nine of the Fortune 10 companies have now entered the
over the last four years and the challenges the Biden Administration will be facing over healthcare vertical. I am not certain how this result will
the next four, I continue to be upbeat and, much like the song, am lost in daydreamin’. impact healthcare, but, it will. What would be nice is if someone would construct some
So, when the light of day disturbs that dreamy reality, how deep is the hole that the guardrails to monitor and assist in its transition and expansion.
Biden Administration is facing? Let just talk about a few of the challenges and then I So, how do you get out of this hole? By adopting laser focus. Often times we get over-
am getting back to the song and a glass of champagne. whelmed with the size of the mountain we are climbing and forget that we get to the
Public Health. Ignored, defunded, hardly thought of, COVID-19 has crystalized our top one step at a time. What we have seen so far is that laser focus from the U.S. sci-
focus that if we had had in place the surveillance and abatement resources that were entific and health departments to the Department of Defense, now concentrating on
needed, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are today. Public Health resources are needed what resources might be marshalled to combat the common foe—COVID-19. Solving
both nationally and internationally. The fight to create a safe and healthy environment this puzzle fixes the economic puzzle and the educational puzzle. If you think about
for Americans does not just start at our shores. Public Health must be funded and the Jetsons (old cartoon), while the future had more virtual components, George still
resourced to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. went to work and Judy and Elroy, the kids, left every day to go to school.
Mental Health. The impacts of COVID-19 including economic loss and isolation, We are a social country and we need that laser focus to bring back something about
have caused increases in the poverty rate, backwards movement in longevity, and this country that made us great, the freedom to assemble without the fear of being
something that I never thought I would say in my lifetime, an increase in the number infected.
of people suffering from hunger in the U.S. When recently surveyed, about 27 million What a day for a daydream
Americans reported that they “didn’t have enough to eat” in the last seven days. Is there Custom made for a daydreamin' boy!
any wonder why our mental health issues have increased? And now I'm lost in a daydream
Two topics included in President Biden’s inaugural address included the reliance on Dreamin bout the next day to come
10 February 2021 South Florida Hospital News