Page 13 - SFHN Feb 2021
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Broward Health Launches Diamonds Direct and Boca Raton
Gynecology Oncology Program Regional Hospital Foundation
Team Up to Help the Fight
Broward Health has expand-
ed its gynecology oncology
program at its flagship hospital Against Breast Cancer
Broward Health Medical
Center. The health system pri- Fine jewelry retailer will feature exclusive
oritized gynecology oncology “Partner in Pink” collection to benefit local charity
when considering its strategic
“When we evaluated our Diamonds Direct of Boca Raton is pleased to announce a partnership with the Boca
cancer data registry, it was evi- Raton Regional Hospital Foundation, who is committed to the community – in sick-
dent that we were seeing ness and in health. Proceeds from the partnership will directly benefit their Go Pink
advanced gynecological can- Challenge, which helps raise awareness and funds for the purchase of technological
cers upon diagnosis,” said Dr. Brian Slomovitz Dr. Scott E. Jordan advancements that are vitally necessary for the early diagnosis of breast cancer.
Heather Havericak, CEO of The community is invited to show their support through Monday, March 1 and
Broward Heath Medical Center. shop Diamonds Direct’s exclusive Partner in Pink Collection and 10% of the proceeds
“It was our mission to have experienced 3057/Seattle Genetics (SeaGen) trials will be donated to the Go Pink Challenge. Available to shop in-store, (located right
providers available to triage and screen that will introduce novel immunothera- behind the Town Center Mall at 21078 St. Andrews Blvd) the collection features spe-
these patients, offer cutting-edge clinical pies to women suffering from endometri- cialty Simon G. pieces that incorporate charming rose gold pendants and rings
trials and to have minimally invasive sur- al and cervical cancer. The first two trials accented with pink gemstones and diamonds, an eye-catching ring with a striking
gery options for treatment.” focus on female participants with 10.27 carat rubellite, an elegant ring featuring 3.73 carats of rubies and much more.
One of the first steps in building the endometrial cancer while the third trial “Having a new Go Pink Challenge partnership with Diamonds Direct presents a
program was the recruitment of gyneco- is on recurrent and metastatic cervical wonderful opportunity for Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Their support will allow us
logic oncologists Brian Slomovitz, M.D., cancer. to further our mission in the fight against breast cancer. Community support is so
and Scott E. Jordan, M.D., who both Dr. Jordan specializes in cervical can- vital to the Hospital, as well as the Eugene M. & Christine E. Lynn Cancer Institute
started within the past year. The newly cer and in robotic and laparoscopic min- and Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute,” said Mark Larkin,
established practice for Dr. Slomovitz imally invasive surgery. He has been CFRE, President, Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation. “Proceeds from the Go
and Dr. Jordan is located adjacent to the practicing medicine since 2012. Pink Challenge are used to purchase state-of-the-art technology to provide the most
Lillian S. Wells Women’s Health Center “As we build our program, we look advanced care for our patients. In addition, the Challenge has enabled us to imple-
at Broward Health Medical Center. Dr. forward to providing our patients with ment important programs and services to aid our patients diagnosed with cancer.”
Slomovitz has more than 18 years in the best, most compassionate care possi- According to the American Cancer Society’s statistics, one in eight women will be
practice and specializes in endometrial, ble,” said Dr. Jordan. “Once a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. The Go Pink Challenge is a com-
ovarian, and robotic surgery for gyneco- diagnosed with cancer, we plan for treat- munity-based initiative to raise funds and awareness in the fight against breast cancer
logic oncology and complex gynecology. ment alongside the patient – whether to purchase important technology that will allow them to provide the most advanced
“There is a tremendous need for that is surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, care for their patients.
enhancing gynecologic oncology care immunotherapy or a combination. We “Our team is thrilled to participate in the Go Pink Challenge to raise funds, aware-
and providing advanced care options for utilize genetic testing and molecular ness and promote women’s health education for early detection,” said Diamonds
our patients in Broward County,” said Dr. tumor testing to personalize treatment Direct Boca Raton Vice President Ayelet Gilady. “Part of the Diamonds Direct
Slomovitz. “In addition to offering quali- plans.” Difference is our commitment to give back to our local community and we are excited
ty clinical care, we are further committed All these latest treatments are available to start this everlasting partnership with the Boca Raton Regional Hospital
to our patients by providing clinical tri- close to home. Whether it’s screenings Foundation to help make an impact in our own neighborhood.”
als featuring immunotherapy and target- for gynecological cancers, chemotherapy The Boca Raton team features master jewelers, diamond experts and GIA Graduate
ed therapies. Some of these trials are very treatments at the infusion center or pro- Gemologists who will gladly provide an extensive diamond education to every guest,
competitive to have and Broward Health viding minimally invasive surgery for equipping them with the tools and resources necessary to select the right diamond.
is the only site in Florida to have these our patients at the Robotic Surgery Diamonds Direct is following all state and local mandates regarding public health
available.” Center of Excellence at Broward Health and safety to ensure the health and well-being of their customers and employees.
As a lead investigator nationally and Medical Center, it’s all available in one
internationally, Dr. Slomovitz is working convenient location. For more information, please visit
in coordination with the Research “We offer a well-rounded approach or call 561-414-2091.
Institute at Broward Health to make that includes genetics, cutting edge clin-
these trials available to Broward Health ical trials and minimal invasive surgical
patients. There are three clinical studies approaches,” said Havericak. “As we
that opened in January 2021, including look into 2021 and beyond we want to Visit us on the web at
the GOG 3041/AstraZeneca, be the destination for gynecological can-
MK7902/Merck, and the GOG cer and treatment.”
South Florida Hospital News February 2021 13