Page 8 - SFHN Feb 2021
P. 8

A Message from the Broward
                         VITAS® Healthcare                                                 County Medical Association

                    Opens Temporary 8-Bed                                                President, Abram Berens, MD

                      Inpatient Hospice Unit
                                                                                   It is a great honor and                         COVID-19. Who could
            at Broward Health Coral Springs                                      privilege to be named                           have imagined a pandemic
                                                                                 President of an organization                    of this magnitude that
              While construction continues on VITAS Healthcare’s 12-bed inpatient   that is committed to help-                   would not only threaten the
            hospice unit (IPU) at Broward Health Coral Springs, a temporary eight-bed   ing the medical profession               health of our patients but
            IPU at the hospital is now providing high-acuity care to local patients and   and the patients we serve.             place our physicians and
            their families.                                                        Challenging times remain                      nurses in danger and crip-
              “The availability of these eight IPU beds helps ease the concerns of hos-  for the health care system              ple our economy?
            pice patients and their families and relieves some of the burden on hospital   and as President, I pledge to           However, that is what we
            staff and rooms, while providing the high level of compassionate care that   serve as a strong voice and             are facing, and that is what
            VITAS is known for,” said George M. Tokesky, general manager for VITAS   dedicated advocate for                      we must address. We must
            in Broward County. “Using our one-touch VITAS mobile referral app, physi-  patients and physicians on   BY DR. ABRAM   continue to advocate for
            cians and staff have a simplified process to refer and transition patients   the pressing health care   BERENS       safe vaccines and treatment,
            seamlessly into comfort care.”                                       issues confronting our                          adequate supplies of per-
              Inpatient hospice care is 24/7 care by an interdisciplinary hospice team   county and nation.                      sonal protective equipment,
            for patients whose symptoms can no longer be managed at home or in their   I am excited to embrace this opportu-  appropriate facilities and medical equip-
            preferred care setting, such as a nursing home or assisted living community.   nity to help advance the BCMA’s work to   ment and adequate support staff.
            The two-phase VITAS project includes eight inpatient beds now available on   shape the future of medicine and   We must work with public health offi-
            the third floor of the 250-bed hospital while a permanent 12-bed IPU is   improve patient care.           cials to pursue policies that reduce the
            under construction.                                                    I am driven to support the mission of   frequency and severity of disease while at
              “Broward Health Coral Springs’ collaboration with VITAS offers conven-  the Broward County Medical Association   the same time allow for an orderly and
            ient access to high-quality hospice care within our hospital,” said Jared M.   by focusing on the future of medicine.   safe conduct of business and education.
            Smith, CEO for Broward Health Coral Springs. “This service strengthens   Colleagues and friends, we find our-  This may be one of our most difficult
            our ability to provide compassionate end-of-life care to our patients and   selves in an unusually complex and diffi-  challenges, because medical ethics rest
            their families.”                                                     cult healthcare environment. All physi-  squarely on our shoulders. We cannot
              VITAS has provided hospice care in Broward County since 1980 in    cians are faced with ethical and clinical   delegate it or relegate it to others. The
            patients’ homes, their preferred care settings or inpatient units. Clinicians   challenges, protecting our profession,   ultimate decision on what our profession
            and care teams are available 24/7 to provide care and answer questions.   and assuring quality care for patients. If   stands for is ours alone to make.
                                                                                 this were not enough, it is even more dif-  One final area that needs our contin-
                                                                                 ficult due to the Coronavirus pandemic.   ued attention is our primary role as
                For information on hospice eligibility or to refer patients, contact VITAS 24/7
                                                                                   It is in times like these that our fellow   physicians as the ultimate decision mak-
                                 at 800-93-VITAS, visit or download
                                                                                 physicians and our patients need our   ers in delivering high-quality, medical
                                            the VITAS mobile app at
                                                                                 leadership more than ever. We need   care for all.
                                                                                 strong physician organizations at every   I look forward to working on your
                                                                                 level.                               behalf during my term as president. Our
                                                                                   We need strong leaders. But more than   leadership will never give up in efforts to
                                                                                 that, we each must be committed to the   advance our policies and achieve our
             “MY DOC OR                    ... MY HHOME               ...        team. To serve humanity by endeavoring   common goals.
                                                                                 to achieve the highest standards in

                                                                                                                            Dr. Abram “Abby” Berens, President,
                               E CE OF MIN .
                    MY PEA                               ND      ”               Medical Education, Medical Science,    Broward County Medical Association, can
                                                                                 Medical Art, and Medical Ethics.
                                                                                   Let me briefly touch on a few issues
                                                                                                                              be reached at (954) 916-1100 or
                                                                                 that I believe are the most important for    
                                                                                 the BMCA.
                                                                                                Visit us online at


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         8                         February 2021                                                                                                                       South Florida Hospital News
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