Page 4 - SFHN Feb 2021
P. 4

Updating or Investing

                                                                                            in Disability Policies Key to

                                                                                           Protecting Future Earnings

                                                                                     BY VANESSA ORR                             most difficult insurances to
                                                                                                                                get approved. “These poli-
                                                                                    While no one expects                        cies require extensive med-
                                                                                  to   become   disabled,                       ical underwriting along with
                                                                                  whether through illness                       financial  underwriting,”
                                                                                  or injury, it happens all                     Caldwell ex plained of the
                                                                                  too often, which is why                       need for a medical appoint-
                                                                                  it’s important for wage                       ment, phone interview, and
                                                                                  earners to carry disability                   two years of tax returns,
                                                                                  insurance. This is espe-                      among other obstacles.
                                                                                  cially true for medical                         “While a trip to the chiro-
                                                                                  professionals, who stand                      practor might seem benign,
                                                                                  to lose a substantial        Wes Caldwell     it could result with a full
                                                                                  amount of income as the                       back waiver on their cover-
                                                                                  result of a disability.                       age,” he added. “Coun seling
                                                                                    “Doctors, as a profession, are probably   for mental health issues can result in a
                                                                                  more aware of the need for disability   full-out decline.”
                                                                                  insurance than most other professions,   To this end, Danna-Gracey has negoti-
                Pediatric Specialists                                             so most have some level of coverage,”   ated programs with carriers to bypass
                                                                                  said Wes Caldwell, disability and bene-
                                                                                                                      these underwriting requirements and to
                          Now in Doral                                            fits specialist at Danna-Gracey, the   make it easier to obtain coverage.
                                                                                  largest independent medical malpractice
                                                                                                                      Caldwell also works with those who
                                                                                  insurance agency in Florida. “The prob-  already have coverage to make sure that
                                                                                  lem is that those who are making higher   when they have a claim, it is processed
                The most advanced pediatric                                       incomes are likely the most underin-  correctly to avoid payment delays.
                                                                                  sured professionals out there.”       “A lot of physicians avoid getting dis-
                specialty care is now in the heart of                               Just like individuals in other fields,   ability policies because they believe that
                Doral, just across from CityPlace.                                doctors may avoid getting this insurance   it will be difficult to get carriers to pay
                                                                                  or not carry enough insurance because   their claims,” he said. “For anything
                KIDZ Medical, a multispecialty
                                                                                  they don’t believe that they will become   else, like an auto accident, you can call
                pediatric practice, can provide                                   disabled. But the fact is, the chances of   someone to help you, but disability
                                                                                  becoming disabled during one's earning   doesn’t work that way. The carrier sends
                your children with state-of-the-art
                                                                                  years is about three times that of a pre-  a packet of forms that needs to be filled
                medical care and you, the parent, with peace of                   mature death.                       out, during a time when the disabled
                                                                                    “When you’re talking about a surgeon,   person is not at their best to address it.”
                mind. Our medical team can see your kids for cardiology,
                                                                                  it doesn’t take much to rob them of their   To date, Danna-Gracey’s clients have
                nephrology, gastroenterology, pulmonary medicine,                 ability to perform surgery; something   received more than $20 million in dis-
                travel medicine and much more.                                    like a hand injury, or being unable to   ability benefits.
                                                                                  stand for a long period of time, or a   For those who do have policies,
                                                                                  tremor pretty much takes them out of   Caldwell recommends reviewing cover-
                Medical Staff in Doral:                                           their specialty,” said Caldwell.    age amounts every three to four years,
                Abdulwahab Aldousany, MD - Pediatric Cardiology                     “Most of these doctors, especially sur-  especially as the individual begins to
                                                                                  geons, are living on all of their income;   earn more money. This is an especially
                Mariselis Rosa-Sanchez, MD - Pediatric Nephrology
                                                                                  they spend most of their money,” he   opportune time to review coverage, he
                Sheila Perez-Colon, MD - Pediatric Endocrinologist                added. “If they are unable to generate an   adds, citing COVID-19 concerns.
                                                                                  income, and only have 30 percent of   “With more and more healthcare pro-
                Kunjana Mavunda, MD - Pediatric Pulmonology &
                                                                                  their income covered, they may be able   fessionals dealing with issues as a result
                   Travel Medicine                                                to make it, but a lot of things will go   of COVID-19, it’s important to note that
                Mario Tano, MD - Pediatric Gastroenterology                       away.”                              disability policies have not excluded it as
                                                                                    Considering that a specialist might   a covered illness,” he said. “We are actu-
                Aymin Delgado-Borrego, MD - Pediatric Gastroenterology            earn more than $15 million over the   ally seeing more awareness of this type
                Neeraj Raghunath, MD - Pediatric Gastroenterology                 course of his or her career, it’s important   of insurance now because of the pan-
                                                                                  to protect those assets.            demic; doctors are being exposed to
                                                                                    “If you owned a $15 million office   something that could take them out,
                If you would like to discuss your child’s care, please
                                                                                  building, you wouldn’t insure just one   which is making it more of a reality for
                contact Isabel Viera Gonzalez, Office Manager.                     floor—you would insure the whole    them.”
                                                                                  thing,” said Caldwell. “For a 45-year-old   Along with financial security, disabili-
                                                                                  physician making $750,000 a year who   ty insurance can also provide peace of
                                                                                  plans to work until age 65, it’s the same
                   K K             I I                    Z Z                     thing.”                             ity coverage allows one to focus on
                                                                                                                        “Having the proper amount of disabil-
                                                                                    He added that many doctors are not
                                                                                  aware that, regardless of the level of
                                                                                                                      recovery from the illness or injury that
                                                                                  income, disability insurance can cover
                                                                                                                      took them out of practice," said
                                                                                  close to 100 percent of net income due
                                                                                  to the tax treatment of disability bene-

                                                                                  fits.                               Caldwell.
                                                                                                                             For more information, contact Wes
                                                                                    He adds that one challenge for physi-    Caldwell at
                                                                                  cians is finding the time to obtain the
                                                                                                                                          or (888) 284-4198
                            Medical                                               coverage because disability is one of          or visit

                    Providing care to infants, children
                            and moms since 1988                                               E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to

             3785 NW 82nd Ave, Suite 307, Doral, FL 33166, 305-556-4263

         4                         February 2021                                                                                                                       South Florida Hospital News
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