Page 7 - SFHN Feb 2021
P. 7

Let’s Connect:                                                               Can an Employer Make COVID

          ACHE of South Florida                                                               Vaccination Mandatory?

                                                                                     The short answer is Yes, an employer can likely
          Spotlight                                                                mandate COVID-19 vaccination from its employees.
                                                                                     Here is the logical and legal basis for that conclu-
                                                                                     Florida Statute Chapter 381 on Public Health
                            ACHE Spotlight:                                        makes it possible for the government and the commu-
                                                                                   nity at large to tackle highly communicable diseases,
                Francis Afram-Gyening, CEO,                                        such as AIDS, etc. Being that COVID-19 is: (i) a high-
                                                                                   ly communicable disease that readily transmits from
                                                                                   one person to another without physical contact, just
                    Camillus Health Concern                                        based on proximity alone, and (ii) if transmitted, it
                                                                                   can have a highly detrimental and a severe impact on
                                                                                   those afflicted by it; thus requiring all employees to   BY BEN ASSAD MIRZA,
            BY VANESSA ORR                                ‘How can I scale that                                                      ESQ., LLM, CPA,
                                                          up?’” he said. “As a     be vaccinated is not only a logical but a likely conclu-  MPHA, CHC
          When Francis Afram-                             result of lessons learned   sion.
        Gyening became the new                            through ACHE, I was        However, there will be exceptions that have to be
        CEO of Camillus Health                            able to work with col-   taken into account: (i) medical or (ii) religious reasons. Some individuals may
        Concern in 2017, he had a                         leagues in Cleveland to   have a medical condition that keeps them from getting vaccinated, i.e. like those
        lot of big goals in mind. And                     build a 30,000 sq. ft.   with autoimmune deficiencies or another conflicting ailment. Some individuals
        not only has he succeeded                         facility in the most     may have a religious belief to not be injected with the chemical composition of a
        in growing the Miami                              impoverished area of     vaccine into their body. In either event, if the exception is invoked by an employ-
        agency,  which   delivers                         Cleveland, and I used    ee, the onus will be upon the employer to make “reasonable accommodations” for
        healthcare to people experi-                      that motivation to seek   the person requesting it, i.e. remote work capabilities, reasonable shielding of the
        encing homelessness, but he                       $14 million in funding   individual, etc. There is actually a third level of resistance, which is not recog-
        has been able to ensure                           to provide medical, den-  nized under law, that is “fear”. I doubt there is much protection for that.
        financial stability while   Francis Afram-Gyening   tal, behavioral, health,   It will be interesting how we emerge out of 2021 as a community and as a soci-
        expanding services—even                           and pharmacy services    ety. Stay tuned.
        during the COVID-19 crisis.                       to area residents.”
          “Under the guidance of the board, we   Afram-Gyening joined ACHE in 2001      If you have a unique scenario, send an email to Ben Assad Mirza, Healthcare Law
        have been able to accomplish significant   and took a very active role, serving as                      Partners, LLC, at BAM@HealthcareAttorney.Net.
        milestones,” he said. “When I came on   vice-president and membership chair
        board, we had 26,000 patient visits a   before becoming president of the South
        year, and that is now up to almost   Florida chapter in 2007. In 2004, he was
        35,000,” he said “In 2017, we served   honored by the American College of                  Visit us on the web at
        approximately 4,400 people, which has   Healthcare Executives with its Early
        increased to 6,036.”                 Career Healthcare Executive Award.
          Despite the fact that during the pan-  “I joined ACHE because of the oppor-
        demic, many community health centers   tunities it gives to members; it opens
        closed sites and laid off staff, Camillus   doors,” he explained. “And you get to
        Health remained open and not only kept   learn from seasoned mentors who have
        all of its employees, but hired more.    been through what you’re going through,
          “We did not lay anyone off, or fur-  and who can prevent you from experi-
        lough anyone; in fact, we added 11 more   encing some of the pitfalls that you
        staff,” said Afram-Gyening.          might hit in your career.
          He noted that Camillus Health is also   “To be able to pair with a seasoned
        financially strong. “Out of our $10 mil-  mentor to get guidance and to help you
        lion budget, we were able to set aside   hone your talents helps you be confident
        $2.4 million in rainy day funds to keep   in whatever position you take,” he
        ourselves financially viable,” he said,   added.
        adding that the organization has also   He said that while the mentoring
        continued to raise funding from local   aspect was most important to him, there
        and national foundations, as well as the   are also the added advantages of the edu-
        federal government.                  cational programs, and being able to
          Camillus Health also added an addi-  attend the annual conference.
        tional site in Miami, partnering with a   “At the conference, you can learn
        Salvation Army shelter.              about the innovative things happening in
          “That way, the residents can receive   the healthcare industry, and that helps
        care right there, which reduces trans-  whether you work in a hospital or for a
        portation barriers and allows us to serve   community health center, or ambulatory
        more people,” said Afram-Gyening.    clinic,” he said.
          Realizing the need for dental services,   For individuals beginning a healthcare
        Camillus Health also expanded its dental   career, he suggests joining ACHE early.
        suite by hiring three part-time dentists   “Even while you’re in school, you should
        and one full-time hygienist. In 2020, the   join the College,” he said, adding that
        organization was accredited as a Patient-  there are student discounts, as well as
        Centered Medical Home (PCMH) by the   scholarships available to attend the con-
        National Committee for Quality Assur -  ference. “It will expose you to network-
        ance (NCQA).                         ing opportunities with leaders in the
          Afram-Gyening credits his success to   community, and you can learn from their
        thinking boldly; a talent that he feels was   experiences.”
        developed by the things he learned and   He also encourages current members
        the advice he received as a member of the   to pursue the fellowship path. “The fel-
        American College of Healthcare Exec -  lowship designation establishes your
        utives (ACHE).                       competence, and showcases your ability
          “What I learned in ACHE helped me to   to think broadly when you take on a
        come up with bigger, bolder, hairy, auda-  project,” he said. “It demonstrates your
        cious goals; with everything I do I think,   knowledge to your colleagues.”

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