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                  Nooks, Crannies, Crevices & Coronavirus: Infection Control in EDs

          With infected patients                         keeping   our   clients  them to promote health and well-    ures in hospital spaces, patient, staff and
        seeking emergency care at                        informed about the latest   being—especially in public-facing spaces   family safety, along with the management
        hospitals due to the global                      to hit the market—espe-  such as reception and waiting areas. If we   of HAIs, has always been at the forefront
        COVID-19 outbreak, now                           cially products that facili-  want to dress up an area using wall cov-  of Gresham Smith’s healthcare design
        more than ever, rigorous                         tate long-term infection   erings, for example, we first determine   practices.
        infection control measures                       control.                 their “disinfectability” and that they are   And whether it be an emergency
        need to be incorporated into                       One such product is a   bleach-cleanable, which not only helps   department, a hospital or a medical office
        high-risk clinical areas such                    Clean Corner System by   us meet the guidelines needed for infec-  building, every project represents an
        as emergency departments.                        Gerflor USA that deliv-  tion control but also minimizes an insti-  opportunity for us to think ahead in
          At Gresham Smith, we spe-                      ers—just as it indicates—  tutional feeling in the space.    terms of infection control and how each
        cialize in healthcare design,                    a clean floor at all angles,                                 end-user is ultimately going to utilize a
        including hospital emer-                         even in hard-to-reach    A Solid Solution: Countertops       space—especially in the future in terms
        gency departments and free-  BY MARIA SANCHEZ,   internal corners, provid-  High-touch surfaces such as counter-  of growth.
        standing emergency depart-     NCIDQ, IIDA,      ing excellent hygiene and   tops are an ideal site for cross-contami-  With the advent of COVID-19, I can
        ments. In this post, I explore   LEED AP         making it another good   nation. That is why we typically specify   foresee a day when health systems will
        how our interior designers                       choice for ED applica-   solid surface or quartz countertops in   apply the infection control standards of
        approach infection control in                    tions.                   EDs, as they are devoid of the pores and   an ED to a less critical facility such as a
        EDs, highlighting some best practices for   As ED corridors are heavily trafficked   seams commonly found in surfaces such   medical office building. These standards
        the incorporation of surface finishes—a   and subject to extensive wear and tear,   as plastic laminate. In fact, studies have   may even transcend the healthcare set-
        key design feature that minimizes the   we typically recommend a homogeneous   shown that the coronavirus can live on   ting and cross over to places such as
        transmission of infection, creating a safer   sheet vinyl floor surface because of its   plastic laminate countertops for up to 36   schools, shopping malls and restaurants,
        physical environment for patients, family   durability and ability to wear evenly.   hours.                   as we look for ways to keep our popula-
        members and clinical staff alike.    Made of a single layer, this no-wax    Simply put, solid surface and quartz   tions safe during the greatest healthcare
          The interior design of a healthcare   option is easy to install, stain-resistant,   are more hygienic, although they can   challenge in more than 100 years.
        facility can greatly influence the trans-  and holds up well against the harsh   come with a higher price tag than other   And it’s not too much of a stretch to
        mission of healthcare-associated infec-  chemicals necessary to kill pathogens   surfaces of a more permeable nature.   think that the lessons we’ve learned as
        tions (HAIs), with any nooks, crannies   without significant corrosion. And that   However, clients are budgeting for infec-  healthcare designers may serve us well in
        or crevices serving as potential reservoirs   all equals a longer shelf-life and less   tion control a lot more these days.    terms of hope, as the world navigates
        for bacterial growth and viruses like   maintenance for staff.                                                uncharted territory in search of solu-
        COVID-19, making it difficult for staff to   It’s important to note that although   Crossing the Finish Line   tions.
        disinfect these hidden places.       sheet vinyl flooring has fewer seams, it   Although the coronavirus pandemic
          For this reason, floor finishes, which   typically has a seam every 78 inches.   has highlighted the need for amped-up   Maria Sanchez is an interior designer in
        are likely to come into direct contact   Therefore, we make sure each seam is   infection prevention and control meas-  Gresham Smith’s Miami Healthcare studio.
        with bloodborne patho gens or other   heat-welded so it becomes flush with the
        body fluids, are a part of an emergency   flooring and prevents mold and bacteria
        department’s overall infection control   from growing within the seams.
        risk management strategy. Therefore,
        floors in resuscitation rooms and treat-  Durability and Resilience:
        ment bays should be surfaced with    Wall Surfaces
        resilient, smooth and impervious materi-  We are also extremely mindful of the
        als that are corrosion-resistant and easy   wall treatments that we include in EDs.
        to clean.                            For example, incorporating impact wall
          To eliminate the seam where the floor-  protection is an important design appli-
        ing meets the wall—a hot spot where   cation in high-traffic areas such as emer-
        hazardous bacteria and mold often    gency department treatment bays, as
        lurk—we typically recommend that our   carts and equipment coming in and out
        clients incorporate an integral cove base   of the space often bump and nick into
        system into the design. Waterproof and   the walls.
        antifungal, integral cove bases eliminate   Without this type of protection, bacte-
        the 90-degree angle between the floor   ria can hide in any damaged areas.
        and the wall, promoting a sterile envi-  Nonporous in nature, impact wall pro-
        ronment while facilitating ease of main-  tection is durable, resilient and water-
        tenance for staff.                   resistant, making it easier to clean and
          In response to the coronavirus pan-  less susceptible to pathogen contamina-
        demic and the need for heightened infec-  tion.
        tion control, new products are being   Of course, materials used in an ED also
        developed for hospital spaces, and we’re   need to have an aesthetic that allows

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