Page 15 - Cannabis News Florida Dec 2020
P. 15


                                                                                        Marcus Neuroscience Institute
                  Miller Construction Begins
                                                                                                 Completes Advanced
                          Miami Lighthouse
                                                                                           Neuro-interventional Suite
                     for the Blind Expansion
                                                                                   Marcus Neuroscience Institute’s new
                                                                                 advanced neuro-interventional suite fea-
               Miller Construction has launched the 30,000-square-foot expansion   tures state-of-the-art technology to pro-
             of Miami Lighthouse for the Blind’s Lighthouse Learning Center for   vide minimally invasive treatments, where
             Children™, which will create a five-story adjoining center to the exist-  patients will benefit from speedier, more
             ing campus.                                                         precise care when facing vascular and neu-
               The new Learning Center will include 8,595 square feet of classroom   rological conditions such as stroke and
             and office space, plus two levels of covered parking. Expanding Miami   brain aneurysms.
             Lighthouse’s building footprint to encompass the organization’s entire   The new suite is part of an ongoing
             1.39-acre site, the project draws on Miller Construction’s expertise to   expansion of Marcus Neuroscience
             complete the expansion while keeping existing facilities operational   Institute, located at Boca Raton Regional
             during the 11-month build.                                          Hospital, part of Baptist Health South
               New construction will connect on each of four stories with an exist-  Florida. The hospital is the first in the nation to feature both the highly sophisticated
             ing parking and classroom structure that was completed in 2018.     Siemens ARTIS Icono Biplane imaging equipment and Corindus CorPath GRX
             Multiple challenges range from precisely matching floor elevations, to   Robotic surgical system in one place.
             tying into the existing storm drainage system and ensuring new build-  The Siemens ARTIS Icono Biplane is a complex and sophisticated imaging system
             ing finishes match. At the fourth floor, for example, Miller will demol-  that offers physician’s views of the brain on two different planes, which can be adjust-
             ish a portion of existing exterior wall and connect the buildings at a   ed as needed. The system has a very wide range of potential positions and can switch
             storage room location.                                              effortlessly between 2D and 3D imaging. It offers faster, more precise cone beam CT
               The project plans also include design features that align with Miami   images, even in challenging areas like the skull base. In stroke diagnosis, the system’s
             Lighthouse’s mission of serving the visually impaired of all ages,   more advanced imaging saves time, helps physicians visualize collateral vessels and
             Sudduth noted. All signage and elevators will incorporate Braille. Three   supports sounder treatment decisions before performing life-saving procedures. The
             stair towers leading to specific locations will help students exit the   system is also a key tool for brain aneurysm treatment and other conditions that
             building safely, and the build includes a playground and green space   require intricate device placement and excellent image quality.
             where students can learn orientation and mobility skills and play in a   The Corindus CorPath GRX Robotic System, meanwhile, allows physicians to per-
             safe environment.
                                                                                 form incredibly complex vascular procedures, enabling millimeter by millimeter
                                                                                 movement through a patient’s arteries in minimally invasive procedures. Seated in a
                                                                                 radiation-protected cockpit, physicians use joystick controls to robotically advance
                                                                                 catheters, balloons and stents to clear blockages and restore blood flow.

         22                       December 2020                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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